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Emotes are words of phrases with asterisks around them. Typically used on IRC, thus making it old meme by definition.


[edit] *blinks*

This is about the human function. To read about lolzing people up with Blink HTML tags, see Blink.

Some people are so pitifully Internets-obsessed that they've almost completely lost the power of blink. Occasionally they muster enough brain activity to blink just once, making them so excited that they have to announce it on IRC. In many cases this happens so frequently you wouldn't think it was all that exciting, but it's all these people have in their lives so it's best to humour them.

If Terri Schiavo had been on IRC she'd probably have *blink*ed. Well done Terri.

[edit] *penis*

This emote, usually depicted as <==3, or sometimes 8==D, represents the ballsack and penis of a human male. Often used to invite oral sex, as in 'eat a <==3'. Not to be confused with <3, meaning 'I have an incredibly short, but pointy, penis'.

[edit] *headdesk*

Supposedly, this emote conveys the act of slamming one's head into the desk due, generally, to extreme frustration -- perhaps because the store is out of donuts, or because someone totally took Harry out of context in that last fanfic. Repeated impacts of the human skull upon inanimate objects can cause head or brain trauma, and the belief that emotes are funny.

Variations: *headkeyboard*, *slaps forehead*, *handpenis* , *facepalm*

[edit] *facepaws*

If you're not doing it liek this, you're doing it wrong
If you're not doing it liek this, you're doing it wrong

Basically the furry version of *headdesk*, only with more of a shyness added to it. Often considered to be the second faggiest possible emote.

[edit] *ellipses*

lol, irony

for even more win, say it irl.

[edit] See Also

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