Peter Jennings died, so I'm going to quit smoking

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Peter Jennings, the old media shill known best for his ABC special UFOs: Seeing is Believing, and thousands of hours covering the OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson trials died of lung cancer. This is mostly attributed to his smoking habit. Jennings smoked 3 cocks per day, one of which was the infected "Syphallus" of Bill O'Reilly.

In the future, Jennings will be resurrected.
In the future, Jennings will be resurrected.

Peter Jennings was a wise man. He decided years ago that its better to look cool (be a smoker), than to be a dork that lives to be 90. He got laid on a regular basis, as opposed to the makers of the *Truth campaign, who are known to not even fuck each other.

But I digress...

[edit] Peter Jennings died, so I'm going to quit smoking

This was a huge IRL meme for a few weeks, until America forgot who Peter Jennings was. Quitting-smoking services saw a sharp increase in profits as suckers attempt to kick the habit that they're in love with. The fact is, 80% of smokers cannot quit. Once you get a taste of the candy, it's really too hard to give up.

But yeah, Peter Jennings had a shitty life, being one of the biggest newscasters in the world, having millions of dollars and a relatively attractive wife of many years. Who wants to be like that? I'm gonna quit smoking today!

[edit] Other People who Died of Cancer

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