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Typical scene from a snuff film
Typical scene from a snuff film

Snuff is a form of pr0n where one of the participants is such a pathetic camwhore that she volunteers to get completely pwned and permabanned from life so ppl will feel sorry for her.

The other participant (who does the permabanning) does this entirely for the lulz since raping, torturing, and violently murdering a retarded myspace whore is just about the lulziest thing anyone can do.


[edit] History of Snuff Films

At least 100 years ago, Ben Franklin secretly hired the greatest artists in the country to paint a picture of him choking a little nigger girl who had tried to steal the key from his kite. History records the girl's last words being that she had just wanted more bling. Ben laughed his ass off and proceeded to drill a hole in the corpse's armpit so he could fuck it. Unfortuneately, like all filthy whores, she had bad hygiene and her pits made Ben Franklin's dick smell like a basement dweller's ass. Having learned his lesson, Ben invented the modern condom, FTW.

[edit] Modern Snuff

In today's world, Snuff is a multi-billion dollar industry. The videos of stupid sluts getting pwned in the face net an annual profit of 70 billion dollars. In addition, the girls' bodies are ground up into a fine black material, canned, and sold for another 70 billion dollars a year. The ground up bodies are sold under the code word "tobacco" which is french for "stupid dead cunt." This complex process is illustrated below.

This is how the magic happens

Because of the insane amount of money involved, it is obvious that the Jews are running the whole show.

[edit] Snuff as Urban Legends

Many people have spread the vicious rumor that snuff films are simpy an urban legend with no basis in fact. Nothing could be further from the truth. This entire web of lies was brought to its knees last Thursday on a special episode of Mythbusters dealing with this delicate subject. The myth was "confirmed" to be true once and for all when Jamie raped Tori in the ass with a miter saw, then uploaded the video to youtube where it recieved lulz and positive comments from faggots like Argent009.

[edit] Video

Black chick being killed on camera.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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