419 Nigerian Email Scams

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Typical 419ers
Typical 419ers
oh shi...that nigger Ian is one crazy Nigra. YHBT!
oh shi...that nigger Ian is one crazy Nigra. YHBT!
One of the countless variations
One of the countless variations
Short-term trolling technique -- and what is he offering? Rice and cows?
Short-term trolling technique -- and what is he offering? Rice and cows?
Instant joy
Instant joy

Nigerian scam e-mails, also called "419 scam" e-mails, after the Nigerian penal code reference, are the tl;dr messages you receive now and then from someone in Africa, written in broken but fancy English, telling some bizarre story about being the son of the late dictator, needing your help to get some millions of dollars, of which you can have a big chunk. There are many variations of the story, all of them ridiculous and preposterous. As Chris Hansen has shown, you will never get your millions, but instead will end up sending the African hundreds or maybe thousands of dollars to pay various fees that always "unexpectedly" arise, while he is trying so hard to make all the arrangements for your mutual benefit. It never fails, and the Africans make a killing, year after year, from the world's borderline-retarded masses. The letter-writers are not always from Nigeria; indeed, the message could come from any African country, and lately there are even messages from China. Some of the messages take a completely different approach, giving a sob story of being a poor orphan girl, or some other nonsense.


[edit] Variant

This is now so old meme that those crazy Nigerians are huffing the Jenk and coming up with new ways to troll Whitey for his Jew Gold. The latest is the Nigerian Bulldog Scam in which that Nigger Ian claims he can no longer care for his pure-bred English Bulldog. For upward of an niggardly $500 the vic can rescue the poor mutt from euthanasia.

You're lucky to have mailed at this time because the puppy has just been placed on adoption by one of my customers, who went on a veterinarian work transfer with the West African veterinarian commission Lagos Nigeria. He is giving the pup up for adoption because he cant take good care of the pup due to his busy and tight state of work. All he wants is someone that's homely and with a good christian home to adopt this young and lovely human best friend.


[edit] See Also

[edit] Backraid!

If you don't have the patience to play the long-term trolling game below, there are ways to have instant satisfaction, though you may never personally see the results. Simply respond to the message saying something like this:

I am very interested in helping you.
Please contact me through the web site I keep to manage my financial affairs: http://resources.on.nimp.org
I hope to hear from you soon.
Best regards.

The pleasure may be small and fleeting, to imagine the African in some crowded, filthy internet cafe playing his little scams, and clicking that link, but it is better than no pleasure.

Alternately, you can just direct them to your website, http://www.internetisseriousbusiness.com/

[edit] Pwning 419

While Nigerian scam e-mail usually makes up only a small percentage of your daily spam, it is fun sometimes to think of ways to fuck these people over. There are several trolling organizations that work full time on such activities, playing along with the African, getting the AFRICAN to send the troller $20 or $100, or a picture of himself looking retarded, getting some horrible tattoo, holding up a silly sign, or some other epic win. A gallery of these victims is below. This sort of trolling takes a lot of patience and can be rather boring, but when it succeeds, it is great.

[edit] Some Nigerians who got trolled

[edit] External Links

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