The Google Summer Of Code


I applied to 4 organizations in 2007. This time around Google is doing everything they can to stop multiple selections from happening: It looks like students with highly ranked applications are marked as such, so mentors from one organization would know if that student is likely to be selected in another.

The results have been announced and I will be working with Plan9 from Bell Labs on the "Alternative Implementations of 9P" project. Time permitting, I will also be working on the GGI-Cairo integration project and Fedora's Docbook2PDF toolchain. The Gnome project on adding Evince Annotation support was allotted to another student.


I had made 6 proposals of which 4 were accepted - the Gnome and PSU proposals were rejected. I also included links to supplementary pages in my proposals: PHP-GNOME Bindings, GuideXML Editor, and Web-Based IDE.

I maintain a blog related to my SoC projects, which is aggregated on the blog page. Also available seperately.