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Thom (Bilbo) in normal form
Thom (Bilbo) in normal form

Apparently the most original and greatest band evar. Favored by pseudo-intellectual teenagers and indiefucks, Radiohead stands as one of the most boring and pretentious bands of all time. Notable as the only band in this list led by a gnome/hobbit hybrid, known to fans as Thom but to band members as Bilbo. Other band members include Twilliff, Roger Waters (who secretly gave birth to all the other members) and Michael Moore.

Many LJ users love Radiohead and worship the ground they walk on. They love the pointless, nonsensical lyrics, the droning guitars and random drums.

A little known fact is that Radiohead actually once made music, as evidenced on their first three albums, "Computer Talk", "A Day In July: The Acoustic Verses", and "Led Zeppelin IV". However, in the late 90s they purchased a Moog synthisizer off of eBay, spent an hour fucking around with it, and released the resulting CD-R "as a joke". The album sold, and Radiohead have not had to get off of their computers to make albums since.

Thom Yorke recently took these skills and used them for his own musical abortion of a solo project, comprised entirely of two notes, a whistle, the noise his fucked up eye makes, some clicks and vocals thaaaaat sahhhhhhnd lieeeeeke thisssss loooooooks.

Radiohead left the closet when they named their 2007 album, "In Rainbows". The even moar lulzworthy fact about this album is that you actually get to pick how much you want to pay when you download it from their site. It looks like Gaydiohead finally realized that even 13 year old boys don't want to steal this album for fear of having to hear Thom Yorke screaming in pain as he takes a big nigger dick in the ass. But their realizations were wrong - an Intarweb survey said that over a third of people who downloaded the album paid nothing, which is about two cents away from the estimated market price when the actual CD will be released.

Members of Tool and Radiohead are known to jam together quite often, usually under the names Tooliohead, or Radiotool.

Bilbo was once a male model for androgynous hobbits.

Radiohead fans (and trolls, alike) are known to congregate at Ateaseweb.


[edit] Fans

All of their fans are between the ages of 14 and faggot. This is because at some point you must realize that lord of the rings is not a documentary nor historical in any manner and that short people aren't revered, but ridiculed and made to be kicked, and get back to being another useless retard. That or they'll became an otherkin. Many of their fans spend time:

  • whining
  • sucking cock
  • bragging about the cock they sucked
  • whining about the cock they sucked
  • telling other radiohead fans why their cock sucking was the most deep and meaningful
  • writing lyrics about their cock sucking that don't rhyme
  • not shutting the fuck up
  • whining some more
  • arguing with people smarter than themselves

[edit] Sample Radiohead Lyrics

(Most of these lyrics have been understood by fuckhead indie gays and emo split whristers)

[edit] Imitators

Radiohead is so potent, even shit bands can copy the sound and become successful. See: Coldplay

[edit] Shit Band Version

The alternate name for Coldplay, Radiohead is considered excellent music by the same people who consider vomit an excellent lubricant. The lead mixer, Thom, sits in front of a microphone for an hour and cries. The rest of the band hits random buttons or strings on whatever's in front of them, then they release it as an album. They spend a year telling every other band in the world how ghey they are and having sex with 16 year old girls. Then the process is repeated.

Radiohead is part of a series on Music.

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