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FUCK YEAH SEAKING will be posted by the same unfunny newfag until you like it.

Nothing is safe from Rule 34.
Nothing is safe from Rule 34.

FUCK YEAH SEAKING is the most successful forced meme evar and no longer debated on /b/ since nobody gives a shit anymoar. It had enough shoops to be considered a meme, but it was hotly rejected by most /b/tards since SEAKING arrived -or was carried in to /b/ like a Ron Mexico outbreak- by the influx of pre-newfag Gaiafags. Regardless, the FUCK YEAH SEAKING meme involves a Pokemon, SEAKING, who is a fish with a horn, usually raping something with said horn; with the text FUCK YEAH SEAKING somewhere on the image, showing the full support for what SEAKING is doing.

Contrary to popular belief, noone knows a lot about SEAKING. Unlike Mudkips, SEAKING is actually an evolved form of Goldeen, a lesbian Pokemon with its own horn. After you raise it to a certain level, it becomes the totally badass SEAKING.

Eventually, SEAKING was accepted -but not lieked- since all /b/tards have ADD.


[edit] And now, a Point, Counter-Point from Anonymous

[edit] Point

FUCK YEAH SEAKING! is a n00b meme that was started on /b/ by Gaiafag Pokemon fanbois who were creaming their jeans about the latest Pokemon release. Like the other Pokemon memes it is used primarily by 13 year old boys who have no hugbox. As such, it is one of the numerous cancers that is killing /b/.

SEAKING usually shows up wherever slowpoke and mudkip appear, but is nowhere near as lulz. Even this forced meme has been mutated and spawned several variations. These include the FUCK YEAH SEBRING!, the FUCK NO MAGIKARP!, the FUCK YEAH + ACTIVE PARTICIPLE FORM OF VERB ENDING IN K! and the EXPLATIVE + POKEMANS series, all of these appear to be a paraphrasing of the obscure, not-quite-meme BISMUTH FUCK YEAH! .

However, as hard as SEAKING tries to replace Mudkips in the cold, black hearts of the /b/tards...it ain't gonna happen. Thing is...people not only liek Mudkips but loev Mudkips, whilst SEAKING is just a wanna be homofishual Internet tough guy.

Plox to be die SEAKING.

[edit] Counter-Point

The problem with FUCK YEAH SEAKING! as a meme is that /b/tards are crotchety and enjoying telling new memes to get off their lawn. Ignoring the fact that the wide majority of memes are forced and then embraced, and that by being embraced, FUCK YEAH SEAKING has already become more than enough of a meme to stick around. Two pokeymans simply isn't enough, when clearly a trifecta is needed. Only Longcatacgnol can be two-sided.

The only thing that mudkips has that FUCK YEAH SEAKING doesn't is the initial copypasta. This is most likely why said crotchety /b/tards dislike the new meme, but they are old meme themselves and haven't been funny since last thursday.

Seaking will be posted anyway until you like it, so you may as well come on over now for the big win.

Image:Seaking-kill-kip.gifImage:Seaking-kill-kip.gifImage:Seaking-kill-kip.gifImage:Seaking-kill-kip.gifImage:Seaking-kill-kip.gifImage:Seaking-kill-kip.gif <-FAIL HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS

[edit] Counter-Counter-Point

Crotchrotty /b/tard reporting in. Whilst I cannot deny that SEAKING is a forced faggot I must concede that FUCK YEAH SEAKING is a lulz meme and thus WIN (note: just WIN; not EPIC WIN like 300). Howevar, Mudkips v SEAKING?...no contest. Mudkips?...a winner is you.

--Image:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifOldDirtyMudkipsImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gifImage:Littlemudkip.gif 01:20, 24 September 2007 (CDT)

[edit] Mirror Coat-Point


[edit] copypasta

FUCK YEAH SEAKING! I heard he's the only guy who can beat goatse using his horn! FUCK YEAH! I also heard he can beat mudkips and slowpoke all at once! Isn't that amazing? I even heard stories that seaking can even fight against tacgnol and his legion of cats! FUCK YEAH! Seaking is truly a force to be reckoned with! FUCK YEAH SEAKING!!!!

[edit] SEAKING

[edit] Doing it wrong

[edit] See Also

is part of a series on Pokemans

The Slaves
Image:Abra.gifImage:bigmudkips.gifimage:Slowpoke_gif.gifimage:Seaking-kill-kip.gifimage:Ditto_animated.gifimage:Blastoise_animated.gifimage:metapod_animated.gifimage:Spr_4d_016_s.pngImage:Spr 3e 137.gif
Abra|Mudkips|Slowpoke|Seaking|ditto|BLASTOISE|Metapod|Shiny pidgey|Porygon

FUCK YEAH SEAKING is part of a series on the cancer that is killing /b/.

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