Faux News

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The Official News Channel of the Homeland
The Official News Channel of the Homeland
A typical Fox News viewer.
A typical Fox News viewer.

Fox News (also known as Faux News, Fox Noise, GOP TV, or Our Leader's Glorious Official Republican Government News Network) is a network for Republicans, white trash, bitches, and 13-year-old boys. The flagship of the old media, Fox is one of the greatest sources of drama on teh internets since Bush stole the election last Thursday. Countless blogs and politcal commentary websites erupt into debate over the latest musings of Sean Hannity or that shemale Ann Coulter featured on the network.

Christianhillbilly gets his facts from Fox News because it the last remaining bulwark against the Jewish liberal media. Some argue that Rupert Murdoch is in fact Jewish, and did WTC to generate lulzy footage for his news empire to replay over 9000 times in any given week. Foreigners and Noam Chomsky hate Fox News because Fox covers liberals and terrorists getting raped by real men with guns. Supporters of Fox argue that the network simply reports the rape, and allows its viewers to decide if the victims were asking for it.


[edit] Typical Fox Reporters, Propaganda Contributors

TOW on FAUX: What, me fearmonger?
TOW on FAUX: What, me fearmonger?
Fox shows its true colors.
Fox shows its true colors.
Video proof of the Fox Jews Channel.
Video proof of the Fox Jews Channel.
  • Shepard Smith, IRL self-hating semi-closeted homosexual

Shepard Smith being a fucktard

  • Greta Van Susteren, Scientologist. Unclear if Greta knows about Xenu or the Wall of Fire.
  • Oliver North, war criminal
  • Alan Colmes, self-hating jew that denies the existence of Bohemian Grove and Fox bias.
  • Bill O'Reilly, loves to fuck his co-workers while telling them to "shut up ..or put up"

[edit] Examples of Fox News Logic

Is that a bomb strapped to his chest?
Is that a bomb strapped to his chest?
Fox has strange bed-fellows.
Fox has strange bed-fellows.
Another example of Fox News Logic
Another example of Fox News Logic

[edit] Fox News versus Anonymous


[edit] Intertubes H4x0r3d

On July 22, 2007, an illiterate 5th-grader found the intertubes root password by guessing where it was saved: On the Fox News website. Here's what he saw when he signed in:

Surprise Buttsecks!
Surprise Buttsecks!
Fox News Makes You Stupid
Fox News Makes You Stupid
Breaking News
Breaking News

Fox News leaves their root images directory open for perusal.

[edit] Taking on Fark

On August 17, 2007, Fox News attempted to h4x0r Fark and steal their internets. [4] However, since Fox's crack team of internet counter-hate machines is made up of people who regularly get pwned by script kiddies, they got absolutely nowhere and failed so hard that Rupert Murdoch crapped lazers.

[edit] 11/11/07

Fox 13 News has just made an announcement warning several myspace users about being hacked. Did someone tell them about the myspayz raids? More to come at 10.

[edit] More Valuable Information To Come From Fox News

Statistical Anaylysis of Fox's broadcasts uncover that it is actually a Porn Channel not a News Channel

Faux News
is part of a series on
Fox News

Ann Coulter | Matt Drudge | Sean Hannity | Joe Lieberman | Michelle Malkin | Rod Wheeler | Rachel Marsden | Bill O'Reilly

Enemies of State

Anonymous | Al Gore | Barack Hussein Obama | Emos | Fred Phelps | Hillary Clinton | Hugo Chavez | The Internet | John Edwards | Liberals | Macaca | Mexicans | Logic | Osama Bin Laden | Stephen Colbert | Terrorists


Buy A Dog | Corruption of LOL | Exploding Van | HACKERS ON STEROIDS | INTERNET HATE MACHINE

Faux News is part of a series on the *Chans

Important People: Anonymous - /b/tards - Ian - Internet Vigilante Group - Kirtaner - Moot - Nigras - W. T. Snacks - Symbion
The Chans: 2chan - 4chan - 5chan - 7chan - 8chan - 711chan - 12chan - 420chan - Fchan - Fapchan - Wakachan - not4chan - AnonIB - List of *chan boards - Wikichan - BBWChan
Popular Boards: /b/ - /i/ - /po/ - /s/ - /v/ - /x/
Attention Whores: Acky-chan-cray - Anonynurse - Anton - Aru - Balloonpoppop - Boochan - Chin-chan - Chris-chan - Cracky-chan - Drawbunny-chan - Gang of Four - Holy Grail - Line Trap - Loli-chan - Manatee-chan - Martini-chan - Mudkipchan - Nintendo-chan - Oldchan - Reverse trap chan - Stoner-chan - Trap-kun - Togi-chan - Up-Chan - V-Chan - Rat-Chan-Almost-Chan
Victims: Applemilk1988 - Chris Forcand - Douglas L Payne Jr - Drawball - Dylan Tnga - Ernest Peters - GoddessMine - Habbo Hotel - Hal Turner - Jake Brahm - Jarrad Willis - Linksys - Marbleman - Megachiropetra69 - NBC.com Forums - Poeticirony - Smugfag - StileNet - Trey Burba - Windeh - teenchatcenter.com - XxPrincessPunkxx
Mortal Enemies: Alex Wuori - Angyl - Anonymous Borg - CeLe - Fox News - GayDiamond - Lulznet - XyriX
Events: The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006 - 4chan fgt hat day - /b/-day - /b/space Day -Bring Back Snack Campaign - The Fox Hunt - The Great Chan Death of January 2007 - The Great Em/b/assy Security Leak of 2007 - The Great Re/b/oot - The Caturday Nap - ZonDay - The Chemo That Is Curing /b/ - Walmart Raid - brb, compromised - The Caturday Revival
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