Taco Bell

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Typical Taco Bell burrito.
Typical Taco Bell burrito.
How one goes about a typical meal at Taco Bell.
How one goes about a typical meal at Taco Bell.

Taco Bell, contrary to what some may think, is not a restaurant; rather, it's a suicide booth. Founded at least 100 years ago by a Montezuma's Revenge sufferer who wanted to profit from his sickness, Taco Bell consists of food that isn't really Mexican or really food. That lettuce in your burrito? Boogers. The sauce? Spoiled mayonnaise and cum. The meat? Santorum. The drinks? Well, those are real but nobody gives a shit about that, just the food. The fact that most of the employees are black doesn't help matters either. And remember the little chihuahua from their late '90s ads? It was butchered and its entrails were put in a prototype taco that was never released since they had no more room in storage for those dogs since they were up to their armpits in aborted fetuses. Avoid Taco Bell like the Black Plague. Oh wait, they inject that into their salsa.

taco bell employee
taco bell employee

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