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This page violates Net Authority, but still contains lulz
This page violates Net Authority, but still contains lulz
A female pedophile.
A female pedophile.
It's not awwright.
It's not awwright.
æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... there is no candy at this residence?

This article is about Sick Fucks and anti-lulz. EVEN WORSE IT HAS NO DELICIOUS CP

A nonfag pedo's wet dream
A nonfag pedo's wet dream
Sasquatch lieks little bois.
Sasquatch lieks little bois.
Does this turn you on? If so, you are a pedophile! Or a fatty.
Does this turn you on? If so, you are a pedophile! Or a fatty.
Your average 13-year-old girl on IRC. This man was pwned by Denny's.
Your average 13-year-old girl on IRC. This man was pwned by Denny's.
The Penguin from Batman: world-renowned pedophile, hard at work.
The Penguin from Batman: world-renowned pedophile, hard at work.
An average 13 year old boy asking for it
An average 13 year old boy asking for it
Your average pedophile.
Your average pedophile.
A girl about to get pwnd.
A girl about to get pwnd.
Pedo's wet dream
Pedo's wet dream
Notice the strange object the kid is holding.
Notice the strange object the kid is holding.
A stealth pedo about to molest a child.
A stealth pedo about to molest a child.
A typical YouTube pedophile's subscription list.
A typical YouTube pedophile's subscription list.
Pedobear's illigitimate azn son, Pugalbear.
Pedobear's illigitimate azn son, Pugalbear.

Pedophilia is a disorder thought of as where the subject is sexually turned on by damn fucking young (3 to 13 years old), but most of the people busted for pedophilia are busted as a first offense for going after 13-17, whereas the ones going after under 13 usually get away with it for a long time until they start to baby fuck.

A first time offender going after a 17 year old and then caught by Chris Hanson might look normal. But a long-term a pedophile is typically an ungainly and unattractive male person possessing a bad shave, a look of southern inbreeding, and will play at home with children's toys. He may haved a light colored van with highly tinted windows, which he uses to kidnap and molest your children. If no van, then the long term pedophile is skilled at child grooming and will form a long-term attachment before molesting children.

Imitating the disinformation campaign of the furries, organizations like NAMBLA and social movements like childlove exist to make kid-fucking (specifically boy-fucking) seem normal, and seek to make their vile practice totally legal. Organizations like Perverted-Justice, meanwhile, exist to hunt pedophile morons (or just general perverted dumbasses) down like dogs, get them arrested, and then post their personal information OL for everyone to mock.

Some argue organisations like Perverted Justice are composed entirely of illiterate faggots with no sex-lives on a hate trip, claiming that they come across as even more stupid than the pedophiles they are trying to hunt. By making pedophilia even more taboo, they argue, they have actually increased the amount of pedophiles in America by over 9000 since 2001. However, the people who argue this are usually pedos themselves and like the owner of corrupted-justice.com, Scott Morrow (a diaper wearing faggot), they have little concept of the fact that pedophilia is already taboo. You can't get much more taboo than fucking children. Not unless you do it wearing a diaper, Scott. It is not known how you force a pedophile underground further, although it's probably something to do with the self-pwnage of Perverted Justice 'victims'.

The stupider pedophiles are found in Internet chat rooms, Not4chan, and IRC under names like "bunnyHoney22," "Markos," "Stmated," "Foehammer95," "burntheprettyones," " or "fungirlL00k1ingforguyz." For the people who can actually use a computer, there are on-topic imageboards, hosting services and Gnutella, available on any darknet (including Freenet, Tor and I2P). In the words of Raptor Jesus: "Turn a stone and you shall... IS DAT SUM CP, FUKKEN SAVED"

They also exist on LJ, targeting 16 year old girls and 13 year old boys. Various Pedophile Support Communities are found all over the internets. Notable pedophiles on LJ include michaelmichael.

Extensive scientific research has shown that, BTW, some kids are totally asking for it. However, everybody knows that this is a load of shit.

Below is an example of a cultural phenomenon which has emerged in the past two decades, that of the almost-JB acting like non-JB which is weird even though they're obviously only attractive to sick fucks and other 11 year olds, so, yeah, confusion probably. If they stripped off, they'd be CP and you'd get fucking V&, sunshine. Contrary to popular belief, the behaviour below is not why girls on YouTube are victims of surprise sex but rather a manifestation of a change in media demographics and a slackening of parental controls on increasingly difficult to censor communication mediums. This has been emergent since the 1980s and is now reaching crisis point.

Of course, they could just be totally asking for it.


[edit] Foreign Pedophiles

In England and its colonies, where the main language isn't Spanglish, pedophiles are known as "pædophiles". "Pædophiles" successfully avoid capture, year after year, due to the difficulty of spelling this word correctly on legal paper work. Because it's so hard to spell, pediatricians in the UK are regularly mistaken as pedophiles and attacked by angry mobs; see this story.

The massive amount of taxpayer expense involved in these judiciary blunders is why the age of consent in those areas was lowered to 16.

England now has a site dedicated to naming and shaming pædophiles; or, as they are more commonly known, "nonces". (Brit slang circa 1970). Not surprisingly, the British establishment, seriously lacking in lulz, have attempted time and again to get the site closed.

Noncewatch is an offshoot of the website Redwatch, a "Hit List" database run by a conglomerate of mouthbreathing Aryan Nation fucktards that lists home addresses and other private information about the pinko commie scum of England (i.e., anyone who denies the supremacy of the white race, believes in evolution, or called them names in grammar school). Despite the overwhelming evidence that the majority of pædophiles who target the same sex do not identify themselves as homosexual and have a history of exclusively heterosexual adult relationships, they often list run-of-the-mill faggots who have no connection with child pornography at all. This is because "homosexuality is a chosen behavior instead of an 'orientation' as they claim, [and] it is only natural to assume that a sodomite will play out his perverted fantasy whenever he thinks he can get away with it" or whatever. The site is a decent lulground but like most hatesites it's entirely tl;dr. It's widely accepted that the maintainers of Noncewatch are closet pædophiles themselves who use the information they get to increase their jpeg collection (this is similar to known paedophile Rloxley's involvement with "Ethical Hackers Against Pedophiles").

A typical scenario involving a British pædophile will run as above. Note that Cats once again pwn dogs.

Notice that The Prodigy hates pædophiles, so you should too, because this group is the definition of awesome. Or faggotry. Whichever's funnier.

A pro-pedo group attempted to make the little æ their logo in Jan 2005, but some other fellas got it first. This caused much grumbling, but it was soon put to rest when they returned to fap-fap-fapping away at their Sears catalogs and KMart juniors ads.

In China, an eleven year old Japanese girl eased anti-Japanese tensions when she posed provocatively, showing off her F-cup sized breasts.

[edit] "Good" Pedophiles

Not all pedophiles are batshit insane, and a few even gained acceptance at Something Awful up until early 2005 by being level-headed and distancing themselves from the child-fucking contingent. They frequently mock themselves, and will point and laugh at other pedophiles who make them all look bad. Most notably, jameth and ashi_moto are A+. Baby bdsm The proverbial "Wicked Uncle Ernies" of the fandom.

Female Pedophiles (Reverse Pedophilia) are rare and delicious. These older women are absolutely hawt but most likely to be batshit insane. First you must let them have sex with you. Secondly, when she gets caught, make up a lie to get the court to believe you. Thirdly, ????. Finally, Guess.

[edit] To The Man Jacking Off While Reading This

Fox News' stance on pedophilia.
Fox News' stance on pedophilia.

[edit] Pedophile Statistics

  • 86-90% of pedophiles are males (yes, the rest are mostly females).
  • In almost all countries, if a pedo goes to a shrink, they get ratted out. Or beaten.
  • 90-98% of child rapes/molestations are sexually motivated. The other 2% did it for the lulz.
  • Most (estimated 71%) child molestations are committed by whitey.
  • Most (estimated 71%) hamster molestations are committed by the LJ baby-raper.
  • Most child molestations that succeed (as opposed to the molestor getting busted) are people molesting their own family.
  • Most pedophiles have taken a seat for Chris Haaaaaanson
  • Most pedophiles claim to hate pedophiles.

[edit] Terms and Types

Nepiophilia/Infantophilia: Baby fuck! IT'SSS AWWRIGHTTT!!!

Ephebophilia: Enjoys jailbait, plain and simple. Chris Hansen and Perverted-Justice target this type of person exclusively. NathanR and Brian Peppers were also busted for this.

Pederasty: Raping little boys is EDUCATIONAL!

Pedosexual: More of an excuse than an real orientation.

Childlove: Remember-It's a child's RIGHT to be fucked!

[edit] List of Alleged Confirmed Pedophiles

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See Also

[edit] Links

[edit] Pro-Pedo

[edit] Anti-Pedo

  • Warriors for Innocence - the only thing that stands between evil and the innocent
  • Jack McClellan - a site that exposes pedophile Jack McClellan.
  • www.stoping-abuse.com WARNING! This online galley contains over 200 images to highlight the horrors of online child porn images.
  • The Roots Of Pedophilia
  • http://www.perverted-justice.com/ Some of Perverted Justice's advice to parents: Despite the controversy of video game violence, video games are an easy way to occupy computer time. After all, if your child is playing a video game, they are not in chatrooms being groomed by predatory pedophiles. We at Perverted-Justice.com firmly believe that killing characters in virtual reality is 10,000 times healthier than being perved in real life.
  • [1] - this guy has more jail bate then a elementary school!
  • /b/ trolls in teen chat rooms, usually baiting solicitors and then flashing fake FBI warning and IP tracking messages.

[edit] Anti-Anti-Pedo

[edit] Helpful Documentary About Pedophiles

Image:Pedobear_small.gif Pedophilia is part of a series on Child Abuse.

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