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Popcorn (aka Whileyouwereout) is the supposed internet name of an artist who draws mech, furry and airplane porn. Apparently some all at the same time. And whattaya know-she created the orange plane "Alison", as an extension of herself. Please see pictures below to witness what goes on in the head of an attention staved, crazy Otaku girl. She was outed on SomethingAwful by forum poster TheJrab, who "showcased" some of her material, who then found out about the thread through roommates. As of Nov 07, the thread has been going on for nearly six months-making it one of the most Epic SA threads ever.

While many people have imaginations, this chick lives in a twisted and gross fantasy world of Anthro-planes (and they are all Bi, and have sex with each other. Seriously.) frolic and thinks she's a hot man-eater. She stalks other furry, Otaku, loser guys-sleeps with them (usually taking their virginity), then lather-rinses-repeats with his friends. Leaving a trail of disgruntled and disgusted men, and proudly talks about her feelings for the current guy she's fucking in her LJ or FurAffinity blogs. In full view of friends and current actual, "boyfriend".


She and her BF Josh move in with their friend from work(Walmart)-Rami, within the span of a week she 'fell in love' with Rami, and promptly told Josh to pack up and get out.

Also, she has openly admitted to masterbaiting with Rami's Bokken. A fucking Bokken. To his friends. He is also apparently-aside from a shitty furry artist-a martial arts master. And under his watch, is training Popcorn to be a Samurai. Putting all logic and common sense aside, she fully believes she can become a Samurai warrior."


[edit] Popcorn's Artwork

I'm a catgirl! Moo!
I'm a catgirl! Moo!
p-38's are so sexy
p-38's are so sexy

[edit] Notable Quotes

For some reason I have been super-depressed about everything lately. I just don't seem to be good at anything anymore. I can't draw what's in my head, I can't play the gametypes that everyone else does on Halo/Halo 2 because I obviously lack skill, I don't really enjoy my job at the moment, and generally I just feel like a failure. I just don't really seem to be going anywhere ALL by myself.

—Popcorn throwing a pity party

It doesn't help that Rami has sentenced me to 2 weeks of no sex as part pf my Samurai training. I'm wondering if i should just stop having sex altogether and just marry his damn bokken. He doesn't seem to enjoy doing it that much, but then again I'm worse than most men with my sex drive.

—Popcorn complaining about how she can't please her man

GAWD I wish everyone would just leave me alone and quit bringing drama to my front door! Really, it's starting to affect me at work. My performance has steadily gone downhill since the SA stuff happened.

—Popcorn wondering why drama seems to follow her

Actually, I got this abuse on a much harsher scale publically, thanks to somethingawful.com. I had people searching me out at my work and house to give me crap. Also, some of my family got in on it, as well as my ex and his GF. It only stopped when I told the guy who started everything that if he didn't stop, we'd tell his psycho mom that he does pot and gets drunk underage. And even then, my ex still won't shut up after almost a year.

—Popcorn really thinks she's THAT important.

Just hide the comments and buck up. I know you've heard this before and you'll probably just get mad at me, but it works. It is EXTREMELY HARD and it can take a long time, but it works. their opinion doesn't matter anyway becasue it is an OPINION. Only the opinion of people who care is what really matters. And by writing these journals, you're just feeding the fire. A good thing to do is start a livejournal where you can rant and set the journal to be viewed by friends ONLY. That's where I do most of my ranting about the crap that has happened to me.

I really hope things work out for you, you're a wonderful artist and one of the people who inspires me. ^_^ *hugs*

—Popcorn getting sympathy from the ever-so-normal snapesnogger

The only reason i was aroused my my aeromorphs s becasue Josh wasn't satisfying me in any way, shape or form in the lat year we were together. If you look at any of my submission dates, I have not drawn any for quite some time. And whatever claims Josh may make, he is/was a furry in a worse way than I. He also has some very dark secrets which I will not share with you at this time, but rather will leave you to see if you can pry them from him yourself if you so desire. I will only share that they were homosexual in nature. And no, apart from a sex toy, i have never used anything else on my body in a sexual way.

I have change much and matured alot since being with Josh, and there is/was no love triangle. I broke up with Josh for Rami becasue Rami loves me, and Josh and I clashed horribly. Now, let me be and got find someone else to make fun of who deserves it more than I.

—Popcorn, August 14 2007, her defensive reply about drawing airplane porn and masturbating with her boyfriend's bokken (see next quote)

So...after watching Rome, andHBO series that has LOTS AND LOTS of sex and genitalia and boobs in it and after having heen left hanging halfway through an orgasm...I found a new use for Rami's bokken. Wasn't too good seeing as neither end was quite the proper shape, but DAYUM it relieved some tension.

Why the hell am I writing this?! I have no idea. Probably becasue I will later draw a picture of Ichinore employing a bokken/ sword hilt or scabbard in the same way later on.

—Popcorn grosses out the world in her furaffinity journal

Why can't I just be ten years old again and live carefree, without worrying about bills, relationships, sex, or what others think of me? I would most definitely kill just about anyone for that. Possibly even Rami. I want to be free of the hassles of being a legal adult.

—Popcorn whining about life

[edit] Her reaction to being heckled on SA-or-The least thinly veiled lies ever


So. I have become somewhat of a celebrity on the SomethingAwful.com forums. I am SO loving it. I love the Goons, man, they are awesome folks. The only ones who have managed to irk me so far are the ones who are

A) jealous of my artwork so they result to calling my art horrific and saying that use Photoshop to try and make my art look professional instead of good, even though I loathe the hell out of Photoshop. Hell, I don't even use it for cleaning up and resizing. I use GIMP.

B) And the ones who label me as a 'total' furry. Yanno, like those nuts who make dog cock dildos to use on themselves, justify their bestiality by drawing the most animalistic anthros they can get away with, and claim to have been an animal in a past life. Not to flame some of the good artist out there like Dogsoul from FA, and a few others I can't name of the top of my head that draw animal genitals; while animal genitals aren't my preference, I still enjoy the art.

Other than that, this is awesome. I gets teh free publicity. More than one goon (I think) admitted to fapping to my artings. And I know there are those tere that secretly lurve my stuff. And even if I'm wrong, oh well. Can't please everyone all the time. Also, I got requests from them, wether intentional or not.

Anyway, here's a link to the thread. Ya can't sign up and yelle at em either becasue it costs moneys. ---> [link]


[edit] Tell us how you really feel

Apparently we may have done a bit more emotional damage than I anticipated. I hear she's not exactly handling the criticism too well. I'm going to go see her tommorow and try to get her an account, though.

—TheJrab,SA thread

Trolls remorse or last attempt at lulz? It remains to be seen...

[edit] Her delusions on being a "Warrior"

Cheap Kimono, or bathrobe?
Cheap Kimono, or bathrobe?
"People want me to leave them along, even years later...wanting me to go away. And I say...if I am still affecting them, then I will never truly leave them. I...or should I say...Popcorn...will always be lurking in the darkest crevices of their minds, chained to their imaginations for all of eternity. Call it wishful thinking or all that rot, but I wish they would give Kenji a chance. A chance to realize that people can make drastic changes in themselves. I want to obliterate Popcorn from the minds of these people and replace her with the Samurai I am quickly becoming. I want to slay the person I once was, and put her to an eternal rest. But if is up to those whom she wounded to give the Samurai a chance. Just as a wounded pet has to trust it's caretaker to heal it, else it will bit the hand that feeds it, or run away to die.

It is here and now that I sever myself from my past. I will take the good part with me and burn the rest in a cleansing fire. Fire is my engine, fire is my weapon. And I'm getting entirely too philosophical and mystical with this whole damned entry.

I am a new person. I am stronger. I am wiser. I am more patient. I am more disciplined. I am more powerful. I am Samurai.

And yet I am still the same as I have always been. In the good aspects, that is."

—Popcorn, deviantart journal Sep. 30, 2007

[edit] Injury on the First Day: Should she continue "Training"?

"So Rami had the bright idea to teach me hand to hand today. So we're going and I'm doing just craptacular as usual, when he decides that it would be THE best idea in the entire fuckin' UNIVERSE to attempt to piledrive me. I came out of that one with a dislocated wrist, thankyouverymuch. So I go and try to hold back the pain of having an already fragile joint dislocated and get my old wrist brace out, and on the way back outside I fuckin' twist my ankle in a hole. Not really that bad, but just insult to injury.

So now I'm trying to decide if I really want to train or not. Or at least if I want to train with Rami. Then again I'm already 21 and between life and work I probably won't get much better than I already am. Rami said that my ch'i is locked behind strong gates anyway, so what's the point? Besides, he's got Billy to train and he's far better at combat than I could ever be. At this point in my life I'm too busy trying to survive in a hateful world full of malcontent. And I don't care if I used that word in the right context, dammit. I HURT.

I dunno. I'm mentally at war with myself right now. Part of me wants to just give up martial arts entirely becasue of lack of time, but my pride and determination won't let me if it can help it. Then again they also don't want me to change. it's a big-ass circle that's probably going to lead to a mental breakdown by the time I'm thirty. Oh god...that's only nine years away. o.O; Midlife crisis *snort* my whole life has been one big crisis after another."

—Popcorn, furaffinity journal

[edit] BREAKING NEWS! Nov 23-New roommate/future conquest?

This just in-Word on the Intarwebz states that a new tenant has recently moved into the House of Debauchery; an unidentified virgin male, known only at this time as-"Billy". Who is this new character in the 'Saga of a Planefucker'? Will HE be June's new 'man'? When will Rami meet the same fate as Josh? Do YOU have any information on this exciting new chapter? If you do, please-for the LULZ-add every horrible detail.

[edit] Her Asperger's

"Hm" she peeped, looking at the SA front page update. Something about aspergers. Classic SA stuff. "haha, like assburgers" she laughed, covering up the embarrassed giggles from Palver and I.

"Yeah, SA likes to make fun of people with that" I helpfully tried to steer the conversation away from the subject, "now, [Popcorn], sweetheart, you should go to GBS so we can see what the thread looks like." While I frantically gesticulated at the screen, trying to show her the link to the forums, Palver exited swiftly, beckoned by Rami about something.

"You know it's funny you should mention that," [Popcorn] chimed back in, "I actually have aspergers."

No. No certainly not. The goons won't even believe this.

"You do?" I hadn't yet worked up enough of a laugh in my throat to suppress it, but I could feel it inevitably forming, "W...when were you diagnosed?"

"When I was younger. My brother and I were both diagnosed with it. it's like OCD lite."

Before she could finish I had stumbled into the living, falling over Palver's shoulder and stage whispering, "Du...dude, she says she has Aspergers."

"Aspergers?" Rami gave me a hard questioning look, "Is that like a kind of retardation"

"More like autism" I offered, my head swimming with ideas for ways I could tell the goons, "Yeah, kind of a crazy syndrome, eh?"

—TheJrab,SA thread

[edit] WTF

  • Rami's Yahoo IM: Blackwings_blackcoat
  • Rami's email: Kami_kari03@yahoo.com

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Image:Aspergerbenice.gif This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.

is part of a series on DevianTART

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"Can i eat you?" -Sonicrules22 from DA

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