Rick Santorum

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Senator Rick Santorum drinks santorum like a slurpee.
Senator Rick Santorum drinks santorum like a slurpee.

Santorum can refer to:

  1. The frothy mix of ejaculate and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. It may also include lube. But who uses lube?
  2. Any other composite miasma of unpleasantness metaphorically similar to said frothy mix.
  3. An ultra-conservative Senator who has since been thrown out of the United States Congress for being a fag.


[edit] Santorum The Lame Duck Senator

Santorum loves man-sex
Santorum loves man-sex

Rick Santorum was thrown out of congress in November of 2006, after allegedly fagging it up with Dick Cheney. He was an ultra-ghey Senator in the United States Congress. A Republican who gained notoriety for being like most other Americans - afraid of homosexuals, pedophiles, and furries. His commentary after a Supreme Court ruling on buttsex laws was the source of many lulz for liberals and made Dan Savage mad enough to equate his name to the end result of gay sex.

Rick also made the news of the weird by bringing his wife's miscarried fetus home from the hospital so his (living but presumably traumatised) child could hug it and kiss it and say goodbye. This is perhaps the most "how to make a serial killer" formula example of aberrantly fucked-up parenting since Joan adopted Christina.

When not being completely offensive Rick is just plain insane. A huge fanboy of Lord of the Rings, the Senator recently compared the war in Iraq to the battle for Middle Earth. [1]

[edit] Santorum The Substance

Santorum is defined as: The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. This definition was popularized by the American humorist and columnist Dan Savage, in 2003.

The root of the word Santorum is best described by a Stephen Hawking

Stephent Hawking, his smile says it all
Stephent Hawking, his smile says it all
I was intrigued by your recent revival of an old Latin term for the by now familiar frothy agglomeration. While "Santorum" is an excellent word, it is a sad reminder of the state of the English language when opaque latinate lexica eclipse our solid Germanic root stock. After all, there is nothing wrong with the fine old Anglo-Saxon "buttbutter," the rustic charm of which evokes the scents and sensibilities of a stolid British grammar school. As regards this particular trope, English is fairly typical of Western European languages; witness the German cognate, "Arschbutter," or the French "beurre anal." Spanish, however, is an interesting exception. The term "Alsaon," like so many Spanish words that have survived since the end of the Moorish occupation, is derived from a Maghrebi-Berber term, which is in turn a corruption of a Latin loan word, none other than "Santorum"!

[edit] Demonstration

Santorum, the substance
Santorum, the substance

[edit] What does santorum taste like?

People claimed santorum tastes like one or more of the following:

Image:Closet_icon.jpg Rick Santorum is part of a series on Gay Republicans who INSIST they are STRAIGHT!

Rick Santorum
is part of a series on
Homosexual Deviants
Dyke women Faggot men
Les Six - Lesbian bed death - Lesbian Break-Up - Lesbian invisibility - Two Degrees of Separation - Lesbian Quiz - Pegging - Scissoring - Lesbian pedophilia AIDS - Buttsecks - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Circle jerk - Cocksucking Rampage - Cowboy - Denmark - Fag - Faghag - Faggot icon - Gay boys - Ghey - Giant dildo of death - God hates fags - Hard Gay - Homosexual agenda - Johnnyr - John Edwards - Matthew Shepard - Bikerfox - NAMBLA - Santorum - Sodomy - Twinks - XY
Asexual - Bisexual - Fake Bisexual - Metrosexual - Transsexual
Females-to-males Males-to-females/Shemales
Chyna Aeverine Nieves - Boy Shakira - Chris Crocker - JDR - Jennifer Usher (Usenet Troll) - Kelly Martin - Peganthyrus - Rebecca - Sue Ann Robins (Usenet Troll) - Trap-kun
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