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Latin is a contemporary giant of education and remains as relevant to modern relationships as it ever was.
Latin is a contemporary giant of education and remains as relevant to modern relationships as it ever was.
Typical latin teachers
Typical latin teachers

Latin is an inflectional language that was created by Romans in order to seduce their women. For male seduction by the Romans, please refer to the article on Ad hominems.


[edit] She Wanted It

Latin is what linguists call a 'dead' language. What this, essentially, means is that Latin is only used by know-it-all dickwads that can't get it up. Latin's heart was lost in 370CE when Hypatia, Theon of Alexandria's daughter, was born. Surviving texts from the time tell us that she was A Plus at science, and speculation by terminally bored nerds is that she was probably hot. Regardless, Latin was a hardcore pedophile, and fell fatally in love with Hypatia's sweet one-minute old ass.

Latin committed suicide in 381CE when it discovered Hypatia had menstruated.

[edit] Contemporary Latin Use

Today Latin is used primarily by two groups, both of which hate each other,

  • Scientists of all kinds, from biologists to philosophers, use Latin for all the important things- such as categorization of anything they see (Latin has better affixes than Diablo II), and catchphrases; Astronomers (Greek, Astron, lit. Star) too, all the planets and stars have Latin (or Greek) names such as "Sol" (solar, the Sun), Mars and "Earth's" proper scientific name is "Terra".
  • The Vatican Church, in contrast, generally uses Latin to tell regular folk how evil they are, and for secret communicaes to its priests regarding taking it in the ass. The Vatican's manual, written in Latin, is considered the quintessential coffee-table book.

True to its roots, everybody that regularly employs Latin in normal speech is a hungry pedophile.

Latin is taught in English fee paying schools (confusingly called Public Schools). This is so that should you meet or dig up a dead Roman in in England, you can at least flame him in his own language.

Latin basically devolved into the "Romance Languages" such as Italian, Spanish, French, 80% of English, (some) German, Romanian et cetera. Ergo one could say it never really died.

[edit] Latin America

Latin America is generally wherever Spanish people happen to be when in or around the United States. Latin Americans don't actually speak Latin, despite what you may assume, and instead take their name from their preference for young pussy. Latin American women, in a desperate attempt to stay the rising incidents of pre-teen rape among their culture, invented the 'Brazilian wax' - an artificial method of looking like a hot piece of ten-year old cunt.

Latin America's pre-teen rape incidents have since stabilized, and the culture is now known primarily for producing annoying pop-stars and incredibly ugly she-males.

[edit] When Latin Teachers Go Bad



  • Nonne plus Paridis Hiltonis videre vis?
  • Fabula LATINE HIC!!!!!

[edit] Common Latin Phrases

Est illic a subcribo ut sententia" mortuus nigger repono " foris? - "Is there a sign that says "dead nigger storage" outside?"
niger vir pallium meus plagiarius - "Nigga stole my plane"
Caveat emptor - "The George Foreman Grill."
A priori - "This is bullshit you should swallow without question."
Et tu, Brute - "Oh, crap."
Ad fundum - "In the ass"
In absentia - "In the ass"
Deus Ex Machina - "Plot lulz."
Ad hominem - "Stop picking on me or I'll cry"
Veni, vidi, vici - "Don't make me hurt you."
Alea jacta est - "Now I'm going to hurt you."
Finis coronat opus - "Bush Twins '08!!!"
Manus manum lavat - "Only dwarves fuck dwarves."
Etcetera - "That's all I've got"
Praeterea sanctum nihil est neque ab inguine tutum, non matrona laris, non filia virgo, neque ipse sponsus levis adhuc, non filius ante pudicus; horum si nihil est, aviam resupinat amici. - "A/S/L?"
TU NUB' ATQUE TACE! - STFU, N00B! (Juv. Sat. I,61)

Latin is widely considered to be completely irrelevant to normal life and, like everyone who becomes irrelevant, is currently planning a globe-spanning comeback tour. Ticket prices are expected to reach double figures. Girlvinyl, president of her high school latin club, has already bought all the tickets.

Latin is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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