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Loli redirects here. If you were looking for the [Shitty 90s pop singer] then you are the cause of many epic lulz and do not belong on the internets. Consider becoming An Hero.

If you like this picture you are a pedophile.
If you like this picture you are a pedophile.
Pedos please print and use this for referance.
Pedos please print and use this for referance.
your mom: how you were made
your mom: how you were made
Popular white supremacist loli pop duo Prussian Blue.
Popular white supremacist loli pop duo Prussian Blue.
Lolicon is serious business.
Lolicon is serious business.
There's no escaping your fate, you sick fuck.
There's no escaping your fate, you sick fuck.

Lolicon is name for the hentai children porn genre. The name comes from that book written by some Russian called Lolita, in which a old man gets horny over a underage girl. The 13 year old boy equivalent is known as shotacon, but you already know that, you sick fuck. And for those that like em really young, please also seeToddlercon. It may be bad, but at least it's better than guro. Why anyone gets off to little girls that look like little boys, no one knows. But at least we know this... er...

All the girls must have either small tits or no tits at all. Which makes them resemble males... oh, that's why they like lolicon.


[edit] History

Like all sick fetishes, lolicon was invented in Japan by some fat hairy asians as something to fap over in between episodes of Full Metal Alchemist. Since its creation at least 100 years ago, it has spread to the internets and become hugely popular with pedos who don't want to get jailed for looking at real kiddle porn.

It was recently outlawed by Dubya. Not4chan committed seppuku and all the pedophiles there went back to 4chan and 420chan.

It appears that the laws banning distribution of said content have been lifted (as of August 2, 2006)[citation needed] , and several sites which have since been shut down are now coming back online, and torrent files that have been removed from certain sites are now allowed to be uploaded once again.

[edit] Facts About lolicon

  • There is more lolicon then there is Hentai.
  • If there are tits it isn't loli.
  • If there is penis it still might be loli. Or Bridget.
  • Lolicon was taken from the book Lolita, because pedophilia is okay if it sounds literary, reguardless of the fact pedophiles don't read Nabokov.
  • The Japanese like their women like they like their whiskey- seven years old and doped up with coke.

[edit] Legal Status

We all know its its Legal until you get caught. Though heres a few incidents in countries around the world.

  • Crikey! In Australia during August 2007, a Aussie got caught trying to import Lolicon DVDS and was then forced to pay a fine over 9000 dollars (seriously). The Customs Manager Richard Janeczko really wanted them for himself, fap,fap,fap, and used this lame excuse "it was important to understand that even cartoons or drawings such as those depicted in anime were prohibited if they contained offensive sexual content."
  • George W Bush ban hammered Lolicon,Shotacon and Toddlercon in the United States during 2003. But in 2004 the supreme court unbanhammerd lolicon cause cencoring art is unconstitutional*Under Africa laws it is an offense punishable by up to ten years imprisonment if anyone possesses, creates or produces, imports, exports, broadcasts, or has anything to do with it. Any niggers in Africa that want some child action are better off, going to Zimbabwe where you can rape and kill a girl and get two years.
  • We all know anything goes hentai wise in Japan.

[edit] Known Offenders

[edit] Fap Gallery

Image:Pedobear_small.gif Lolicon is part of a series on Child Abuse.

Image:pikajewsprite.gif Lolicon is part of a series on Anime.

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