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Keep on truckin', Afroduck
Keep on truckin', Afroduck

Afroduck was once an innocent statue built by the racist and satanic Habbo mods (Responsible for 9/11) but once he understood the evil of his creators, he grew an afro, and gave birth to the /b/rothahood. Each time the nigras have a 'peaceful protest' at the Habbo pool, Afroduck is there watching over them. He is the one that ensures the success of the blockades, and the safety of all Habbos from the AIDS in the pool.

When confronted by rebellion of authority (nigras be authority bitch) one must call for a heil. A great form of this heil is the Great 10 Minute Heil lasting about 3 minutes cause people get bored. During this heil over 9000 heils can be raised. One way to commence a heil is through the sacred and holy code of "ALL THE HABBOS AND THE /b/ROS SAY HEILLLLLLLL".



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