Ceiling Cat

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Beware, indeed.
Beware, indeed.
æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... Ceiling cat has seen the beggining of time, the bigbang and evolution are fake. God created the universe!!!! Did you know that???? Did you also know that jesus was a nigger??!!!?!?

Ceiling cat is known to teleport between houses and poke his head through holes in the ceiling to watch people masturbate.

If there's no hole in your ceiling, he'll make one. This is quite controversial as some are led to believe that Jews are trying to steal their ceilings, and then sell the material for profit. But, if Ceiling Cat does not approve of something, he is known to destroy entire planets with his jew killin eye lazers, which is why noone complains.

Ceiling Cat cannot be stopped. But he may be temporarily defeated.

Also, can be fun. Or not. [1]

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