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What every aspiring stripper needs to own a copy of. Especially if she's been in the business for a decade or more!
What every aspiring stripper needs to own a copy of. Especially if she's been in the business for a decade or more!
Regular pole dancing allows you to stand on your hair!
Regular pole dancing allows you to stand on your hair!
How do I shot Poll Dance?
How do I shot Poll Dance?

A stripper (or wage troll) is the larval stage of the creature that will eventually become a Porn Star.

For people who wish their porn smelled like stale beer and cigarettes, they can get the wonderful experience of seeing a meth-addled whore with fake boobs dance to bad music. As many a man can attest, there's nothing better than seeing a extremely razor burnt cooch with ingrown stubble under poor lighting rattle around to the tune of Black Eyed Peas' "My Humps". These women will pretend to be able to stand your presence while you fork over your kid's college fund. But remember, there is no sex in the champagne room.

The average career of a stripper lasts two years or less, when she marries the only asshole who doesn't frequent her nudie bar, only to live out her days as a waitress when he gets tired of her shit and dumps her.

You can also see men strip at gay bars, if you are gay or just want a stripper who will touch you. There's also the mythical Chippendale Dancers who dance only for women, but since women have no sex drive, this is obviously a myth.


[edit] Pole Dancing

A staple of the stripper's routine to gouge you for all your Jew Gold pole dancing, as the name itself suggests, originated in Poland. Recently however, pole dancing has entered the mainstream with many gym's featuring Pole Dancing Fitness classes for flabby housewives and DVDs that teach them how to spice up their non-existant sex-lives and pump up their husband's flacid pen0r.

[edit] Pole Dancing and Feminism

Perhaps BitingBeaver should take a page out of her book, amirite?

[edit] Trivia

  • Strippers are covered with a thin layer of glitter and/or mucus (sp), like snails.
  • It takes approximately six hours for a man to remove all of his ass hair in order to prepare to wave his weiner down at the "White Swallow".

[edit] See Also

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