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Leam attempting unsuccessfully to pwn the internet.
Leam attempting unsuccessfully to pwn the internet.
Leam is one of the few cool furries. He is also proof that the furry fandom is so horrid that sensible furries despise their own kind. For more info see the history of the WolfJLupus and Kamunou Hyena articles. It is common knowledge that Leam has sex with a spic, which is fucking disgusting and would get him executed in any civilized country.

[edit] How to be a furry and not get banned

Leam can be found on ED, and actually has lasted more than 3 minutes, unlike most furries. To learn from his example and stay alive, you could try:

[edit] External links

Note: this is an article about an Encyclopedia Dramatica user. For more information, please see the appropriate user page. To leave this user a message, please visit User_Talk:Leam.

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