Harvard IIC

Science+Computing = Innovation


University of Louisville/ Kentucky Dataseam Initiative

Computer Grid Gives Head Start to Students, Cancer Patients


The Molecular Sciences Institute

Mac Supports Future Scientists



Prepare your students for their careers.

Prepare your students for their careers

Macs are used by the world’s leading scientific researchers. Many of today’s most innovative application programming is also being done on the Mac. That’s why students who learn on Macs will be well prepared for their professional life.

One system for science and real life

Whether you are analyzing protein structures or listening to your favorite songs on iTunes, the Mac delivers the power and flexibility to handle all your computing needs.

iLife '08

With tools like the award-winning iLife digital authoring suite and iWork media-rich productivity suite, you can create, edit, and share content to explore even more pathways to knowledge and learning.

Discover science on a Mac.

Discover science on a Mac

Macs are built for science. With the ability to run Mac OS X, Windows, UNIX, and Linux, the Mac is capable of running virtually any application and enabling you to focus on the science, not the technology.