Black chicks

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Do not make eye contact while she's feeding her young
Do not make eye contact while she's feeding her young
lol she's really lying
lol she's really lying

The Black chick, or Nigerius Obnoxius is an extremely dangerous and territorial animal. Black chicks roam in packs, and constantly produce a loud, ear-piercing screech that can cause irrepairable damage to the middle-ear. Black chicks can also cause damage to the eyes which will be explained later.


[edit] Diet

Black chicks subsist entirely on fried foods, making most of them repulsively overweight. They are not ashamed of obesity and will often flaunt it by wearing tight, skimpy clothing. Seeing a fat black chick naked, or partially naked can cause the victim to go blind for anything up to a week depending on how ugly said black chick is. They are known to possess large posterior regions, which have evolved to meet the evolutionary demand for increased drug storage capacity and the nigger breeding preference for "a bitch wit sum azz."

This black chick's ass feasts upon a helpless thong
This black chick's ass feasts upon a helpless thong
She gots the biggest tits in town
She gots the biggest tits in town

[edit] Habitats

Black chicks always roam in packs, and are known to regularly visit movie theaters, restaurants, nightclubs, and other venues. In public places, especially movie theaters, they will perform their loud, gossiping mating calls, which will disturb others and often lead to violent encounters. Because of their size, their packs can take up a whole hall way at a mall or any other public place. To avoid this, throw a fried chicken leg off to the side of the hall. Even the best of friends will fight over it. (WARNING: Do not let them see the fried chicken before you throw it, or you will be crushed)

[edit] Sexual Behavior

like there male counterpart black chicks rape white men by using there gorilla sized paws to  trap the blood in there penis and give them forced erections
like there male counterpart black chicks rape white men by using there gorilla sized paws to trap the blood in there penis and give them forced erections
Black People sure do love watermelon
Black People sure do love watermelon

Black chicks are blissfully unaware that everyone, including black men, find them physically repulsive. However, because black men will stick their cocks in anything warm and sticky, including black chicks, they have a tendency to be promiscuous and 98.3% of all black babies are born to unwed teenage mothers. The remaining percentage are born to unwed preteen mothers.

[edit] On the Internets

Many black chicks have learned how to operate computers, and some even figured out how to create Myspace pages for themselves. Do not, under any circumstances, view a black chick's myspace, as they often post skimpy pictures of themselves which, along with the bad selection of music that autoplays, can cause permanent sensory damage to the eyes and ears.

Some of them also run ED.

[edit] Combat

Black chicks are ferocious fighters. They will leap at their victims, pulling hair, and thrashing with their sharp talons. The sheer weight of their asses is enough to crush the bones a grown man's leg. Do not attempt to fight them.

[edit] Socialization

Although in some rare cases it is possible to find a black chick who is nearly fluent in English, they by and large prefer to communicate in their native language. Black chicks are very social and often play games with each other such as:

  • "Oh No You Di'int" in which players attempt to speak louder than the competitors. Loudest voice wins the argument.
  • "Who My Baby Daddy" in which the pregnant black chick and her friends analyze factors such as income, stability, and gullibility to choose which of several men she slept with in the past 2 months will be paying her child support.
  • "Step Off Mah Man Ho" a physical sport where two or more contestants attempt to strip each other of fake hair, nails clothing and jewelry. The one who keeps most of her enhancements (and therefore reveals the least amount of natural ugliness) "wins" the man, although he continues to sleep with them all anyway.

The black chick is a pack animal and rarely travels anywhere without her "girls" and screaming, ill-behaved children. Common destinations include Church's Chicken, Beauty Supply Stores, Hair/Nail Salons, and, for the older generation of Nigra women born before the race split off from the human species, church.

Black chicks is part of a series of topics related to Black People.

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