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Some fags are so faggy, they are mistaken for ugly girls.  But don't be confused, this is a true fag.
Some fags are so faggy, they are mistaken for ugly girls. But don't be confused, this is a true fag.
Tempting people with early Pro-fag propaganda
Tempting people with early Pro-fag propaganda

Fag can refer to:

  1. Homosexual
  2. Sometimes Anonymous
  3. Tony Blair
  4. Anyone 0n not4chan
  5. Anyone on 4chan
  6. Dildo Lover
  7. AIDS victims
  8. A bundle of sticks
  9. A cigarette, in some cultures
  10. Anyone who gets pwn'd or recieves a 1up mushroom.
  11. A kind of meatball [1]
  12. A regular on the ED IRC# Dani Faulk
  13. Persons born on the last thursday before last.
  14. theredskull
  15. Bigbadron
  16. A Maggot
  17. Chris Crocker (more like Chris Cocker, amirite?)
  18. Your mom
  19. Hinder
  20. Confession
  21. Anyone with a myspace
  22. Bret Michaels
  23. Anyone with a LG
  24. Anyone
  25. G00ns
  26. Ewoks
  27. Jesse Harrison
  28. Dr. Firecrotch
  29. Disaster MB
  30. Juggalos
  31. George W. Bush
  32. Elton John
  33. Matt Damon
  34. Bikerfox
  35. Stickkam users
  36. you
  37. High school Drama whores
  38. Australians
  40. Anyone who plays runescape. period.
  41. Rajesh Vadlamudi (see gay)
  42. Someone who edits this page
  43. People who are Mild
  44. NinjaWeasel
  45. Oldwindybear
A Fat Faggot Who Thinks This Article On Faggots Is Too Tame

Faggotry is a word somehow derived from the word carpentry.

  • Carpentry is the art of making things out of wood and nails, which is what Jesus did up until the Romans showed him what they made out of wood and nails.
  • Faggotry is making people INTO faggots, and is what Jesus did on the weekends.
  • Faggotry is also making homosexuals into filthy whores by directing them to sites like gay.com and Just Us Boys. Filthy.
  • Faggotry may also be used to describe the act of losing really really bad against a friend. For example, your buddy just beat you so bad in Tekken it was like being gang raped in a prison shower. Your friend committed Faggotry.
  • Haunting Echoes members


[edit] Faggot Tree

Bassoon, a phallus-shaped musical instrument, goes by the inocuous moniker "Fagot" in many languagues, including, you guessed it, Dootsch.
Bassoon, a phallus-shaped musical instrument, goes by the inocuous moniker "Fagot" in many languagues, including, you guessed it, Dootsch.

The Faggot Tree grows a new branch every time a person (or organization) does something faggy. At its current rate of growth it will consume the known universe by Last Thursday. Which means you better pull your cock out and cock slap your mother. http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Aaron_Pelchat

Events in which multiple branches were added to the Faggot Tree:

Classic image macro for use in cases of extreme faggotry.
Classic image macro for use in cases of extreme faggotry.

>Your birth
>The formation of the Gay Straight Alliance
>Jesus' immaculate conception
>The Lawlocaust
>A new Furry joins the furfagdom
>Women's suffrage becomes legal
>Moby Dick by Herman Melville is published
>The invention of Broadway plays

[edit] Faggots in Literature

Faggots are well known to have influence in the billowy curtained boudoir of Literature. Adversely, some nelly novelists divert their attention to lax restricted wiki's and display a roman shower of faggotism by writing entries similar to and including the following example.

[edit] FurFags

FurFags are widely known for their ability to even comprehend the artwork of a fox with eight dicks, fourteen vaginas on their chest and a dildo in each of their 5 assholes. They sometimes even dress themselves in fursuits, to make themselves look like a fox, or some other gay anime shit. FurFaggotry also utilizes Rule 34 to rape the absolute shit out of our feeble childish memories.

Faggots can be found in every type of habitat.
Faggots can be found in every type of habitat.

How a FurFag Is Made

A furry faggot
A furry faggot
In the sixth grade there are two kids, Joey, and Jimmy. Jimmy is a homo. They both get the assignment to do a report on the cheetah. Joey and Jimmy go to each others' homes and study long and hard. They even find out where cheetahs live and eat. The next day, they turn in the report, and their teacher, Mrs. Williams, gives them an A+. They are both extremely excited. Joey decides that's the end of it and goes on with his life, but Jimmy stays up all night making a cheetah costume with a little hole for his penis so he can have sex without taking off the fursuit. He then becomes an artist and draws pictures of a cheetah with four penises and three vaginas fucking the absolute shit out of a tiger who has a dildo implanted on its head and seven tits and three dick-nipples. Thus, in Jimmy, a furry is fucking born.



[edit] How Can I Tell If I'm A Faggot?

Faggotry has been around since the beginning of time itself.
Faggotry has been around since the beginning of time itself.

You are a faggot if you answer yes to any one of the following questions:

  1. When you were born was another branch added to the faggot tree?
  2. Do you like buttsecks?
  3. Do you listen to Trivium?
  4. Do you fantasize about buttsecks?
  5. Do you fantasize about Michael Jackson?
  6. Can you not stop watching meatspin?
  7. Do you have a myspace or livejournal?
  8. Do you get all butthurt when someone disagrees with you?
  9. Do you find this arousing?
  10. Are you a furry?
  11. Does pussy disgust you?
  12. Do you have unusually developed sphincter control?
  13. Do you wash your hair every night?
  14. Are you a pretentious little faggot?
  15. Is your name Jesse Harrison?
  16. Are you a child molester?
  17. Is this your desktop background?
  18. Is IRL another MMORPG for you to suck at, unlike WoW?
  19. Are you a vegetarian?
  20. Do you like Linkin Park?
  21. Did you read this whole list?

[edit] Fags on IRC

<jackbos> Can I make him dance and stuff?
<eppigy> you can make my dong dance
<jackbos> I don't even need a powerword for that.
<eppigy> true
<jackbos> All I need is my lubed up quivering anus.
<eppigy> wow
* eppigy has left #ed

[edit] Examples

For a some fine examples of faggotry, see everything on LiveJournal and 4chan and HellsAngels.

One of the finest examples of faggotry is the group God hates fags who, ironically, have been so ghey that people join the other side just to piss them off.

Ewoks are known to be faggot furry hell spawn.

[edit] If you X, then you're gay

  1. You're gay if you like the cock.
  2. If you're gay you have AIDS
  3. IF you do ecstasy then you're gay
  4. If you speak french then you're gay.
  5. You're gay if you have ever read manga in your life time
  6. If you don't liek mudkips, you're gay
  7. If you hold a press-confrence to tell people you're not gay then you're super gay.
  8. If you post an old meme you're gay
  9. If you're an kike you're gay.
  10. If you write or read fanfiction you're gay
  11. If you're against the death penalty, you're gay
  12. If you wouldn't hit it then you're gay
  13. Worshipping Jesus makes you gay.
  14. If you say no to drugs, you're gay
  15. If you know how to pronounce the name 'Ayn Rand', you're gay
  16. If you masturbate to childrens programs then you're gay
  17. If there is porn of it, then you're gay
  18. If you do, watch or like martial arts, you're gay
  19. If you have read Harry Potter then you're a sweaty and fat gay virgin.
  20. If all chinks don't look alike to you then you're gay.
  21. If you don't hate on a playa then you're gay.
  22. If you're a mormon you're gay.
  23. If "LOL" is part of your lexicon and you use it IRL then you're gay.
  24. If you're "asexual" you're really gay.
  25. If you're from French,Germany,Italy or any country in western Europe then you're gay
  26. If you're a newfag, you're gay.
  27. If you are sucking a cock right now, you could possibly be gay.
  28. If you're still reading this then you're gay.
  29. If you noticed that all I'm doing is repeating "if you X, then you're gay" , then you're gay.
  30. BRB Church.
  31. If your girlfriend is fat, you're gay.
  32. If you go swimming a half hour after eating, you're gay.
  33. If you you're reading this and still don't think you're gay, then you're gay.
  34. If you're a nice guyThen you're a gay perma-virgin.
  35. If somone has ever hurt your feelings, you're gay.
  36. If you have feelings you're gay.
  37. If you have ever acted in,directed,written or even seen a play then you're gay
  38. If you're Maddox you're gay.
  39. If you're not Maddox you're gay.
  40. If you have long hair then you're gay
  41. If you wear girl's pants, you're gay.
  42. If you drink tea, you're gay.
  43. If you made me a cookie but eated it, you're gay.
  44. If you haven't seen every single episode of House, you're gay.
  45. If you experament then you're gay.
  46. You're gay if you like anal.
  47. If you post an old meme then you're gay.
  48. English, do you speak it motherfucker ?!?
  49. You're gay if you cut yourself.
  50. You're gay if you write poetry.
  51. You're gay if you're pro-ana.
  52. Your gay if your favorite hors d’oeuvres item is a cocktail weiner.
  53. You're gay if you can't differentiate between "Your" and "You're" correctly.
  54. If you believe any of this shit, then you're gay.
  55. If you think any of this is funny and worthwhile reading, you are gay.
  56. ????
  57. Profit!

[edit] Faggot Facts

The faggot police are on patrol!
The faggot police are on patrol!

[edit] Faggotry = Cool?

In some cases, raging fags have been known to be cool. They were usually straight, though, just acted like fags. Many people on the internet looked up to them; they were their idols. This is especially true on DevianTART. Many straight artists who act like fags are actually quite popular.

[edit] Faggots in Today's Society

Fags in the media! Who'da guessed?
Fags in the media! Who'da guessed?

Nowadays because of fucking liberals and hippies, every straight person has to love and accept fags. If you ever punch a fag, it is a hate crime instead of just them being an annoying piece of shit.

Anyone who dislikes fags is considered a homophobe because it's inconceivable that you would dislike them for a reason other than being scared of them.

Gay-loving cities affectionately refer to themselves as "free-zones"—a horrible misnomer considering you are not free to say anything mean about fags, and you are forced to pretend to like them.

[edit] Gallery of Faggotry

[edit] See Also

what happens when you crossbreed emos with faggots
what happens when you crossbreed emos with faggots

[edit] External Links

is part of a series on
Homosexual Deviants
Dyke women Faggot men
Les Six - Lesbian bed death - Lesbian Break-Up - Lesbian invisibility - Two Degrees of Separation - Lesbian Quiz - Pegging - Scissoring - Lesbian pedophilia AIDS - Buttsecks - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Circle jerk - Cocksucking Rampage - Cowboy - Denmark - Fag - Faghag - Faggot icon - Gay boys - Ghey - Giant dildo of death - God hates fags - Hard Gay - Homosexual agenda - Johnnyr - John Edwards - Matthew Shepard - Bikerfox - NAMBLA - Santorum - - Sceptre - Sodomy - Twinks - Tom Galloway - XY
Asexual - Bisexual - Fake Bisexual - Metrosexual - Transsexual
Females-to-males Males-to-females/Shemales
Chyna Aeverine Nieves - Boy Shakira - Chris Crocker - JDR - Jennifer Usher (Usenet Troll) - Kelly Martin - Peganthyrus - Rebecca - Sue Ann Robins (Usenet Troll) - Trap-kun
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