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A forum (otherwise known as a message board) is a place on the Internet where dorks call each other "pretentious" and "pseudo-intelletual", while arguing about Schrodinger's Cat.
Typical forum post
Typical forum post

Before 4Chan, before ED, there were...forums where all of the internets old meme and image macros originally spawned. Befoar that, there was BBS, where all the leet h4x0rs made their homes. Forums are actually ubergay and a threat to society as we know it today. The deep innerworkings of the magical forum framework were built at least 100 years ago by a collaboration between the makers of Minute Maid and the Antichrist. Forums started as a spinoff of the Ford Model T which went terribly awry and ended up on t3h intarwebz as a method for newbs and tools to think they are kewl but 99-400% of the time not even their moms would vouch for their sorry asses which often results in newbs falling into chronic foerumic depression in which they start drama, cry, oh noes!, post topics as if they meant anything in life (GAHPSYCHELOL@U), and/or make furry balloon animals if the skills and materials are present.


[edit] Types of Forums

There's a forum for every kind of sick fuck out there. Furries, Nazis, child molesters, old men who ride sport bikes to look cool and talk about eating skittles out of each others ass and even Jews. It has been reported that vampires and intelligent women have forums as well, but everyone knows both groups aren't real so this is just plain superstition. Music forums are common, like Musicals.net and Mygnrforum. This makes sense, since the best thing to do with your time is talk about music instead of listening to it.

Some forums, however, are not free. Sometimes you must pay in hookers and blow, like Something Awful. Other times, you need to pay in pirated goods, like on Oink. Generally, there is a loosely defined postulate that states:

Let F be a forum, let P be the set of all posts p in F, and let S represent the price of joining F. Furthermore, let the function Q(P) be a function that represents the quality of the posts in P.

It can then be shown that:

limS→∞ Q(P) = 0

In layman's terms, this means that as the price of joining goes up, the lulz go down. This is backed up by empirical data, such as the simple observation that SomethingAwful is a pile of shit.

[edit] Contents of an Internet forum

A Tubgirl is fine too.
A Tubgirl is fine too.

Any type of social reject can be founded on a forum, for example:

[edit] What to do with forums

A place where people post anything from actual information to helpful ideas to complete and utter garbage.

[edit] Getting Banned From forums

If you've been using the Internet for longer than 100 years, you've probably been banned from a forum or two. Once banned, your next course of action varies from:

  • Finding a new, better forum.
  • Summoning your e-buddies or /b/ to raid.
  • Creating your own forum about how much you think the forum you were banned from sucks.
  • Getting a fucking life.

[edit] Examples of Forums

[edit] Message Board Platforms

[edit] See Also

[edit] Fact of the day

The word "forum" was invented by the Romans who were into online discussions before there was even a line. Unlike the Roman Forum, the Forum in Camden prohibits drinking on the street [1] whilst the Forum in Norwich features "comedian" Ben Norris [2]. Yes, IRL forums are even more boring than the Internet versions. Where's my bottle of Buckfasts?

Forum is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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