Image Hosting

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Typical Flickr user
Typical Flickr user

Image hosting sites are the unholy spawn of social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook who made hotlinking a crime at least 100 years ago. All are free and as such you get what you pay for. When you've maxed-out your free allocation, you can pay a premium for more...or you can sign up at all the sites and never pay shit.

Image hosting sites come in three main flavours: shit (Photobucket), shittier (ImageShack) and arty shit (Flickr). All provide the basic service of allowing you to upload your n00dz and letting /b/tards get a look-see since all are about as secure and air-tight as Lisa Ventura's hymen.


[edit] Flickr

Flickr is much like Photobucket or ImageShack except way more pretentious. It is designed primarily to help 16-year-old girls share photos of their self-mutilation and also the nice tree they have in their backyard. And maybe a kitty. Awww.

If you are permitted to create a Flickr account, then you are probably the best photographer ever and deserve lots of warm fuzzies in the form of "Best Dish Drain Photo of the Hour" awards posted on the photo's comment thread. Wealthy and powerful people may even have "Flickr Pro" accounts, which enable them to post as many self-mutilation shots as they can take.

Any photos of a Flickr user posted on Flickr will exhibit severe symptoms of Internet Disease. Photos of other people will be in black and white and focus on their mascara running.

[edit] Photobucket

Typical Photobucket image.
Typical Photobucket image.

Photobucket is a website that serves as the single largest repository of pictures and graphics for the MySpace pages of attention whores, strippers and pr0nstars everywhere along with their legion of horny fans saying "thanks for the add" or "popping by to show some luv". If Photobucket were to explode, the world would be covered in hearts, stars and glitter. It is also giant bucket of lulz due to the easy access it gives the 1337 h4x0r5 on the likes of /b/ trolling for camwhore drama (see: Angela Sazanow‎).

Also useful for storing CP hilarious image macros, since bandwidth is plentiful and storage space is generous. It also has many nifty features like slide-shows that help crash your browser if you're unlucky enough to get MySpacerolld.

[edit] ImageShack

90% of all content on Imageshack contains frogs.
90% of all content on Imageshack contains frogs.

ImageShack is a much shittier image host, as evidenced by its users always exceeding their allotted bandwidth and getting the lulzy placeholder image with a frog on it.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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