Rush Limbaugh

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Limbaugh, in his leaner days, playing bass in his namesake band.
Limbaugh, in his leaner days, playing bass in his namesake band.

Rush Limbaugh is famous for translating Mein kampf into English titling the book as "The Way Things Ought to Be".


[edit] History

Limbaugh was born to two fat parents, Geddy Lee and Divine from "Pink Flamingos." They fed him other children in the neighborhood as well as eggs.

Limbaugh went to the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, which is where all radio hacks go to school when they're not good enough to go to a place like Cambridge. There, he joined the Republican Party and gave head to Ronald Reagan on a semi-regular basis.

At the end of the 1980s, he combed his Flock of Seagulls haircut and got a midday radio show. It became a rousing success, adored by Republicans and loathed by Democrats.

[edit] Drama

Rush and Mikhail Gorbachev: war criminal aficionados
Rush and Mikhail Gorbachev: war criminal aficionados

Limbaugh did lots and lots of drugs, even after critizing many musicians for using drugs. But at least they were addicted to cool drugs, Limbaugh was addicted to pills...doctor drugs. To point this out to a dittohead is liable to get his or her ire up. Aside from his well-publicized dalliance with Oxycontin (i.e. hillbilly heroin) Limbaugh was also caught carrying a fairly sizeable quantity of Viagra not prescribed to him when he returned from the Dominican Republic in mid 2006. But nothing kinky happened because he was coming back from an "boys-only" weekend.

After getting Party Vaned for felony prescription fraud and possession of a controlled substance, he avoided some much needed buttsecks in a Federal Penitentiary by saying he was deeply "sorry" and checking into rehab.

Otherwise, just point out that Limbaugh isn't a fan of facts if you're a liberal, or that he's the lone voice in a left-wing wilderness if you're a conservative.

[edit] Obesity

Rush Limbaugh has historically been a tremendous, morbidly obese shitbag throughout most of his adult life. There was a period of time where Limbaugh rapidly dropped a ton of weight with the help of drug abuse. During this period of being not as fat as he was before, Limbaugh snapped a shitload of photographs that he recycled on his website in order to give the illusion of sustained weight loss. However, Limbaugh is still quite fat, as has long been evidenced on current clips displayed on his daily "Dittocam". The bottom line is, Rush Limbaugh is still a Big Fat Idiot.

[edit] Conservative Values

Mooom! Please tell Rush that masturbation is like abortion, an afront to GOD
Mooom! Please tell Rush that masturbation is like abortion, an afront to GOD

As chief cheerleader for the shrill ultra-right wing of the GOP (gay old perv) Party, Limbaugh walks the walk by living his life in accordance with established Republican values. When he's not giving blow jobs to George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh leads by example with such endeavors as illegally obtaining presription narcotics and broken dick medicine; getting married and divorced 3 times in a solemn effort to ensure tripple protection for the sanctity of marriage; flying his fat ass to the Dominican Republic for some hot 9yr old ladyboy action, with that illegally obtained broken dick medicine after his last divorce to take advantage of that country's extremely liberal stance on prostitution.

[edit] Stuttering

Rush Limbaugh stutters and stammers so abundantly during his self-dubbed "Excellence in Broadcasting" radio show, that he is the highest paid drug addicted, morbidly obese, convicted criminal impotent piece of shit on record. This recent address to Congress pretty much proved that he is beyond hope.

Deeply insecure about this own speech imediment, Rush accused beloved actor Michael J. Fox of faking his Parkinson's Disease shaky levels on TV to garner sympathy votes for a pro-stem cell research, Democratic advocate campaigning for Congress in the US 2006 mid-term elections.

After getting an earful of butthurt for this he was only slightly sorry.

[edit] Deafness

It is notable to mention that he is more or less completely deaf. While he may make claims to the contrary, it still couldn't hurt to shout a few obscenities at him, or if you like the direct approach, sign a few obscenities at him.

[edit] Quotes

By Rush:

  • "I'm a sex machine to both genders. It's all very exhausting. I need a lot of sleep."
  • "I don't really check out other people's butts. I prefer cunts, penises and testicles."
  • "My mom always told me that if you work hard, you can achieve anything. And if you have rich and influential friends, too."
  • "Rape is fun."
  • "My peepee no worky :( "

"OMFG IM NOT TEH DEF WTF!!!!!!1!!!oneone"

About Rush:

  • "Speaking of Satan, I was watching Rush Limbaugh the other day. Doesn't Rush Limbaugh remind you of one of those gay guys who likes to lay in a tub while other men pee on him? Can't you see his fat body in a tub while Ronald, Quayle and Bush just … [pee noise] Just standing around pissing on him, and his piggly-wiggly dick can't get hard. So they call in Barbara Bush …

-Bill Hicks

[edit] See Also

Rush Limbaugh
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