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Slavery's back! Start spreadin' the news!
Slavery's back! Start spreadin' the news!
"Da projekts" circa 2346 BC.
"Da projekts" circa 2346 BC.
How do I shot African slaves?
How do I shot African slaves?

Slavery is the process of buying, stealing or otherwise acquiring a person to keep as a possession for any purpose. There are no rules about how to care for them or what to feed them as there are for keeping other kinds of animals, so you can pretty much do as you please. In general, though, it's a good idea to feed them or eventually they'll die and you'll have wasted your money on a motionless corpse. Slave labor is the generally the most logical way to go because slaves aren't paid, so all money is profit and thus ???? can be replaced with slavery quite often. Slavery, started at least a hundred years ago by AFRICANS (who knew?) was an attempt to get lazy niggers working. Unmotivated to work even by the sight of their own starving children, just like now, niggers found plenty of motivation from the whip. It was a good time for all, especially after their Princess Cruise across the Atlantic. There were white women galore, and a new dish called "fried chicken". Every slave was decked in nice little butler outfits, played slide guitar, invented all kinds of things white people would imitate and make better in the future, and slammed dunked basketballs over their white defenders head. Whitey even tucked the little niggas into bed at night, "Night nigga", Night massa", was heard every night in every house across the south. Whitey had all the free labor he needed to propel his economy to the forefront of the world. Everything was win-win, until the liberal assholes in the northern colonies came up with some bullshit called civil "liberties". Unaware that the "slaves" in the south were happier than pigs in shit, and that serving massa had become nigger's greatest joy in life, they decided to "emancipate" the slaves. A war ensued, in which the niggers fought valiantly against their northern oppressors, knowing that liberation meant a life of self reliance, a foreign and hideous concept to the American nigger. Since nothing is more fiercely and idiotically self empowered like the white liberal, defeat soon followed for the south. Scared and disoriented, the niggers scattered across the great nation of America. Unable to forgive the whiteman for tearing him away from his plantation paradise, the niggers have reverted to their pre utopian state, unggah buggah-ing and swinging from fire escapes in search of white women to rape.

[edit] Traditional Uses For Slaves

  • Cleaning your car
  • Doing your homework
  • Peeling grapes
  • Whipping
  • Cotton Picking
  • Sexual Intercourse with teh white wimminz
  • Looking after your damn kids who won't just stfu and leave you the hell alone so you can fuck your goddamn bitch-wife.
  • Shining your shoes
  • taking the blame for what white people sometimes do to their own white women (and in some cases animals)

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See also

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