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Hip-Hop teams up with Motocross for a spectacular dunk: Play
Hip-Hop's Holiday Scare: Play
Hip-Hop's Hare-Raisers: Play
Office Scare: Play
You've seen it rolling down the streets and have wondered where it was coming from and where it was going. Now find out more about Hip-Hop's Hare-A-Van.

1999 - 2002
2002 - PRESENT
Height: 6 feet
Length: 10 feet
Width: 4 feet

Height: 8 feet
Length: 13 feet
Width: 5 feet

350 Number of places visited a year
100 Miles per day traveled
5 ½ Hours to Roanoke, VA. The longest trip the Hare-A-Van has taken.
10 Most amount of visits made in one day
6 Number of places it visits a day