/b/space Day

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So it began...
So it began...
halflife2! ZOMG! MUST SEE!
halflife2! ZOMG! MUST SEE!
she seemed like such a nice girl too...
she seemed like such a nice girl too...

/b/space Day was a lulz fest which occurred on November 21, 2006 when /b/ invaded Myspace, probably through the use of phishing techniques. A list of 40,000 myspace accounts were uploaded to the internets, originally on /b/ but which quickly spread throughout them, lulz ensued.

The events that set /b/space Day into motion are rumored to be as follows; Anonymous put keystroke recording software on a public computer at a school, which was widely used by the students and others to access Myspace. Over 40,000 (why 40,000 teenagers with Myspace would be using the same computer at school is never explained) valid e-mail addresses and passwords were collected by the keystroke logging software and the WHOLE list was posted by Anonymous on /b/. From there, the list rapidly spread all over the intarwebs and into the hands of trolls everywhere. Working together, the /b/tards and otherkin went on a R-R-RAMPAGE, invading Myspace with a flood of desu, tubgirl, lemonparty, and furry pr0n, as well as many attempts to ruin lives, relationships and status, thus generating massive amounts of lulzy-drama and possibly 40,000 attempts to be an hero. Many teenagers found bulletins from their friends over Myspace which seemed out of character, such as: 'HAY GUYZ I R@PE BABYS LOL'. Many found that they had new goatse backgrounds on their profiles and some where even beaten up the day afterwards at school for that racist comment that was left on the black quarterbacks profile. Thus is the power of /b/.

This was soon followed up by a second phishing attack, in which one /b/tard took one account, and managed to spread a phishing script to thousands more accounts through the efforts of /i/. More details here

[edit] The Release Packs, Saved For Future Generations

PROTIP: Its not like any of the passwords will still work so don't waste your time trying.

PROTIP:2 Okay i guess some of them DO still work. Lulz.

[edit] See Also

/b/space Day is part of a series on the *Chans

Important People: Anonymous - /b/tards - Ian - Internet Vigilante Group - Kirtaner - Moot - Nigras - W. T. Snacks - Symbion
The Chans: 2chan - 4chan - 5chan - 7chan - 8chan - 711chan - 12chan - 420chan - Fchan - Fapchan - Wakachan - not4chan - AnonIB - List of *chan boards - Wikichan - BBWChan
Popular Boards: /b/ - /i/ - /po/ - /s/ - /v/ - /x/
Attention Whores: Acky-chan-cray - Anonynurse - Anton - Aru - Balloonpoppop - Boochan - Chin-chan - Chris-chan - Cracky-chan - Drawbunny-chan - Gang of Four - Holy Grail - Line Trap - Loli-chan - Manatee-chan - Martini-chan - Mudkipchan - Nintendo-chan - Oldchan - Reverse trap chan - Stoner-chan - Trap-kun - Togi-chan - Up-Chan - V-Chan - Rat-Chan-Almost-Chan
Victims: Applemilk1988 - Chris Forcand - Douglas L Payne Jr - Drawball - Dylan Tnga - Ernest Peters - GoddessMine - Habbo Hotel - Hal Turner - Jake Brahm - Jarrad Willis - Linksys - Marbleman - Megachiropetra69 - NBC.com Forums - Poeticirony - Smugfag - StileNet - Trey Burba - Windeh - teenchatcenter.com - XxPrincessPunkxx
Mortal Enemies: Alex Wuori - Angyl - Anonymous Borg - CeLe - Fox News - GayDiamond - Lulznet - XyriX
Events: The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006 - 4chan fgt hat day - /b/-day - /b/space Day -Bring Back Snack Campaign - The Fox Hunt - The Great Chan Death of January 2007 - The Great Em/b/assy Security Leak of 2007 - The Great Re/b/oot - The Caturday Nap - ZonDay - The Chemo That Is Curing /b/ - Walmart Raid - brb, compromised - The Caturday Revival

/b/space Day
is part of a series on
epic events and groups
Epic Win

AFI IncidentAnonymous/b/'s Chemo/b/spaceBadfurDay VS. DeviantARTChan DeathdAmn ExploitDeviantART Policy ChangesDeviantWiki RaidFCTCGuatamala DayHabbo Raid 2006Habbo Raid 2007Internet Vigilante GroupLiveJournal Buyout 2005LiveJournal Buyout 2007LiveJournal StrikethroughLJ Abuse ConspiracyY!Gallery Bans AnthroYouTube Civil WarYouTube Street TeamYouTube VigilantesYouTube Yahweh Clan

Epic Fail

4chan's Death and RevivalAnti-Flagger AssociationAtheist Scum United/b/'s Cancer/b/-dayChildloveChristian Boy Love ForumConsole WarsEm/b/assy Security LeakFaux NewsGNAAInternet CelebritiesInternet ConservativesInternet LiberalsKewl Kids, TheLegion of NowayLJ AbuseNAMBLANo Cussing ClubPolitical CommunitiesRational Response SquadRe/b/ootSonic-cideWar is ArtYoung Tubers UnitedYouTube Furry WarYouTube NobodiesYouTube Super Fags

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