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Comment First of all, if you're apt to finding the best (or worst) of Zeriara's online foibles, SCREENCAP THE HELL OUT OF THAT SHIT. She is known to delete every trace of her online existence after realizing what an arrogant, blind dumbass she's made of herself with whatever she's just said.

æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... Zeriara prefers living from charity and whining like a drama whore than having a regular job?

Wow, am I so hardcore. And fat.
Wow, am I so hardcore. And fat.
No wonder she's retarded: she ate Goofy, can't you see?
No wonder she's retarded: she ate Goofy, can't you see?
Two lifetime smokers in line to see Ellen DeGeneres.
Two lifetime smokers in line to see Ellen DeGeneres.

Known in real life as Holly Suzanne Massey (and sometimes referred to as Holly Massive by certain loving fans), she tacked 'Ramirez' on the end to be HARDCORE like Twiggy Ramirez (from the band Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids) or possibly the actual infamous murderer. Either way, she started her artistic career with hints of things to come: idea theft. These days, however, she insists that she is gender fluid, and prefers to go by Jimmy-Ray, a name her father supposedly 'wanted to give her'. If there is any justice left in the world, you will refuse to call her anything but Holly over and over and over again.


[edit] Her, um... "art"?

Obviously blessed with the power of creativity.
Obviously blessed with the power of creativity.

She does not tolerate any criticism of her art, constructive or otherwise. She's prone to taking down her entire online galleries after someone critiques her work, which is characterized by flat flood-tool coloring, shaky linework, and impossible anatomy which she usually excuses by claiming it's her "style" (or, better yet, by posting 'references' showing how her character's ears are connected to its head via a complicated system of wires, duct tape, and bungee cords). Oddly, the only thing she's really competent at drawing is the cock. Strange for a "lesbian."

If anyone who doesn't draw particularly well (or at all) tries to critique her "art," they'll be openly mocked, Zeriara often saying they "can't draw their way out of a wet paper bag" anyway, and have no right to critique her. Which is a lot like saying someone can't think a movie sucks ass without first directing one themselves. This leads to the conclusion that Zeriara and Branca share the very same thoughts about art and stupid Mary-Sueism.


[edit] Just a lil' crazy...

Aww, what will she use as an excuse next time? Aspergers?
Aww, what will she use as an excuse next time? Aspergers?
Behind all the flaming gaiety, and angst and furry pr0n is really just a lonely, sad little blond girl in a dress whose favorite pastime is rambling in the internets like the loser she is and living from charity instead of getting a job.
Behind all the flaming gaiety, and angst and furry pr0n is really just a lonely, sad little blond girl in a dress whose favorite pastime is rambling in the internets like the loser she is and living from charity instead of getting a job.
Zer's most known and favorite hobby is being a lying bastard.
Zer's most known and favorite hobby is being a lying bastard.

Zeriara now seems to be embracing her completely broken mentality thanks to internet psychology and insists on posting the diagnostic symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder anywhere she's able. This is not a new idea. This ED article at one time pointed out the facts that Zer is batshit crazy and shows nearly all the symptoms, and though it's been long deleted, it seems she's finally taken the hint. Other people have discussed Zer's strange behavior as well, and its connections to the disease. It's easy to use the whole "Antisocial Personality Disorder" shit as a lame excuse for her brutal behavior.

And, instead of getting help, Zer will probably continue using this as a way to hide behind it, like the chickenshit she is. And then there's the fact that many serial killers are suspected or known to suffer from this disease, such as Ted Bundy, Dahmer, and John Wayne Gacy. Once again, it all boils down to being as edgy xtreme as possible.

Just as she ghosts as other users on NeoArt, she has created imaginary friends and relatives in the past, duping many people into believing they were real.

She has a very bad habit of stalking former friends, enemies and love interests.

[edit] Commissions

What's sad is that people are actually paying her all that money.
What's sad is that people are actually paying her all that money.
Zer forgets who commissions her all the time... unless they've already paid.
Zer forgets who commissions her all the time... unless they've already paid.

Zeriara will sometimes -- okay, always -- whore herself out for cash, usually in the form of icons (usually done digitally) to which she charges the strikingly high price of $10 dollars per 100x100 icon. Basically, that's a dime per pixel. The saddest part about this? The icons in particular display the height of her shoddy workmanship -- when people order multiple icons, she's been known to blatantly copypasta the first icon, and changing small details (sometimes flipping the image horizontally if she really wants to go the extra mile) to create the rest of the commissioner's icons. In the past, she's also been known to charge extra for animated icons and then completely fuck up the animation, as you can see below. It's pretty fucking sad.

Logic is nothing in ZERWORLD!
Logic is nothing in ZERWORLD!
Honestly. Who could turn down such "quality work" like this?
Honestly. Who could turn down such "quality work" like this?

If you are unfortunate or foolish enough to commission her, be prepared to wait long, long weeks, even months for your small icon. She is often seen yelling at her commissioners and telling them off after they have given her their money if they ever complain or ask for progress. Or, if you're stupid enough to mail her the money, it WILL get lost in the mail.

Commission BS

Long story short, with Zeriara, you definitely won't get your money's worth. This shouldn't be a surprise given her history with her Monster's Ball annual contest. Out of four years, she has yet to draw the prizes for any of the 12 total winners, even when her 'best friend' Chival won. Funnily enough, even after peddling out shitstain after shitstain of fandom-raping 'art' and mary sue after mary sue (with a 4:1 ratio of albinism, naturally) for months, Holly is suddenly unable to draw when reminded of unfinished commissions because work takes up too much time of her precious time. Even though many of her crap art is DRAWN AT WORK. What a coincidence, this is right after this year's Monster's ball.

[edit] The Fan Club

The Zeriara Fan Club is full of furries and whiny bitches Zur has pissed on. Despite being mongoloids of equal or lesser value than the crotch monkey herself, they still are a moderately entertaining source of lulz in regards to their incesant obsession with Zur's faggotry. They know everything about her.

They're like Annonymous' retarded half brother when it comes to trolling the object of their affection. You just have to smile and pat them on the back. It helps their self-esteem.


Unfortunately, there are those who have met Zur IRL who have their heads planted so far up her anus, they don't notice all of her glaring, horrible, mind-bending faults. However, not all of her 'friends' are completely retarded--listed below are both those who have suffered the vacuous space of Zer's mind first hand and decided to share their true-life experiences and those who cling to the idea that she might still have some redeeming qualities, somewhere deep within.

PocketBatInc aka Ash aka PlagueDoctorMD
PocketBatInc aka Ash aka PlagueDoctorMD
  • Plaguedoctormd and Psycho Djinn

It seems that Holly has a fetish for FTM trannies, considering she's fucked so many. Or maybe she does it because she thinks she looks pretty in comparison.

Zeriara's old flame, Plaguedoctormd, has been in a shit storm since being rid of the bitch. As any true furry would, his/her/its girl/boyfriend has gotten all their fantards together and is trying to out lulz Zeriara and her fantards. PDMD's current lover has it out for Zeriara and is actually fanning the flames of hate.

Despite claiming to want to be left alone, the couple continues to instigate internet drama. They usually explain this away as simply doing it for the lulz instead of out of any sort of butt hurt. Obviously, this is an epic lie considering how the both of them are so quick to turn around and whine when ever Holly reacts to their collective faggotry.


You forgot a couple rolls on that fanart, Zer.
You forgot a couple rolls on that fanart, Zer.
  • Panda
Panda and Zeriara seem to share some kind of faggot school girl crush for each other.
Panda and Zeriara seem to share some kind of faggot school girl crush for each other.

Much like Zer, Panda is Zer's obese furry fag roommate, and also her main minion.

She will leap, or roll, or even amorphously wobble into action whenever Zer makes a drama happen, obviously with Zer breathing down her double chins and masturbating.

She's just like every other Zer minion, but with added bonus seeing as she lives with Zer (or rather, Zer lives with her) and is a fat, ugly juggalo. This does not threaten Zer, as they would certainly sink the same boat.

I say juggalo because she pretty much looks like a bloke gone wrong. It's apparent that Zer doesn't draw Panda to realistic proportions (i. e., FAT).

This dastardly duo came together when Panda offered to let Holly move in with her, and not being one to ever pass up an opportunity to mooch, Zer took her up on it to escape her drugged out mother and the tyranny of being forced to lie around and do nothing all day, every day. Zer still basically does the same thing, except now she does it in a porn store, though she claims the job is challenging and difficult. Zer behaves like Panda's pimp, as seen in Panda's DevianTART journals.

Yeah, working a cash register and peddling dildos must be very stressful for someone who's used to having everything handed to her. She probably hates the job since children are not allowed in porn shops.

Funny how she gets bent out of shape when someone decides to hand her her own ass (i.e. this entire ED article). As heavy and full of shit as it is, you'd think she'd be happy to let someone else do it.

No wonder Kaku doesn't prefer to be seen as a woman any more. Only a fat-chick-loving skank like Holly would eat this pussy.
No wonder Kaku doesn't prefer to be seen as a woman any more. Only a fat-chick-loving skank like Holly would eat this pussy.

Kaku is Holly's newest ex. Shock and surprise excreted from all upon this revelation. It's interesting to note that Kaku is the second FTM that Zer has dated, despite the fact that she claims to hate FTM transgendered individuals (she's never said a damned word about MTFs), and did so all throughout their relationship, even going so far as to break up with Kaku over his request for her to stop bringing up his TG issues.

Basically, as soon as Kaku was no longer a minor, their relationship was torn asunder. Recently Zur has taken to whining about how heart broken she is and what a cunt/dick Kaku was to her and draws infrequent hate art. Zur also likes to hint that Kaku is now stalking her and is totally obsessed with her lard rolls.


[edit] Her Vices

Animal Cruelty

I hope that kitty is sleeping...
I hope that kitty is sleeping...

Many people have witnessed Zeriara's penchant for animal abuse, though few talk about it because of her legions of rabid fans and Zer's ability to lie her way out of almost any accusation. Zer herself in the past often bragged about her killings and even admitted she reveled in killing smaller weaker things. She has even admitted she was not allowed to join the girl scouts as a child because of her well-known history of animal abuse.

So far, known animal abuse:

  • Horned toad - Stomped, stuck twigs in its cloaca while it was still alive.
  • Chipmunk - Chased it on horseback, stomped its head, then proceeded to skin it with her teeth and play with the skinless corpse. She gave the tail to PlagueDoctorMD.
  • Crow - Stomped, ripped off its head while it was still alive, then shoved sticks and its own leg down its esophagus.
  • Baby bird - Took it from the nest, put it on the ground, covered it with rocks, then put her foot on it and ground it into the dirt. Later that night she bragged on deviant art about having murdered a baby bird in the park.
  • Lizards - Stomped and impaled, Vlad the Impaler style.
  • Pet rat - Babies fed to snake.
  • Gerbil (details unknown)
  • Several kittens over the years (including the mysteriously absent brother of Panda's current kitten) Her own kitten, Toad, she crushed in the woodpile in her backyard
  • Baby chicken - Chival and she had gotten a pet chick to raise together. Once when Holly got mad at Chival, she took the chick into her back yard, beheaded it with a rusty shovel, then made her boyfriend at the time (Nando) clean up the mess.
  • Mice - Caught one in a bag of animal food and killed it. Chased another in Wal~Mart into a corner then stomped it with her boot. Others she had as pets that mysteriously disappeared.
  • Frog - Put it in her mouth and swallowed to entertain her little sister.
  • Bat (details unknown, though she did post a picture of the corpse to her deviant art gallery)
  • Unborn birds - She and Chival climbed a tree, took bird eggs out of a nest, cracked them open, and ate the contents (something of which both are very proud).

Gettin' Crunk, Dawg

How do I smock pawt?
How do I smock pawt?
Zer's dad before his so-called "drug deal/murder" escapade. This image may very well be the reason he is in prison AND explain Zer's odd sexual tendencies.
Zer's dad before his so-called "drug deal/murder" escapade. This image may very well be the reason he is in prison AND explain Zer's odd sexual tendencies.

Zer, by her own claim, absolutely hates drugs. She often writes out huge rants about how retarded pot is and acts as if it's as damaging as something like heroin, which she never seems to mention. It's only ever pot. BECAUSE POT IS THE WORST DRUG EVER. Going so far as to harass the deviantART public, she's also flamed the BakedFursClub and threatened to report all users to the lolinternet police. She's even drawn hate art for Silverwing because she smokes cigs, which of course means it's automatically the end of the world.

She claims that her hate for drugs was caused by her life being OH SO BAD* living with her mom, as she was a pothead who was into "other, harder drugs." Hahahaha.

Amusingly enough, Zer's older art (especially fan art for her favorite artists) often involved heavy drug references, syringes, bongs, and terminology. Drugs are okay as long as talented, more popular people use them.

Not only does she drink (to excess, i.e. passing out at AC 04 and bitching about her hangover for the rest of he con, and having drank from a young age), which pretty much contradicts her "all drugs are bad" opinions, she claims to have never touched drugs. WRONG. Zer has smoked pot and dropped acid in the past, some of which others have witnessed firsthand. Stop trying to deny it, you furfag.

She's a Pedo--But That's OK

What Zer and her fans all seem to turn a blind eye to is that a fetish is a steady progression into reality, and soon enough drawings of young boys won't be enough for Zer. Proof of this is an photo Zer posted in an old, now inactive blog of herself holding a vice grip on a young boy's wrist, kissing him on the lips, while he stared vacantly ahead. This boy was no more than 12 years old and his brother, Jack, was reportedly furious upon discovering the photo, which led Holly to promptly delete it. She now denies ever even posting such content, but fortunately we at ED have retrieved it for your entertainment and horror! It can be seen below.

Some fun Zer quotes!

I fucking -looove- Noodle. I love her flat chest and her long, shapless little legs. I think shes very attractive to be only 15. This image is in no way pornographic, or sexual, but good god you should see some of the other drawings I've done of her that I can't post.


I LIKE me some Murdoc and Noodle.. she's so.. erotic




—Zer again



[edit] Of /b/tards and raids...

Yet again, Zer uses a 4chan meme without really knowing what it means.
Yet again, Zer uses a 4chan meme without really knowing what it means.
Zer still thinks she's a /b/tard.
Zer still thinks she's a /b/tard.


While Zer likes to consider herself a /b/tard, or somehow the next Cracky-chan, the truth of the matter is she is prime lulz. Anonymous likes nothing moar than lulz, so she fails at 4chan. She also tends to latch on to whatever utterly uninteresting meme has recently fallen out of public favor, drawing and creating endless references long after everyone else has ceased to give more than half a shit.


Someone's butthurt over a cute little pink lemur!
Someone's butthurt over a cute little pink lemur!
a recent 7chan screenshot where Zer is brought up. When even THEY think you're disgusting, you are truly a fucked up person.
a recent 7chan screenshot where Zer is brought up. When even THEY think you're disgusting, you are truly a fucked up person.

Mid-October 2006, 7chan's invasion board raided her. She responded like any decent human being would... by posting her n00dz to the thread. She even put stuff like "sup 7chan" in writing on her squishy, sagging tits. But she did block out her vagina, making it even moar impossible to fap to her. These images do, however, give us quite a viewpoint into the utter sadness and depravity of her day-to-day life. Aside from the windowless gloom of what is apparently Panda's apartment, one only needs to look at the Snapesnogger-bashing print-out on the wall to see that her life revolves entirely around the internet, stalking people over the internet, getting attention over the internet, and mooching off of her roommate.

All this despite Zer's claims that other people are in desperate need of "Life GET 2.0".

Click on any image to see the text she said to 7chan when she posted them.

E-mail Hack

I'm so sorry and I regret everythin- JUST KIDDING!
I'm so sorry and I regret everythin- JUST KIDDING!

On July 8th, 2007, an Anonymous poster on /fur/ hacked into Zeriara's rivalstag@yahoo.com e-mail account. Much lulz was had when the OP said all he needed to get into her account was "her birthday, address, and favorite pet", which she happens to post everywhere! Smart. The hacker posted screenshots and some very lulzy worthy commission drawings, some involving beastality. Oh lulz. Only the most lulz worthy emails will be posted here, but you can download the entire thing here!

Shortly after this, ANOTHER hacker showed up and broke into her email account. This Anonymous hacker took it one step further than the original hacker by apparently trying to bust into her other accounts, such as photobucket and her livejournal. Anonymous failed hard though, only able to get into a dead Gaia account of hers. This hacker uploaded a .zip containing a bunch of screenshots, which you can download here! Again, only the most lulzy worthy screenshots will be posted here.

Much lulz was to be had until Zer emailed the hacker, begging for her account back. People at /fur/ and the zeriara_fanclub felt bad for her, claiming that the hack was going way too far. The hacker pussied out and gave Zeriara her e-mail account back, but not before making her post an apology on her FurAffinity Journal and into the /fur/ thread itself. Of course, once Zeriara got her e-mail back, she took down the journal and uploaded a file on furaffinity called "JUST KIDDING!", which is now deleted, of course.

Afterwards, the hacker posted a message on the /fur/ thread, saying that he felt bad for her and gave the account back, admitting that he was a stupid pussy for doing so. He uploaded one last screenshot before the /fur/'s daily flood showed up and the thread disappeared into oblvivion. The hacker has not been heard of since.

There have been no hints or clues to who the hackers were, or how many hackers there were. It probably wasn't someone who had a vendeta against Zeriara, seeing as they pussed out and returned her email back to her. The world may never know. For the lulziest e-mails, head on over to here.

7chan strikes back

Zer decided that a certain poo flinging monkey wasn't allowed to comment on her art because obviously Shit<Pedophile. In response to this 7chan's /fur/ tossed up a thread demanding Zer Scat and parody art. TOO MUCH LULZ NOT TO POST! A gallery of the lulz can be seen here If you want even MOAR hate art, head on over to here.

[edit] Additional Fun

Moronic Statements & MOAR

That's how she spends the money you may have sent to her.
That's how she spends the money you may have sent to her.

Sometimes ther are screencaps that just don't have a home in any of the above categories, so they'll we put them here so they can fester like Zer's pizzaface. Zer has a habit of saying, doing, and posting some pretty fucking stupid things -- everything here is utterly undoctored for the sake of lulz alone -- hell, Zer practically writes this ED article for us half the time! GALLERY!

Embarassing Photos

It's almost best to think of this as a drinking game (don't get too drunk, though -- the worst sin one can commit is finding a hambeast like this attractive in any way, though even with three bottles of everclear under your belt it's not likely) -- for every roll of fat, take a shot. For every instance of Zur camwhoring in a room with old pizza boxes and crumbs in the carpet, take two shots.

For every instance of either drawn-on eyebrows, or amounts of makeup so excessive that the layers can practically be pulled back like an archeological dig, take one shot for each layer. If she forgets to draw on her eyebrows that morning, take a shot. If her head is tilted to the side in 3/4th view to make her look badass and detract from her double chin, take a shot. For any sighting of actual hate art printed and hung on her wall, drink the whole damn bottle. You'll need it. A gallery of embarassing photos can be found over heres.

A Word From The Fans

Zer's fans are always ready to back her hate art obsession up. Some like Monogato even put time and effort into their vomit-inspiring trash. Once again, gallery is behind the link.

[edit] Related Links


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