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Yes tis a little gay isnt it?
Yes tis a little gay isnt it?

MSN: An abbreviation for M$FT Network, aka, "teenagers who used up all their Ghetto pre-paid minutes can instead communicate with each other instantly in the following manner":

@$%^&^%$24601%$^%: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
^*$rocker3: HAHAHA!
@$%^&^%$24601%$^%: WHY WE TYPIN IN CAPS?!?!?!?!?!///
^*$rocker3: ????? .......... LMAO!!!!!

Such drivel is typically meaningless in nature, and should be disregarded by those who unwisely encounter it. Otherwise, madness awaits. Many users resort to blocking each other after petty yet hilarious fights, and complain to their unblocked friends about how much time they are wasting over MSN. Others use it as a shameless means of self-promotion through their usernames, a pretentious way of identifying themselves to others. Frequently, they may not know these 'others', however this does not seem to bother anyone. See above conversation sample. MSN also provides internet access which is about as shitty as AOL. The only difference is that MSN will not steal your money and spend it on prostitutes for their worker's rape. Most 13 year old boys who join MSN are those who had their AOL account deleted for uploading porn, beastiality and illegal music and movies through those RIAA asswipes on Kazaa.


[edit] Also Used By

  • Furries when their favorite fuck-fest site is closed.
  • Tight-assed bastards with friends in other countries.
  • 16 year old girls and pedophiles
  • The Grammar Nazi..

[edit] MSN’s Spawn.

Creations that have spawned form MSN over the years are:

and any communities disliked by Encyclopaedia Dramatica.

[edit] Proper Trolling of MSN

As noted above, if a user copypastas the text n—a_Á—ay±m—aÁÇáç±Çáß±Çá§ÁaÇáDZOÇá—±Ç᧱Çár×ÁÇ á+NÇ áLáÇá into their name field, epic win will result as they log out never to log back in again. Microsoft for some reason is completly oblivious of this bug, and so you can appear to be a zomg haxxors! by using it. When used on a phished account, tell people that is how you hacked their friend (be sure to use lots of 1337 to be convincing). However, for best results, observe the work of /i/nsurgents who combined trolling freechatnow.com with this MSN bug, shown left.
Hacker on Steriods(msn bug) + public IRC x pedo /System32 = PROFIT!
Hacker on Steriods(msn bug) + public IRC x pedo /System32 = PROFIT!

[edit] Lulz Potential

Typical MSN conversation
Typical MSN conversation

Getting fucktards from a chat site with the promise of being a OMG hot 16 year old girl on webcam can result in much lulz being generated by their retarded sexual efforts at conversation and the lulz-perpetrator showing their hairy ball-sack on webcam as opposed to the "hot, wet pussy" they promised. An example of this may be found here. It may initially sound TL;DR but it is very, very lulz, especially at the end.

This is a lulz conversation between two lulz-seeking teenagers and a totally pwn3d douche. The guy is called Ryan and the girl is imaginatively called hgdh. Enjoy.

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

hgdh says: hi

Ryan says: heyy

Ryan says: whats up sexy

hgdh says: Not much

Ryan says: cool

hgdh says: You?

Ryan says: do you have a pic

Ryan says: nothing much

hgdh says: Heres pic

Ryan says: damn babe

Ryan says: do you have a cam?

Ryan says: i wanna fuck you hard

You have invited Ryan to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.
Ryan has accepted your invitation to start viewing webcam.
You have stopped viewing webcam with Ryan.

hgdh says: U like my hot ass?

Ryan says: fuck yeah

Ryan says: put it on so i can get off

Ryan says: will you

Ryan says: you there?

hgdh says: make sure you cock is out 4 a horny older woman

Ryan says: oh babe it is

Ryan says: can i see some more

hgdh says: I'm getting ready

Ryan says: ok babe

Ryan says: you can do that to me

hgdh says: Like mi new pic

Ryan says: yeah babe

hgdh says: I luv the taste of a big hard knob

Ryan says: wish it was me

Ryan says: i got one for you

hgdh says: hmmmmm

Ryan says: yeahh

hgdh says: u can see my tight arse soon

Ryan says: and you wet pussy?

hgdh says: mayb

Ryan says: can i now

You have invited Ryan to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.
Ryan has accepted your invitation to start viewing webcam.

Ryan says: let me see that pussy

You have stopped viewing webcam with Ryan.

Ryan says: whyd you stop i was jsut gettin started

hgdh says: cams a bit erratic

Ryan says: oh

hgdh says: I must of shut it off when moving it about

Ryan says: ohh

Ryan says: lemme see

Ryan says: can i

You have invited Ryan to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.
Ryan has accepted your invitation to start viewing webcam.
You have stopped viewing webcam with Ryan.

Ryan says: was that balls

hgdh says: I'm tranny, that okay?

Ryan says: just finger your ass

[edit] MSN on Linux

You're really fucked now.

[edit] MSN "Raids"

1. Have MSN Plus.
2. Get [Nudges Tool Script 1.1] and install it.
3. Turn off nudges (You will still be able to send them thanks to the script.)
4. Invite loads of people into a convo
5. Type /sendnudge 40000 100. This will send 40,000 nudges which will own their computer and they will probably have to restart.

You can also increase the about of runtime taken up by using an auto spammer to send countless offensive messages.

[edit] See Also

MSN is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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