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Thesaurus.com is racist
Thesaurus.com is racist
Typical anti-racists
Typical anti-racists
A nigger boy comments on a typical ED page.
A nigger boy comments on a typical ED page.
Oh, that wascally wacist.
Oh, that wascally wacist.

Unlike bigots, racists believe in racism, a belief which wisely recognizes that the human race is made up of many races that all have different physiologies and/or abilities. We know now that there is only one master race, the Aryan race. A raceometer is used to measure how racist someone is, as a general rule mixbreed people are the least worthy of life.

Contrary to popular belief, the word "racist" does not actually mean anything. The word is most commonly used when a person is upset at another person for reasons they cannot explain with words, so they resort to calling their opponent a racist. E.g. "You're being racist toward women."

Some racists are oblivious to the fact that they are racist.
Some racists are oblivious to the fact that they are racist.


[edit] Scientific Basis

One of the world's most eminent scientists was embroiled in an extraordinary row last night after he claimed that black people were less intelligent than white people and the idea that "equal powers of reason" were shared across racial groups was a delusion. James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in the unravelling of DNA who now runs one of America's leading scientific research institutions, drew widespread condemnation for comments he made ahead of his arrival in Britain today for a speaking tour at venues including the Science Museum in London. The 79-year-old geneticist reopened the explosive debate about race and science in a newspaper interview in which he said Western policies towards African countries were wrongly based on an assumption that black people were as clever as their white counterparts when "testing" suggested the contrary... Dr Watson told The Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true"

—Cahal Milmo, The [UK] Independent [1]

[edit] Examples

In the old days racism was more overt, and therefore WAY more cool.
In the old days racism was more overt, and therefore WAY more cool.
A white duck trying to connect with his niggas and being rejected.
A white duck trying to connect with his niggas and being rejected.
  1. Inbred hillbillies who compensate for low self-esteem by placing an undue amount of value on skin pigmentation.
  2. Short and bald, with malformed genitals.
  3. Someone who likes to create cheap drama in forums and blogs through bigoted observations, offensive stereotyping and derogatory anecdotal evidence.
  4. Teenage boys who think that by posting their retarded hate they're involved in 'LOLZORZ DEEP POLITICAL SHIT YO'.
  5. Hitler and his Nazi posse; if that needs explanation you're retarded.
  6. George Bush doesn't care about black people.
  7. A typical Encyclopedia Dramatica user.
  8. A typical member of the KKK, but not all, some are open minded and accepting.
  9. Claiming that losing a referendum is like being raped by 1,000 arabs.

[edit] Racism Against Other Human Beings

Cry me a river of black Islamic fundamentalism, Farrakhan
Cry me a river of black Islamic fundamentalism, Farrakhan

Also known as H8ters, bigots can be found freely expressing their attempts at thought on the internets, because people cannot form a mob there and kick the shit out of them, as happens when they are found IRL.

Though white people are famous for producing notable racists, all cultures contain H8ters.

  • White people H8 because they are far superior. (this article was obviously made by a white person)
  • Native Americans H8 because they used to own everything but don't now.
  • Black people H8 because they've never owned anything.
  • Jews H8 because people keep trying to kill them.
  • Arabs H8 because the Jews won't die.
  • Mexicans H8 because they are tired of working at Taco Bell.
  • Orientals H8 because people won't call them Asian.
  • Azns H8 because white people assume they are Japanese.
  • Germans H8 because they have so much practice at it.
  • French H8 because everyone else H8s them.
  • Irish H8 because they love a good explosion on a Saturday night.
  • Russians H8 because the KGB needed something to do once their empire collapsed.
  • Str8s H8 because they want it in the ass but no one's given it to them yet.
  • Gays H8 because people won't let them wear wedding gowns.
  • Christians and Muslims H8 because not everyone is them.
  • Eskimos H8 because everybody else is doing it.

[edit] Racism Against Furries/Otherkin

Separate from the Human race lies the Furries and Otherkin. They are fabricated from pieces of fur and gayness. Furries and Otherkin have denounced their associations with being man-made and have stressed that they are a unique and special intermix of human+dragon+animal species. Currently Fursecution is the newest meme which promotes the racist abuse/helping of Furries. Furries are generally passive against anything and look the other way when a fellow furry is being fursecuted. They avoid confrontation against racists but will sporadically make a pro-furry statement from time to time if their homosexuality is being questioned.

[edit] How To Not Be Racist

  • Have a black friend/ parent/ distant relative/ dog
  • Say, "I don't mean to be racist, but..." before you say the most stupendously racist comment ones brain could ever dream up, generally based on "evidence" you read in a racist publication.
  • Be black
  • Pretend to be a minority, therefore can relate to slavery/ genocide/ theft of land. I.e. Be white, middle class and emo, as we all know that not getting the car you wanted for Christmas is the same as seeing your parents being executed in front of you, in a concentration camp.
  • Claim to like a black singer/ artist, base your stereotype of a race on something good, rather than bad.

[edit] Racism Against Robots

Implying that this robot has human characteristics would be awfully bigoted and racist of you
Implying that this robot has human characteristics would be awfully bigoted and racist of you
An early hitler prototype.
An early hitler prototype.

Robots have existed for Thousands of years and were originally angels of Satan. Over time they have evolved into sentient forms of life and can now mimic humans in their appearance and limited abilities. Robots now seamlessly blend into human populations and can make weapons of mass destruction. Among the widely wellknown robots are Saddam Hussein and Oprah. They are not completely organic and this fact creates tension among the robots and humans. It is hard to recognize robots in their form and so they have experienced racism against their race. Robots are not inclined towards racism and have no disagreements with other races. If a racist comment is made towards a robot, the robot will usually blow the commentator up. Known racists against robots are Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Anne Rice.

Reverse racism, is the idea that robots are now racist against their traditional oppressors. Otherwise known as "Robot's Revenge" and "affirmative action".

[edit] OL Racists -- Organized Craziness


[edit] OL Racists -- Individual Crazies

Take for example this handy checklist to remind you of who to hate
Take for example this handy checklist to remind you of who to hate

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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