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Coffee and a Chat at Starbucks

Well after last nights get together at Starbucks I'm going to volunteer to do more of them. The cosy coffee atmosphere meant I got to talk to everyone there, we had a private room upstairs in the centre of Cambridge and a mix of people giving lots of

Microsoft Coffee Chats

I love coffee, And I love talking about technology. Usually I'm to be found in one of the 5 coffee shops we have around campus in the UK having various coffee meetings and chatting about technology. Well we've decided to expand on this a bit and chat

System Center Webcasts December 07

TechNet Webcast: Deploying and Upgrading to System Center Configuration Manager (Part 1 of 2) (Level 300) Monday, December 03, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time John Baker, IT Pro Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032359933&Culture=en-US

Blogging for business

I’m presenting in the Midlands tomorrow – in Leicester. I'm going to be talking about how blogging can be good for business and how blogs fit with business in this Web 2.0 world. Whether you’re a large enterprise or a tiny company, blogging can present
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 3 Comments
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Running Exchange 2007 across 2 AD forests

I was at the TechNet roadshow in Manchester (and heck was it COLD!). It was great to see so many people, chat about my recent diving holiday. Talking Nitrogen tissue saturation always makes me wistful :-) I answered a few Exchange questions too, strange

Sessions and sights to see

It's great to be back home in the UK after my extended trip - the warm waters of the Bahamas seem so far away at the moment, and the hustle and bustle of IT forum is exhilarating and exhausting. Its glad to be back home. I've missed loads though whilst

Blue monster evolution

So here's the card that Hugh drew for me last week whilst he was out at IT Forum . We were sitting in the bar of the Hilton hotel chatting about the evolution of the blue monster and the additional cartoons that he's drawn around blue monster since then.

Giving Data Protection Manager 2007 away

Isn't it always true that the best things in life are free and at IT Forum exhibition booths there were certainly a lot of giveaways. Some gifts are really useful (like the 2Gb memory sticks at the Windows Server booth), some funny (like the antlers that

IT forum bloggers

It's always great to meet other bloggers at events like these and also to meet up with people who read my blog. It's great to see real faces and names instead of looking at web hits and RSS views. It's always really great that people stop and say hi,
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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NZ Girly geek dinner

Amanda asked me to spread the word about their girly geek dinner in New Zealand. On Thursday 22 nd November in Parnell, Girl Geek Dinners are holding their inaugural event and it would be great to make this first event a huge success. There’s only a week

IT Forum Day 3: Filming and being filmed

Well everyone is running around with video cameras this week. There's Tony and Daniel who host the Virtual Side , David and Adam who are filming for Edge and other people wandering around videoing people. I did a part of the Day 3 wrap video (out tomorrow),

Bags and T-shirts

Phew! IT Forum this year is huge! There are over 5000 delegates here in Barcelona, some of the breakout sessions are in Tents outside. Yes tents. Well. they're more like the marquees that you'd get at a wedding party actually, but these are kitted out

IT forum - here I come

I'm really looking forward to IT forum next week. I'll be fresh back from my scuba diving holiday in the Turks and Caicos Islands, I'll be bronzed and relaxed and raring to go. (Don't worry, I've post dated this blog entry to publish when I'm out there

Unplugged: the winning formula

Well the Exchange unplugged tour seemed to go really well. All the feedback I've received gives a big thumbs up to the format of the day. Its also good to have presenters from across the different business groups in Microsoft (Enterprise pre-sales, the
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 5 Comments
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Exchange Unplugged resources

I promised I'd blog all the links from the Exchange Unplugged roadshow so that they're all together in one place - so here goes: The crew: Tony Cocks , Jason Langridge , , Julian Datta , Brett Johnson , Ewan Dalton , Tanya Dyason, Paul Brombley (and me
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