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Don't take the brown acid, man.
Don't take the brown acid, man.
Typical brain on drugs. Order up!
Typical brain on drugs. Order up!
This is why you should do drugs.
This is why you should do drugs.
Satisfying and delicious
Satisfying and delicious
My anti-drug
My anti-drug

A drug is technically any non-nutritive substance which changes the function of the body.

Many people use drugs, psychoactive and otherwise. These people may or may not be losers. Emos are, and particularly liek drugs as a prelude to their cutting sessions.

Anorexic 16 year old girls may also eat drugs such as amphetamines and their lesser relatives ephedrine and arsenic as a way of avoiding actual food. They also eat laxatives, but see these as the most recreational of drugs, and mainly take them for the sheer pleasure. Anorexics generally like to boast about their laxative intake.

People who hate both their lives and drugs often claim to be "high on life". Dr. Park N. Stones has studied this phenomenon and claims that these people are lamers who have never taken a mind-altering drug.

[edit] Types of Drugs


[edit] Alcohol

Alcohol is one of the most common strong drugs used by humans. Cheap white cider and poof juice is what the gay emo and wigger kids drink, while the more non-gay drink lager and vodka. Real men drink Jack Daniels, but the pussies mix it. Butthurt girls prefer mojitos, a drink made at least 100 years ago by a Mexican faggot.

[edit] Absinth

Absinth is what Czech people drink 24/7 to become really fucked-up. If you drink 4 shots of Absinth you get really high and start to see shit that's not real, which is why it is legal in civilized countries. Going to the Czech Republic without trying Absinth would be like going to Las-Vegas without gambling or to the internet without downloading porn.

[edit] Bananadine

For those REAL anarchists like to blow shit up, vandalize stuff, and who need to get high off of household materials in order to preach their call for social change; Bananadine is the perfect drug for you. Much like LSD, but gives you hallucinations of Charles Manson and burning flags.

Instructions found in The Anarchist Cookbook.

[edit] Brown-Brown

Similar to Jenkem, Brown-Brown is popular with poor nigger children, especially African child soldiers in the hundreds of civil wars raging on the continent. Brown-Brown is made by mixing cocaine with gunpowder and is ingested by snorting. However, unlike Jenkem it turns you into a raging, psycho killer, whereas Jenkem is closer to a raver drug for hippy skinnies [1].

[edit] Caffeine

Caffeine is for the kids who can't get coke because they're too gay or fall into the category of losers which includes emo kidz and wiggers. Frequent users of Caffeine include gamers who use it to stay up all night at lan parties. There are also a number of middle school kids who think that they can get high by taking a large number of Caffeine pills. Make sure to sell some to a group of kids at the park for lulz.

[edit] Cannabis

Cannabis was invented at least 100 years ago in 1969 and legalized in the year 1982. Some people say that God made it. Others will disagree and say that Satan did, but everybody knows that actually it was invented in Colombia, because every single Colombian is an expert on the manufacture of every illegal drug. "Marijuana," as Mexicans and other degenerates call it, is a popular fruit mainly consumed by hippies and those dumbasses in your history class who blow spitballs at each other. It is different than other fruits in that it gets you totally stoned.

this shit'll fuck you up gooood.
this shit'll fuck you up gooood.

Some say that marijuana slows down the brain. This is incorrect - one school of thought maintains that it actually speeds up the thought processes, but shuts down the rest of the body to compensate. However, recent field studies offer a more plausible explanation for this shift in mind/body co-ordination failure; that the mind exceeds the body's ability to match the precise signals sent from the enhanced neuron firing process, often the muscles will misinterpret the hyper-elevated signal and act in an opposite or irregular manner. this, in conjunction with the sheer strength of the signal can not only make muscle reaction undependable, but also unexpectedly forceful.

What do you expect?
What do you expect?

There are two types of cannabis. Shwag is dirty weed grown on the planet Mexico by 13 year old boys and smuggled into this country by mules. Chronic Buds, the second type, are grown in a secret Canadian Laboratory known as Weapon X. The X-Men are suspected of smuggling in this radioactive type of cannabis and are attributed to starting the Mutant Problem. These Chronic Buds are a highly potent form of cannabis known to cause communist sympathies, a great dislike of the government, and joblessness. Cannabis has also been attributed to giving str8 boys the gay and making negroes attractive to 16 year old girls. Using cannabis does not necessarily lead to the use of "harder" drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy but it does lead to harder use of your mom. The best shit you can get is White Widow. Call Sheneequa (or any other fat nigger bitch) for some hook ups.

Indicators that there might be cannabis use and dealing in a neighborhood:

  • If there is a university nearby.
  • If there is an airport nearby.
  • If the local ice cream truck plays la cucaracha...

Cannabis goes by many slang terms, such as:

  • crock pot
  • tea kettle
  • spatula
  • pen
  • pencil
  • "I'm just going to the mall, bitch"
  • books
  • records
  • Acrid Alaskan Tundra Thunder Fuck
Marijuana effects.
Marijuana effects.

Cannabis is often used by internet tough guys, often in arguments. This is so that he may be seen as more "hardcore", because everyone knows that lighting a paper cylinder full of a plant and sucking on the end that isn't on fire is the most hardcore thing one can do.

[edit] Catnip

Catnip is what stoners smoke when they are all out of weed. It's best when you're all out of your dirty schwag weed, but it tastes like dirty vagina and burns the fuck out of your throat. But I mean c'mon! Look how happy and shit that cat is, man! That must be some good shit!

[edit] Cocaine

Fact: Nicole Richie licking her coke
Fact: Nicole Richie licking her coke
Animu charakters love the coke
Animu charakters love the coke
Cocaine is the main food source for cambodians
Cocaine is the main food source for cambodians
everybody is on coke; even your fellow lawyer!
everybody is on coke; even your fellow lawyer!
Cocaine is a well-known remedy for hay fever
Cocaine is a well-known remedy for hay fever
Coke will make you turn into a giant statue of a furry.
Coke will make you turn into a giant statue of a furry.

Cocaine (also called food of the gods, or coke in its carbonated, caramel-flavored form) is a popular drug from the 1980s. Usually powdered , for easy carriage in bags or devouring on doughnuts. As opposed to in the ass, it is usually "snorted" through a tube-like instrument, such as a rolled up dollar bill, or if you are really rich you may wanna snort it up through a 100 dollar bill which really fucks you up. You have to burn the bill afterwards to make an impression. However, note that most people who are snorting the crack form have never seen a 100 dollar bill in their lives. Please, EMAC.This drug can have seriously harmful effects, including brain damage, addiction, erosion of the nose, and the need to listen to Daft Punk. For more information about cocaine, plz contact Eric Clapton

All cocaine in the world comes from Colombia. If you go to Colombia you will find that the natives live on a big mountain of cocaine, and every resident is an expert in its manufacture. This justifies dropping massive amounts of pesticide on the country from planes, which increases the price of cocaine and thus the profits of the suppliers, which helps win the war on drugs. If you disagree you hate America.

[edit] Codeine

Difficult to spell and generally a bit shit, codeine is available in over-the-counter painkillers in England and Canada. Woot! These will fuck you up, but the thrill seeker must be cautious, as these fuckers are laced with caffeine, used to head off the drowsiness that codeine induces. Codeine is also responsible for many lulz when one watches someone who hasn't taken them for the buzz overestimate how many pills they actualy need to get stoned. The reactions of this are sleepiness, severe vomiting and loss of muscle function. In the case of epic lulz, it can cause death from sever depression of the pulmonary system (you cease to be able to breathe). In the case of the latter lulz, one should get the lffs over with, quietly leave the scene after wiping for fingerprints and call as a "concerned citizen" from an "undisclosed location". To do otherwise, or any attempt to be responsible in any way, leads to being Party V& and possibly script fodder for an episode of CSI.

Also, codeine is the drug of choice for middle-aged women like your mom, especially if they're out of, dilaudids, Vicodin or Valium

[edit] Crack

Crack is like ANTHRAX; 'cept ya SHMOKE IT!!!

Dave Chappelle (not really)

Niggas love teh crack
Niggas love teh crack
Remedy for many ills
Remedy for many ills
Three crack heads
Three crack heads

Crack, so-called because it is commonly stored in one's asscrack, is a smokable form of cocaine which looks like a rock. It delivers the same effects as cocaine but the effects are stronger and shorter lasting. Crack is basically cocaine for niggers. Mediacrat does not do crack, as it is not a drug for the rich and beautiful. Whitney Houston, famous drug user, says that crack "is for poor people." stealing crack is a prosecutable offence it can result in a "nigger" popping a cap in your ass.

It was first created and distributed in the early 1980s by Whitey through clandestine operation with the sole purpose of keeping the Black Man down. Ever since then, people of all races and classes have taken part in enjoying this delectable high.

Crack is popular amongst whores because of how cheap it is. That's why they're called crack whores, WTF.

Crack is also enjoyed by snails.
Crack is also enjoyed by snails.

On the Internet, you will occasionally encounter the sort of khaki-wearing, Conan-watching fuckwit who still considers the phrase "on crack" to be hilarious. E.g., "She's running around like a rabbit... ON CRACK!!!" This is grounds for a violent permaban from your flist.

[edit] DXM

DXM, short for dextromethorphan hydrobromide: a dissociative hallucinogen of morphinan structure found in cough syrups and cough gel capsules, such as Robitussin. The pharmacological effects of this drug put it in the same class as PCP, ketamine, and tiletamine. Basically at low doses it makes you feel like a spring, while at high doses makes you see everything you imagine. Since only veteranarians have access to the real dissociatives, many 13 year old boys resort to this alternative form because it can be scored at most any pharmacy or grocery store. One shortcoming of this substance is its lack of addiction potential. As a result, many young dope fiends waste their precious drug allowance on inferior substances such as marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol. Another notable aspect of DXM is that users develop a superiority complex and renounce all other forms of dope fiend in favor of their new cough syrup drinking brethren. Shockingly there is significant evidence that regular use causes Gayness. Fortunately for them, some high-functioning DXM freaks created their own internet zion, called dextroverse, where they can live and trip in peace while exulting their holy substance. The entire community of 13 year old boys and drama whores can be observed in their natural environment at DVirc discussing such topics as "How to get high from drinking your own urine" and "ZOMG You troll I did not get raped by my father".

Some retards think it's a good idea to take Coricidin Cough & Cold, also known as CCC. What they don't seem to realize is that CCC contains Chlorpheniramine Maleate, an antihistamine which has been known to cause coma at high doses, ensuring a long, drawn-out, and care free life as a veggie. Smart people stick with Robitussin cough gels, which contain nothing but 15mgs of DXM per dose.

[edit] Ecstasy

Ecstasy is the club name for methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Ecstasy is number one in the rave scene. Ecstasy makes you dance like a retard and participate in "glory holes", where you stick your penis through a hole in a bathroom stall and have it sucked on by a gay man, but it's ok, cause you can't see his face. On the bright side, women on ecstasy tend to take their tops off, providing for many boob shots and the possibility of hot sex (or lulz if the girl is fat).

[edit] Ephedrine

Ephedrine is a weight loss drug preferred by the morbidly obese and pro-ana 16 year old girls. It's important when taking ephedrine not to vomit it up with your half piece of toast and dixie cup of water during a fit of thinspiration.

[edit] GHB

GHB Leads to rape.
GHB Leads to rape.

GHB, short for gamma hydroxybutyrate (a.k.a. the date rape drug) makes you feel instant uberdrunk for like an hour. It is highly dangerous at high doses and can get you raped up the ass by some desperate gay rapist. Usually mis-spelt GBH for the lulz.

[edit] Heroin

this is what heroin does to people. See also: Dykepals
this is what heroin does to people. See also: Dykepals

In comprehensive clinical testing, scientists have found heroin to be among the safest recreational drugs available today, with no potential for addiction, no significant impairment of cognitive processes or motor skills, and no long term effects on mental or physical health other than making people like you more. First invented in 1939 by German Nazi scientists researching the semenic content of the mentally retarded, it has since become a source of false inspiration for "artists" such as Kurt Kobain, Perry Ferrel, and Your Mom.

Heroin has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for its roles in such films as "Requiem for a Dream," "Ray," and "Paigegirl Pussifies Portland."

If you're a kid looking for info on how to shoot heroin, you've come to the right place.

[edit] Inhalants

You're doing it wrong.
You're doing it wrong.

For when you're too poor to even be able to afford real drugs, or too retarded to know who to get them from, there are inhalants, a category that pretty much covers any chemical shit that you can sniff. Glue? Obviously! Petrol? Hell yes! Spraypaint? It's like candy! Shit? You better believe it! The panties of 16 year old Japanese schoolgirls? Sure, but only if they piss pure methylated spirits. See also; Whiteboard Markers.

[edit] Jimsonweed

Jimsonweed is basically like Peyote except that it gives you a bad trip 99% of the time. It is usually used by retarded ranchers and dirt-poor white trash who can't afford meth, or stupid hippie hikers. 9 times out of 10 you will end up OD'ing on it and end up running naked from the cops screaming about how YOU TOTALLY SAW GOD AND IT LIKE BLEW YOUR MIND MANG!

[edit] Ketamine

Special K in junkie language. Contrary to popular belief, Ketamine does not lower blood pressure; instead, it can have a wide range of effects ranging from hallucinations to actually enjoying techno music, much like a raver. It can come in a variety of names and packages ranging from Ketamine Animal Tranquilizer (KAT) to "special edition with strawberries". Users of Ketamine may actually become a raver after prolonged usage. Ravers may attempt to cook Ketamine in your oven while you are not looking.

Ketamine is also known to cause people to feel and act like they have Down Syndrome, often sitting in one spot for hours on end completely unaware they have the ability to move at all. It is a commonly accepted fact that this type of retardation-inducing ketamine was first created at least 100 years ago by Stephen Hawking, Superman, and over nine thousand other wheelchair-bound retards in an attempt to get everybody back for all the abuse they'd been given over the years. It didn't work.

Fun fact: Ketamine made House walk.

[edit] LSD

What happens when you impregnate a Limey whore who's doing crack *and* LSD
What happens when you impregnate a Limey whore who's doing crack *and* LSD

LSD is a drug that makes you think the furry you're fucking in the ass is actually a hell-bent hare whose face is melting off. Often, it will cause users to have Vietnam war-style flashbacks and think Quasidan's penis is coming to get them. LSD may, in some cases, also be referred to as LOLSD. It also melts holes in your brain, so many doctors recommend it.

LSD is known for pwning 16 year old girls, all of whom are emotionally unstable for some reason or another and thus can't handle the realness. Never, ever give LSD to a 16 year old girl unless you're going to be leaving the scene shortly after and are certain that someone will stick around to give you the gist of what happened.

LSD also caused a bunch of untalented hippies to make a techno music called Psytrance. It is believed that Osama bin Laden loves the Shpongle.

Common LSD trip.

[edit] Melange or Spice

This drug makes you live longer, endow you with psychic abilities, grant the ability to speak Portuguese, and increases the size of your penis. It tastes like cinnamon and those crazy Bene Gesserit bitches use it like crazy. It's made of sand worm cum, costs a hella' lot and is only available on the desert planet of Arrakis, also known as Dune. If you use it, make sure you use Visine so that your mom won't bust you for having glowing blue eyes.. Oh, and it can make you live forever and mutate you into a large worm. A more powerful derivative of Spice is the Water of Life, which is refined Sand Worm Piss, and can only be safely consumed by the one who is foretold in prophecy and if you are expect one hell of a trip.

[edit] Medipacks/Healthpacks/Stimpacks

Medipacks are highly addictive and you never have enough of them. You'd kill entire alien armies, suck leprous cocks or srsly fuck it up with demons from hell, just to get your hands on you next "Pack". How they work actually noone knows, but as far as modern science can say, you have to WALK OVER THEM. Maybe the most dangerous thing about Medipacks is, that you can use them while having both hands occupied, for example while killing aliens or fapping while goatseing your anus.

This is a scientific development of what happens before and after a stimpack.

[edit] Methamphetamine

Meth will give you a sun tan and make you look younger. don't do it
Meth will give you a sun tan and make you look younger. don't do it

Also known as 'Boo-Yah!' and 'Booger Sugar'. Popular amongst Booty Bumpers and people too stupid to stick with coffee.

Methamphetamine makes you so high that you cant find your own hands, and when you do find them, it turns out they're choking a hooker or beating up a kid. Some claim that methamphetamine is a synthetic substance cooked up in labs in trailer parks. They're lying. Meth is actually just ordinary spider eggs that need a place to gestate. Kind meth-heads, or "friends of spiders", give the helpless little arachnids a warm incubation in their noses, and when the spiders hatch, they escape through the host's pores, resulting in sores commonly called "speed bumps". These scars serve as reminders of the meth-head's kindness to God's creatures. If you see a meth-head with speed-bumps, approach them, look them right in the eye, and say "Thank you, on behalf of all the spiders". They'll understand.

[edit] Nutmeg

Nutmeg is not a drug, but rather a spice used in cooking that contains MDA analogs. People too poor for crack may attempt to take nutmeg for a quick high, but those people are retarded. This is because Nutmeg kicks in at least 12 hours after you've forgotten that you've taken it. Connecticut is nicknamed The Nutmeg State. Also, it tastes quite similar to candy.

[edit] Oxycontin

Special K in its purest form.
Special K in its purest form.
Another marker junkie
Another marker junkie

Hillbilly Heroin is an expensive painkiller that's really just Percocet without the Tylenol. Its only real 'high' is intense full-body itchiness that makes you scratch until you bleed. Despite the "I was naked in a burlap sack, wrapped in barbwire, fighting at least 100 feral cats" effect, it still causes junkies to rob pharmacies to get it, even though rolling around in broken crack vials in a thorn patch would be much easier.

Rush Limbaugh's fat ass once held up five Walgreens in an afternoon to get his Oxycontin fix.

[edit] PCP

Also called angel dust, PCP is used mainly by crazy niggers who feel like pwning the shit out of themselves

Causes you to hallucinate and think ur jesus, not only that but it enables you to punch actual craters into the Earth's surface. There even is a [Google Earth][2] community specifically dedicated to finding these PCP-induced craters. President mao can be contacted through either Windows Live Messenger or e-mail at: p.grayburn@gmail.com
Usually you wind up stabing your eyes out with a fork or ripping the skin off your arm, has also been known to turn people into cannibals. Some examples of crazy niggers on PCP:

a 17-year-old boy made a sexual advance on a 14-year-old girl after both had smoked "superweed" (here meaning marijuana dosed with PCP); when she resisted, he concluded he was being attacked by a wild animal and strangled her;
a man cut off one of his partner's testicles at the latter's request while both were high on PCP
one chronic PCP user "branded himself by burning a cross on his chest"
a 38-year-old man smoked superweed, cut off the head of his dog, and attacked a stranger on the street with a razor
high on PCP, a man waved down a car, shot and killed a passenger, then frolicked on the freeway firing in the air before being subdued
a 29-year-old man smoked a PCP "crystal joint," entered a pregnant woman's home, stabbed her, killing the fetus, killed her two-year-old child, and when found was running down the street with a knife, naked and bloody, yelling, "Hallelujah, I'm Jesus!" He later admitted that he did it for the lulz and the charges were dropped.
Rodney King was high on PCP when he accidentally wandered into the venue of the LAPD's Annual Nigger Beatdown and was mistaken for one of the legitimate participants.

[edit] Peyote

Peyote is a safe, non-addictive, and introspective way to trip your fucking ass off. It's legal in the USA if you're a licensed Injun, but you can find the peyote cactus growing wild in the Southwest. Remove the buttons at the top of the roots, boil them in some water or chew them if you're lazy, and get ready to puke your fucking guts out. Now, this is the tricky part. The more you puke, the less effect the cactus will have on you, so try and keep it down by not thinking about Shay.

[edit] Salvia

Salvia will make you peel the flesh off of lazerbread fruit sandwiches to keep them away from your toes(or make "gravity light" crush you to death) for five minutes; then you'll sit around and say stupid shit.Its also for pussies who dont want to get in trouble with the good tasty illegal drugs. You also have to own a frigging gold mine to afford the stuff.

Salvia divinorum is still mostly legal in the US and Europe and induces chat logs like the following:

khelair (12:20): that was the highest I've been and the clearest the ah-pon have been
khelair (12:20): next time I'll communicate WITH them instead of just be a cog in their machine Image:dog.gif
neurophyre (12:20): Image:emot-LMAO.gif
khelair (12:20): I'm serious Image:Trill_tearlaugh.png
khelair (12:22): salvia requires a more freeflowing, looping surface
khelair (12:22): IN MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS Image:dog.gif
neurophyre (12:22): you should start a salvia farm Image:Trill_bigsmile.png
khelair (12:22): fuck THAT I need to start a CUNT Image:dog.gif
khelair (12:22): er, CULT, even Image:emot-LMAO.gif

PROTIP: Chew the leaves instead of smoking and it will last a bit longer. Better yet, sell it all to some 5th graders and buy a real hallucinogen, like LSD.

Some assclown named Brett failed so now salvia is illegal in like 3 states no one cares about. This event can be blamed on Jesus, who created assclowns.

[edit] Shrooms

Sometimes, your shrooms turn into ass
Sometimes, your shrooms turn into ass

Shrooms can make you miss pics plz:

<+schlorp> they were so cute
<+schlorp> they blocked a street :D
<@ajt> schlorp: did you get pics?
<+schlorp> no!
<+schlorp> i was at the time unable to operate a camera
<+schlorp> due to rampant mushrooms
<+schlorp> :<

[edit] Tobacco

Tobacco is the most accessible and arguably the most enjoyable of the recreational drugs. Tobacco built America, so by extension people who hate tobacco hate America. Additionally, as taxes on cigarettes go to support education, they also hate children.

There was once a man who became a powerful head of state who went on a personal crusade to stamp out smoking. As well as mandating that no one around him smoke, he banned public smoking and spent vast amounts of public money disseminating anti-smoking propaganda. His name: Adolph Hitler. In spite of his groundbreaking advances in the field of Jew extermination he is still vilified to this day for this reason.

There are many great reasons to start smoking. As well as making you feel great, studies have shown that smokers are 25 times more likely that non-smokers to be cool. Also, by not smoking you are associating yourself with asinine anti-smoking douchebags such as the pussies at TheTruth.com, which funds itself primarily through gay prostitution.

[edit] UPN

The typical unemployed 16 year old girl stoned off her ass
The typical unemployed 16 year old girl stoned off her ass

UPN, not to be confused with the television network for niggers, is short for Ureaphenylnitrate, a potent yet quickly metabolized hallucinogen and stimulant. Its discovery is relatively recent (see various publications in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology), yet it is gaining OL notoriety in such LJ communities as stoner_girls and drugwar. Preparation is nearly trivial: The intended user accumulates approximately 1 liter of urine in a small Nalgene container (the source of the phenyl group via the naturally flaked bisphenol A); which is permitted to completely evaporate. The urea particles are resuspended in a small volume (< 5mL) of water, and another small (< 5g) amount of saltpeter is added. The resulting mixture contains a significant amount of UPN, so should be tested for specific effects using a Q-Tip on the edge of the nostril before either snorting or inserting directly into the anus for maximum effect.

While certainly not addressed in the reputable publications, it is speculated that the discovery of this drug should be attributed to the esoteric S&M babyfurs, who discovered the drug during a noble journey of self-awareness involving piss, cutting, and explosives, during some kind of hiking adventure, which makes absolutely no fucking sense, because babyfurs are justifiably afraid of the sun (it is there pervert god that judges them).

[edit] Whiteboard Markers

People who work in the education sector are particularly susceptible to getting hooked on solvent abuse. It's all about stress and proximity. Look out for the tell-tale circle of blue or black ink around your teacher's nostril. If you notice this, shout, "For shame, you solvent snorting bitch!" at the top of your voice. You have a moral obligation to do this. Think of the children. LOL.

[edit] Morning Glory Seeds

It would appear you can now get fucked up off morning glory seeds. By eating 800 seeds (thats not a typo) you can produce a mild LSD trip that is followed by nausea and pukeing your guts out. Now go have fun kids while mommy pleasures herself to your stretch armstrong.

PROTIP: Crush the seeds into a fine dust, then mix into water and take interlingually

[edit] Drugs and Wikipedia

For first time users who are unsure of the correct methods to inject drugs, Wikipedia is very well versed in the subject. Their article on drug injection details the many ways to insert illicit drugs into one's body. For example, did you know that women are able to insert drugs into their vaginas with much the same effect as a suppository? You do now! Thanks to Wikipedia!


[edit] Winners Don't Use Drugs

Back in the stone age when people actually used to put quarters inside machines to play arcade games (rather than download them from a random geocities site), there was a drug problem among gamers. In order to make people more aware of this problem, the FBI forced all arcade games to remind people that "Winners don't use drugs."

This warning finally brought the drug problem to public attention. However, at the same time it caused much confusion, since most people were using drugs without even being aware of it! There was no way to tell if you were on drugs other than losing. If you lost, you probably were on drugs. Winners don't use drugs. That's all there was to it. You couldn't lose at the game because if you did, you were a drug user and the FBI would be waiting for you outside.

[edit] Winners Sell Them

Learn MOAR.

[edit] Why Drugs Are Bad

Drugs are all called "drugs" because they are all exactly the same. If a crackhead on a comedown robs someone, it is because he was on drugs.

Therefore, any drug that can be called a drug (but not one that has been legitimately prescribed) is the same as crack. If it wasn't, they wouldn't both be called drugs now, would they?

Incidentally, whilst it is completely OK to take prescribed drugs in the advised dosage whilst you are ill, if you take exactly the same drugs for fun when you are not ill, they immediately become drugs, and therefore crack.

If you think the above is not completely retarded, the DEA has an opening for you.

It should be noted that taking too many drugs might make you think you don't need food, you goddam hippy.

[edit] Why Drugs Are Good

All the cool kids do drugs so you suck at life if you don't use drugs at least twice a week.

[edit] As a Drama-Generating Technique


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