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  Archbishop Weakland's Chrism Mass Homily

At the Tuesday (March 26) Chrism Mass, Archbishop Rembert Weakland O.S.B. told representatives from diocesan parishes to “take comfort and be courageous” in the upcoming year by paying special attention to the Spirit in the liturgy and in our lives. He went on to say that the Spirit heals, liberates, comforts and delivers glad tidings; a Spirit that is handed over to the Church and to each one of us through Jesus.

The Mass of Chrism was celebrated March 26 at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. It is at the Chrism Mass that Archbishop Weakland consecrates the Holy Chrism and blesses the Oil of Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick. Chrism, a specially perfumed olive oil, is consecrated for use at the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and holy orders, as well as in the dedication of churches and altars.

Alluding to the recent sexual abuse with the church, Archbishop Weakland reminded the people to see the Spirit alive in others doing good deeds. “There are an enormous amount of good deeds being done by priests and everyone in this Church, and this cannot be denied us.” He reminded people again, to take comfort and be courageous when these good deeds are being done.

Archbishop Weakland invited those present to “take comfort and be courageous” in the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives and more specifically, when the oils are used, when good is being done, when reaching out to heal, and when feeling down or out of control. He invited the congregation not to be ashamed to say, “I have been anointed” and therefore have comfort and the courage through the Holy Spirit that carries through to many aspects of life.

To listen to Archbishop Weakland’s homily in its entirety, visit this link.

 Article created: 3/27/2002
   © Archdiocese of Milwaukee 2007