Jack Spicer

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Jack Spicer will be posted by the same unfunny newfag until you like it.

Jack Spicer is an animation character and subject of many forced memes spammed on 4chan's /b/.

Jack Spicer
Jack Spicer

Jack is a frail and weak villain wanna-be goth character from the animated television series Xiaolin Showdown. He serves as comic foil for Xiaolin Showdown's real villains of the show. His tactics involve chasing after magic artifacts with the help of his army of equally-incompetent "Jack-bots" that he builds in his "Evil Lair" (his parent's basement.). He claims he is evil and wants to take over the world, but his current portrayal makes one believe he is just a good guy who has had issues as an infant and is now overcompensating.

Jack Spicer has been used in several ways on /b/, along the ones there are:

  • Scream in hell, Jack Spicer's: Jack Spicer threads are usually flamed/saged with "Scream in Hell, Jack Spicers" because of the character's constant screaming in the show (example of Jack Spicer's scream)
  • SPICER'S SECRET: the words "SPICER'S SECRET" are spammed in random threads (possible video that explains Spicer's Secret)
  • YOU GOT JACKED: "I got Jacked" became a popular sentence, probably from episode 33 of the show Xiaolin Showdown, where it was used whenever something unfortunate happened to an individual (in that episode.) On /b/, it was used as a substitute for Duckroll, as far as spawning links that sent to YouTube videos of Jack Spicer.
  • Image macro: several images were altered to apply Spicer's makeup upon other people/memes' faces, or inserting him into GAIJIN 4KOMAs.

His catchphrase is "IT HURTS! GET IT OUT!".

[edit] ASCII

Jack Spicer's has also spawned ASCII art:


A video of Jack Spicer's old ASCII can be found here.

[edit] Gallery

Jack Spicer is part of a series on the cancer that is killing /b/.

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