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Editorial Cartoons by Nate Beeler
  Nate Beeler is the editorial cartoonist for The Washington Examiner. His cartoons reach nearly 750,000 readers in Washington, San Francisco and Baltimore and have been reprinted in such newspapers as USA Today and the Los Angeles Times. He is syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons. In 2002, Beeler won both the Charles M. Schulz Award and the John Locher Award.

If you want to sound off on any of the cartoons, add your comments under each blog entry. You can also e-mail Nate at nbeeler@dcexaminer.com.

Hog Wild Card

January 1, 6:09 PM

Happy New Year, everyone! It's already shaping up to be a pretty good one for Redskins fans. Every now and again it's refreshing to do a cartoon that doesn't bash someone or some ideology. On this 'toon, I attempted a new technique in honor of the new year: I drew 99 percent of it on the computer. What I mean is, I scanned up a rough sketch of the Redskins fan and digitally "inked" over it using Photoshop. There are only a few other editorial cartoonists who use this process on a day-to-day basis, but I don't think I'll be one to ever get the hang of it. I really ached for the control of the brush and India ink while I was drawing today.

On top of this being the first cartoon of the 2008, today's blog entry is my 200th post! I'd like to thank everyone who stops by to read the blog and those brave enough to comment on the cartoons. I'll keep plugging away in hopes of making the 2008 version of the Beeler Blog better than ever!

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Putin of the Year

December 27, 7:37 PM

After seeing the news about Benazir Bhutto's assassination earlier today, I started rethinking whether I should draw this cartoon about Vladimir Putin at a later date. I started reading the various news accounts, analysis, memorial columns and blog entries about Bhutto, but I thought I would give it some more time to let the story sink into America's collective consciousness -- which has to be in a tryptophan-induced haze right now. Also, the "Time Magazine Person of the Year" story will become stale sooner rather than later. It's best to get while the gettin's good, right?

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Return Policy

December 26, 7:14 PM

Honestly, if I could, I'd exchange all the candidates. Don't have the receipt? No problem! I'll take store credit.
I have yet to find a candidate who meshes with my personal politics; all of them are trying to energize their base right now, so it seems like both the right and left are gravitating toward the fringes. I think this is the reason so many Americans don't vote. The whole tawdry process makes them sick.

E. Marsalis: Nate,
It is the Media that is pushing the "Fred is Lazy" meme. If you take the time to actually listen to his speeches, which do consist of more than two sentences, you will hear his campaign issues and stances. The debates are a joke. It is the lack of Media reporting Fred's views that perpetuate his supposed laziness. Watch his adds, look at his stances. He is a true conservative that is head and shoulders above the other Career Politicians.

E. Marsalis
December 28, 11:33 AM
Nate Beeler: Fred Thompson, huh? But do we really want a president who schedules in "naptime" between cabinet meetings? In all seriousness, Thompson has done nothing to show me he's presidential material. As far as him being straight-talking, that's easy if you only utter one or two complete sentences on average. In the debates, it seemed like he hardly made a peep. Anyway, I say all this partly for the purpose of starting discussion. What do other people think?
December 27, 12:34 PM
E. Marsalis: Check out Fred Thompson, he meshes with my personal politics, and he doesn't pander.
Straight talking and conservative.

E. Marsalis
December 27, 10:31 AM

Green Christmas

December 26, 2:43 PM

... In lieu of receiving coal, maybe?

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Rudolph the Roid-Nosed Reindeer

December 26, 2:41 PM

I drew this cartoon over the weekend in advance of Christmas and I'm just getting around to posting it on the blog. It turned out to be a very busy holiday this year!

Jim Bancroft: Great stuff Nate. How long does it take you to draw these, once your idea is firmed up?
December 27, 8:26 PM


December 20, 6:21 PM

The Examiner ran a very interesting editorial about the just-signed energy bill, a.k.a. CAFE. It makes some good points, but I'm still conflicted on the subject. On the one hand, U.S. automakers are struggling mightily nowadays and more regulations could further erode their financial stability. On the other, the Big Three have done a poor job keeping up with the times and given consumers few, if any, innovations. Overseas competitors Toyota and Honda, riding the wave of success from their ultra-fuel-efficient hybrids, are now the leaders, due largely to their focus on practicality, affordability and quality. How often do you hear those three words used together to describe American-made cars?

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Huckabee's Holiday Rally

December 19, 7:25 PM

When I was walking back from Quizno's today, a flaming bush poking out of the sidewalk told me to vote for Huckabee. Of course, it's entirely possible this was just a hallucination brought on by stress and inhaling ink fumes all day. Whatever the case may be, it sure appears Mike Huckabee is milking the religious right for all it's worth. Once again, like many other voters out there, I'm left hoping the candidates will stop yammering on about religion and start giving us good answers about how they'll tackle the real important issues facing the nation.

Mair: I'm with you.
Perhaps it's because most of them don't have any 'good answers'.
December 20, 5:30 AM

Afghanistan Ignored

December 18, 6:51 PM

It appears as though the Taliban is making a resurgence in Afghanistan, their attacks seemingly more brazen and bloody, while the bulk of the U.S. fighting force remains "occupied" in Iraq. We only have about 26,000 troops in Afghanistan, and the Pentagon is beginning to get uneasy about our prospects for creating stability in the country without reinforcements. I though the Iraq War was a mistake from the beginning, but I whole-heartedly supported deposing the Taliban for harboring al-Qaida. Unfortunately, President Bush got sidetracked from the mission, and now we -- and the Afghanis -- are paying the price for stretching our military and political capital too thin. I just wish Bush would finish what he starts.

Mair: Truth be told, Mr. Beeler, I don't think it much matters to this administration and many legislators WHERE we are fighting just so long as we ARE fighting ... and feeding tax dollars to military contractors.
December 19, 8:06 AM

Earmarking Around the Christmas Tree

December 17, 7:44 PM

As we near Christmas, you'll notice me drawing more holiday imagery. I figure, it happens once a year, so why not make the most of it as a cartoonist? I could just as easily have the Republicans and Democrats getting drunk off of Christmas budget eggnog. Or they could be dressed as Santa Claus trying to stuff a gigantic sack of earmarks down a chimney. The image of little piggy bulbs struck me as the funniest -- and they're so cuuuute, aren't they? For a good read on the issue of earmarks in the spending bill, check out Tuesday's editorial in The Examiner.

Mair: PERFECT!!!
December 18, 6:35 AM

Steroids Pitches

December 13, 7:27 PM

My original sketch for this cartoon was simply labeled "The Sinker" and had former congressman George Mitchell, who led the MLB probe on steroids use, as a pitcher on a mound hurling a humongous baseball labeled "Steroids Report" toward a batter labeled "Players." That one would have been just "eh ... that's fine, I guess," so I fiddled with it before coming to this final version. I like it a lot beteter, since I think it takes a look at the real impact this steroids scandal will make.

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