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æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... having AIDS is a bannable offense on Wikipedia?
Early U.S. government advertisement for their new "AIDS" product line.
Early U.S. government advertisement for their new "AIDS" product line.
Africa giving AIDS to South America
Africa giving AIDS to South America
Despite their allure, spiders are chock full of AIDS
Despite their allure, spiders are chock full of AIDS
This shirt was cheaper than a subscription to Gaydar.com.
This shirt was cheaper than a subscription to Gaydar.com.

Anally Injected Death Sentence (AIDS)(a.k.a. Gay Cancer): Created by Morrissey, Ronald Reagan and God in the early 80s, to kill off Niggas and Fags. AIDS has claimed the lives of over 9000 people worldwide. AIDS is usually spread by buttsex, but sometimes straights get it through bad blood transfusions or a psychotic homo with a needle full of his tainted blood stabbing babies in the street. AIDS has been known to linger in pools. The best way to avoid getting AIDS is to cling tight to the Virginmobile. It is widely believed that AIDS was started when some French nigger made love to a monkey, though how he got laid by a human being afterwards to spread this disease among us is a mystery, though it was probably by force. As niggers breed even faster than rabbits on viagra, AIDS is nature's way of keeping the niggers of the world in check (they still reproduce faster than AIDS can kill them), who otherwise could eventually overthrow the noble white man.

Some known Facts:

  • Homosexuals hate AIDS because it makes their "lifestyle" look dirty, which it is anyway (and not because it is responsible for the death of a large number of them).
  • Ethiopians hate AIDS because Bob Geldolf won't leave them the fuck alone.
  • Number one cause of pool closures in the continental united states.
  • HIV does not exist
  • There is only AIDS
  • Everybody has AIDS
  • AIDS is the one and only cause for death
  • AIDS is usually measured in CCs(cubic centimeters)
  • The average person has 25ccs(milligrams for of AIDS, 30 for men, 20 for women
  • By law, you cannot control AIDS.
  • AIDS can be detected from space.
  • 7chan does not exist.
  • AIDS is an element that cannot be removed from any equation.
  • You cannot dilute, melt, boil, or sell AIDS Proven wrong, See:Brazil Where one can buy aids for 5 bucks on any street corner.
  • Blindness is actually hearing AIDS, found to be true by the Society of Elders.
  • You can divide AIDS by zero.
  • Everyone has Aids.
  • Aids can be defeated by quilting and red ribbons.
  • Jews hate AIDS because they are Jews.
  • Railroads are a well known cause of aids


Alt History

Besides being invented by Morrissey, there are many who theorize that AIDS started through intercourse with animals, such theories state one of two possibilities. First, a group of furries-addicts mistook monkeys for other furries and had bloody anal sex with them. Or, more likely, niggers could not tell the difference between themselves and gorillas that happened to be infected with AIDS. Who can blame them, amirite?


The most common ways to get AIDS is - buttsecks - by letting a fag get you up the ass and they forget to pull out (i.e. Anul Sex), or by sharing heroine with a homeless nigga who has a dirty needle.

When talking about people of African decent, the most common way of transmitting AIDS is by shoplifting products that have ink released sensors on them. When the Nigga attempts to remove the sensor, the ink is released on his skin, ergo transmitting the HIV to the nigga. Then the unknowing NUCKA goes and rapes otha people causing a spread and a dramatic raze in numbers. This is why over 90% of niggaz gots AIDS.

"Bad AIDS" vs "Good AIDS"

British news program Brass Eye brought us the definition of "Good AIDS" as getting it from a blood transfusion as opposed to "Bad AIDS" obtained by your boyfriend. "Good AIDS" is just another way of saying "Hey, I have AIDS, but the way I caught it is fucking BORING.

Perhaps the most overused and misused form of AIDS is the "Good AIDS", common amongst stupid people that either want attention, got butt-hurt and turned emo, or just didn't clean off the needle that their lover mercilessly shoved into their shithole during a awkward and confusing ass tattoo. All in all, "Good AIDS" is a dreary and shitty way to get pwned and die, and give a reason for others to tell you to "die from AIDS".

Cheering Up People with Aids

A brief history on AIDS.
A brief history on AIDS.

  • If life gives you AIDS, make LemonAIDS!!
  • If they whine that current antiretrovirals are too expensive, suggest they try "Dr Garlic's Yummy AIDS Salad" [1] -the latest, cheap and cheerful cure from South Africa. Ingredients include lemon, garlic, olive oil, potato and beets...and that spells delicious, with a capital a.i.D.s.
  • South Africa is at the forefront of AIDS-curing research and has invented "the shower" [2]. The (now ex) deputy president showered to stop getting the AIDS after rape and you can too!

AIDS being funny

Official logo for aforementioned product line.
Official logo for aforementioned product line.

Though tragic, AIDS can also be a good source of lulz. This is because there is nothing funnier than the pain and suffering of another human being. A good trick to play is to have sex with your girlfriend and then after the session is over casually tell her that you've got the AIDS. Pure comedy, folks.

AIDS is most hilarious when referred to by its original name, G.R.I.D.S.

It's also hilarious when it happens to those funny skinny brown men in that country with all the safaris and stuff.

To achieve even more lulz, go up to a person with AIDS and say "I've got a hilarious joke for you! What is the cure for AIDS?". They will most likely respond with "THERE'S A CURE FOR AIDS?!?!". You say "Of course not! It's a joke!"

To see a list of countries by who gets the most lulz from AIDS, go here [3]

The AIDS Song

AIDS has caused various quarantines

Super AIDS

Ad-Aware can now detect AIDS.
Ad-Aware can now detect AIDS.

Super AIDS is the young merciless spawn of AIDS and the great drug crystal methamphetamine. It was made up by Al Gore (like the internets) on an episode of South Park. It's reserved for people who really, really like gay buttsecks.

AIDS and Weight Loss

AIDS is an effective weight loss tool. Try new Peanut Butter AIDS!.


A popular birth control product that also protects against AIDS.
A popular birth control product that also protects against AIDS.
  • Breakdown89, a whore who once posted on 4chan, has teh AIDS.
  • Dani Faulk has AIDS IRL.
  • Although you can't get AIDS from sitting on a public toilet seat, you can get it by swimming in a public pool.
  • Eazy E got AIDS from Freddy Mercury.
  • Freddy Mercury got AIDs from your mom.
  • According to actress and Scientologist Jenna Elfman, "AIDS is a state of mind, not a disease.."
  • Live8 was pointless shit.
  • I gave AIDS to your sister, dude. Yeah, you should probably tell her about that.
  • Jews cause AIDS.
  • Zaardon has dedicated his life to closing public places (pools, libraries, staffrooms) in an attempt to stop AIDS.
  • AIDS loves to play FPS, it can often be seen pwning nubs
  • AIDS has resulted in the pool being closed.
  • Ted Haggard may have very well gotten AIDS and then given it to his wife, lol
  • New-age fighter jets often have a Defensive Aids System installed, which injects AIDS directly into the bloodstream of the nigger unfortunate enough to steal it.
  • AIDS has a Kill-Death Ratio of 23 million to 0.
  • Much like cancer is used by celebrities as an attention whoring device, niggers use AIDS to get noticed.
  • According to blogger Andrew Sullivan, AIDS can improve your sex life. You never have to worry about condoms again!

List of people with AIDS

Enjoying your AIDS

External Links

  • The good citizens of Alabama prevent more AIDS-pool incidents IRL.
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