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[edit] Who Is He?

Retrotastic photo from over a decade ago, presumed to have gained 200lbs since.
Retrotastic photo from over a decade ago, presumed to have gained 200lbs since.

A so called 'artist' on DevianTART with multiple levels of fail due to his gross obsession with Sonic the Hedgehog as well as a very unhealthy misunderstanding of Christianity and the bible. Despite possibly being a furry, this devianTARTlet despises gays and anything related to them. Just another one of OVER NINE THOUSAND hypocritical Christans!

As with most artists with a juvenile mindset like his (despite the fact he's 25 years old, supposedly), he also can't draw for squat, as many of his 'artwork' consists of badly done recreations of Sonic characters done in Crayola crayons or anime characters engaging in "some kissy time" . It is currently unknown if he is an apprentice of the infamous Chasethehedgehog who has serious skillz (which, you don't, but you wish you did), though affiliations with Sonicrocksmysocks are strongly suggested as they share membership of the same 'anti-gay' club on deviantart.

Dboy is the kind of Mormon who turns up at your door, 9am Sunday, Bible in hand, then asks if he can use your toilet and leaves shit marks on the bowl. The lowest form of individual, it should be noted, like most people who don't follow evolution he himself is somewhat unevolved.

Its has also been said that he is a PROPHET sent by GOD himself to clense devianTART of Trolls and "Cyber-Bullies". He is sometimes known as, St. Danny Wheeler, because of his so-called deep belief in the Bible, how he rants on about how GREAT God is, draws Angels and says humans are copyrighted to God. One of the many miracles DBoy can do is to talk to the characters he draws on paper who they too speaks like a Bible Humping Faggots. Dboy is known for the creation of what I call The GayFuel Fairy, which tells that he may not be as Homophobic as he says. To back this up, this he say "You go, girl!" in one of his holy conversations with his pictures.

Proof that St. Danny Wheeler could possibly be GAY.
Proof that St. Danny Wheeler could possibly be GAY.

[edit] Why All Gays Are Going to Hell as Paraphrased from the Bible

A mass note sent out to a number of other deviantart members who criticized a poorly done drawing with homophobic meaning both in the drawing itself as well as the description. Image located here or here, just in case he decides to delete it.

Professor Fact Cat knows just as much if not more than DBoyWheeler!
Professor Fact Cat knows just as much if not more than DBoyWheeler!

Okay, wisenheimers!

You want your evidence that homosexuality is wrong? My friends and I did our research!

~Timothius said the following:

I did some research and I hope this helps your argument

Alright. *cracks knuckles* First of all, saying that men can not have men BUT women CAN have women is silly. We all know and understand men were important in biblical times. But the term man or men ALSO referred to women many times. Nevertheless... here are some scriptures.

This first one specifically mentioned women being "degraded" by trading what is natural for what is unnatural

Romans 1:26-27 26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,

What DBoyWheeler does in his spare time
What DBoyWheeler does in his spare time

27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

Next one here is where Jesus himself, even though he is addressing divorce and not homosexuality, is also explaining what a family IS!:

Matthew 19:3-6 3Some Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and asking, "(D)Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?"

4And He answered and said, "Have you not read (E)that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE,


6"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."

Lastly, here is a spot that describes homosexuals as a whole being uncool with God

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,

10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

(Note: By effeminate, they mean male prostitutes. They DON'T mean guys who happen to not like sports or be gentel or whatnot.)

I hope this was all useful to ya. If you want me to, I'll comment. But right now, I'm outta time and going to bed. Godspeed!

Love, -Tim

Also, my friend ~tiff15 has this to add.

  • sigh* Manka, when will these creeps just give up? I wont get in this one, since I have enough on my plate as it is, but you can tell him I said this

look this up, dumbass

Freedom Of speech.

it should be in the constitution somewhere.

["Manka" is a fictional expletive she made up.]

At any rate, because of you, I'm now turning OFF the comments for my pic. Thanks for nothing!

[edit] Reception

The Pope doesn't like it when people try to sound smart using a collection of fictional stories
The Pope doesn't like it when people try to sound smart using a collection of fictional stories

In regards to long note above...

Little does DBoyWheeler know, quoting the Bible to make yourself sound smart does not work. If anything, it should known that not everyone believes in god as well as the fact that the Bible does not connect to present world culture. Thus, wasting probably a half hour or so of his life. On the other hand, it's funny that he's willing to resort to a fictional story to get his point across only to see it fail.

In result, deviantart admin realitysquared has granted DBoyWheeler a smack of the banhammer for spamming with a Bible.

[edit] Internet Tough Guy?

DBoyWheeler with his fellow bible humping bruthas
DBoyWheeler with his fellow bible humping bruthas

Thanks to a snarker from deviantartsnark, we come to the conclusion that DBoyWheeler is your typical internet tough guy. Yeah, we all figured he'd be shitting himself over that ban he got for being a complete and total bible humper, but apparently he means serious fucking business. Copypasta from the LJ entry itself.

[edit] A Tale of Love Unrequited

As mentioned before with DboyWheeler at the top of this page, he is currently affiliated with the 17 year old Sonicrocksmysocks, despite the fact that he himself is 26 years old, making her around 9 years his junior. This wouldn't be such a bad thing if it weren't for the fact that he was obsessively in love with her.

Evidence of these claims can be found easily both on DBoyWheeler's deviantArt page as well as Sonicrocksmysocks as he constantly makes shitty gift-art for her, some of which contains her OC in sailor scout uniform and even a support stamp. He also seems to have confessed his love for the young girl on her userpage, as one of his comments is suspiciously hidden with another coming right after it apologizing for something and saying he 'needed to get some things off his chest'. Opting to not be a dumbass, Sonicrocksmysocks has so far opted to not respond to the comments directly, favorite any of the 'gifts', or even list DBoy on her list of friends, probably in a quietly futile effort to try and stay the hell away from him.

Anonymous cautions Sonicrocksmysocks to tell this creep to GTFO, because people like this don't catch a hint.

[edit] Examples of Crap that Should Not Exist

[edit] so i herd u liek PilgrimJohn

One fine morning on devianTART, a young man by the name of ChadamWhat, was drunk. So drunk, that he went to GAIA ONLINE, and a girl (possibly a fellow /b/tard or EDiot) asked him to draw a picture depicting a homosexual act between DBoyWheeler and PilgrimJohn. So, being the drunk hero he was, he did so, and had no idea what the hell he was doing, apparantly. The picture can be seen here, or below if it gets deleted: http://www.deviantart.com/violation/58780827/

After creating an account, and uploading the picture, ChadamWhat decided to post a link on each of the Bible Humpers pages locating to the picture, causing much lulz. DBoyWheeler was the first to find and bitch about it, saying he was tormented in high school because a lot of people thought he was actually GAY IN HIGH SCHOOL (GEE I WONDER WHY) and considered this harassment. ChadamWhat claimed he didn't even know the guy and had nothing agianst him, and just put it up for the girl on Gaia (he was still intoxicated at the time of the argument).

The fag reported ChadamWhat anyway, but nothing has been done to the CW yet (probably because the admins don't give a shit) besides the drawing being removed. The picture he drew and the "argument" between him and Wheeler can be seen below.

PhailureJohn has HAS YET to see and complain about the picture too. If he DOES though, we'll make sure to screencap it and put HIS part in his article. JESUS' NUMBER ONE FANBOY REPLIED! GO TO HIS ARTICLE!

[edit] Lulz in the Complaints Forum

On July 28, 2007, DBoyWheeler demonstrated once again how much of an Internet Tough Guy he is, posting the following in the devianTART Complaints Forum:

Man, it seems the trolls have come out to play.

I've had to remove some names from my block list because I believe they've given up (and due to the fact that they can only hold up to 20). But one person I've blocked, I've decided to do a little "investigating" (I won't give out names, but you know who you are). I found out that I'm not the only one he's been trash-talking... he's attacking others too. He even had the audacity to insult a person's tribute to the 9/11 tragedy, all because the artist's style. Big whoop if it looks like a kid drew it... the person was giving his/her condolences to the victims of the terror attacks! But NO... the jerk had to go and insult it.

Folks, we need to stamp out cyber-bullying. And admins, we love the abilities of hiding comments (I do it a lot--after two suspensions... I've finally decided to use them more often) and the block list (despite the limitations). But these two can only go so far. We need to get people to realize that trolls and cyber-bullies will NOT be tolerated.'

Of course, his sole posting was the source of many lulzy comments, to which DBoyWheeler answered in an amazingly mature way.

His full thread with all the lulz can be found here:

St. Danny Wheeler, failed to bring justice and rid the Trolls of devianTART. But as the Phophet he is, he taught many of Gods creation, especially Trolls that;

- Homosexuality is "FORBIDDEN BEHAVIOR".

- He DOES NOT want to be questioned if he dresses up like a Furfag, or else he'll report you to the GODS!

- Being a Phophet after Jesus-Christ, he thinks he has the power to summon the Admins of devianTART at will, to lock his Sacred Thread.

- He's a Weeaboo, who wishes to use the Death Note to smite all Trolls.

- Using "The Weakest Link" references MAY shatter the sprits of those who oppose you.

- It is WISE to use the Blocking list to rid your problems and is not an act of COWARDICE.

St. Danny Wheeler has spoken!
St. Danny Wheeler has spoken!

We look forward to more Lulzy lessons our Prophet may have in store for us to teach, later in the future!

[edit] God Speaks Out!

This song is about DBoyWheeler

He can't draw worth shit

He sits there in his office chair

Working twelve hour shifts

Another one of god's self-proclaimed paper boys

Who somehow doesn't fit in with the rest

Could it be you're jacking the one-eyed monster

To an anthropomorphic mess?

Bawwww! Fursecution

Oh no! Fursecution

Bawwww! Fursecution

Characters of saturday morning shows

Follow the book as fiercely as you

Fiction is Christian, hypocrisy is kosher

You've got dirt serving as your revenue

And if someone gives you a stab in the gut

You scramble to use your given powers

To stay blind as a bat, you god-fearing shit

Go take a fucking shower!

Bawwww! Fursecution

Oh no! Fursecution

Bawwww! Fursecution


Oh, sh--

That's right, ChadamWhat drew ANOTHER gay picture of DBoyWheeler and PilgrimJohn as "just tha cutest luvers evarrr". Though, not as completely lulzy as his last drawing, it's still pretty damn funny.

ChadamWhat got pissed that his other drawing was deleted by the man, so he made a counter-attack. Niether DBoyWheeler or PilgrimJohn have been notified of the new parody art but link it to them on their frontpages for great lulz or just to plain out piss them the fuck off.

The drawing can be found right here.

Unfortunately, this would be the LAST time ChadamWhat would do such beautiful art filled with respect because he has now been permabanned for doing it for the lulz. Our deepest regrets to his family.

[edit] External Links

[edit] See Also

Internet tough guy





is part of a series on DevianTART

Lordly Assfaces:

Former Lordly Assfaces:

BFD VS DADA dAmn ExploitDeviantWiki RaidThe Great Sonic-cide of 2007DogmonglerGuatamala DayThe Great DA Troll of 2007Nyu's Art Meme

Complaints ForumMusic ForumdevArtex-DeviantWikiThe Anti-ED-ClubTheFABNurseryThe League of Anti-Flamers

Related Faggotry:
Inflation artOekakiRecoloringTracing

Fucktards A-L:

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Cirrus | CSL1 | Dionyziz | Madmantyke | Malomeat | Shadowgamers

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