Rachel Corrie

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If one of these things are coming, get out of the fucking way!
If one of these things are coming, get out of the fucking way!

A stupid bitch who sat down in front of a bulldozer and was promptly run over. Thus, she has become a folk hero of liberals worldwide, just because a Jew happened to be driving it.


[edit] The Story

Corrie, a 16 year old girl who was an anti-Israel communist, went to protest in Palestine because of Israel's practices of bulldozing houses of former suicide bombers.

One day, Corrie got the bright idea that if she, an innocent protester, stood in front of one of the bulldozers, it would stop, and the Israelis would stop bulldozing the house. Although this is about effective of a protest as an enviornmentalist jumping in front of a semi-truck, she became the postergirl of the Palestinian solidarity movement world wide. Lol.

[edit] Dramatic Stuff

A highly-trained ISM medic lifts the critically-injured Corrie by her head
A highly-trained ISM medic lifts the critically-injured Corrie by her head

Since she was anti-Israel and died, she is a great example of how evil Israel was. Never mind that she was a brainless liberal protester without critical thinking skills (because, after all, SHE STOOD IN FRONT OF A FUCKING BULLDOZER), but she represents what's wrong with Israel, and, in turn, helps left wing loonies hate America more.

She is adored by azad_slide, pirat_ponton, and woopflying, which leaves the possibility of lulz as a wide-open, infinite opportunity.

You can use the Rachel Corrie incident for lolz by posting pictures of bulldozers as comments on Palestinian journals.

See Solidarity.

[edit] Secret Information about Rachel Corrie

  • Rachel is possibly the most Jewish female name in the world.
  • Her boyfriend is happy she is dead
  • Her father works in insurance, and should have told her about the risk of standing in front of a moving bulldozer
  • She used to make dead baby jokes all the time

[edit] Outside Links

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