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æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... Vanillakitsune thinks she is a god? More like slob amirite?!?!?
Truly, she is the image of sophistication.
Truly, she is the image of sophistication.
red lines showing only a few of the many anatomy problems in her anthro drawings
red lines showing only a few of the many anatomy problems in her anthro drawings
Got Anatomy?
Got Anatomy?
smarter than books
smarter than books
Vani's impressive language skills often show up within her lovely portfolio of shitty oekaki doodles as well. Many times characters are seen saying retarded things such as "My vagina hurts," "I masturbate," and this little gem.
Vani's impressive language skills often show up within her lovely portfolio of shitty oekaki doodles as well. Many times characters are seen saying retarded things such as "My vagina hurts," "I masturbate," and this little gem.
Vanillakitsune realism, aka "HAER ON DOG"
Vanillakitsune realism, aka "HAER ON DOG"
This is original?
This is original?
VK's supermega bff
VK's supermega bff
Her friends jumping on 'Makime' due to her innocent yet HELPFUL crit of vani's anthros
Her friends jumping on 'Makime' due to her innocent yet HELPFUL crit of vani's anthros

Deep within the bowels of DevianTART’s popular section lays VanillaKitsune (VK, Ash, VainKitsune, Retard, etc) a furry and the epitome of Disney art rapists. VanillaKitsune claims to come up with all her ideas on her own and is always boasting about how she never needed to look at references when she was a growing artist. This becomes an obvious lie when one views her old art, the best example being a direct copy of ChikaPika's art with some gay animu thrown in . Now her style has evolved into an obvious rip of Kuitsuku's style. The irony here is that Kuitsuku herself copies Disney and the anime known as Bleach. So, her double rip creates a Time Paradox. If you try to helpfully point any of this out to her, she will shrug you off as a jealous wanna-be.


[edit] Art????

When viewing VK’s art is rather hard to miss the hueg rag of fur that strangles all of her characters. This so-called ‘original and totally HER OWN' idea of drawing manes on animals was taken from a much more talented artist named Evana who understands that lions have manes. Not only did VK have the dog balls to claim manes, but in one of her recent journals she stated it was completely her idea and she was the first to have it. She even had manes before lions existed. However, she refers to these giant hair stacks as a "chimera" mane. For those who are unaware, chimeras are mythological beasts which are 1/3 lion, 1/3 goat, and 1/3 snake. So, instead of making herself seem more original than she is, she just states that she made up lions’ manes. How silly. Also, her animals have an insane amount of fluff coming out of their ears. She boasts about how awesome she is for doing this. To no surprise, she actually got this idea from the anime Tenchi Muyo, which VK must have masturbated to since she came something that looks like a retarded rainbow rape-of-a-cabbit. The cabbit, however, is an original idea, unlike anything VK shits out of her pen on a daily basis.

She also believes that she is the know-it-all guru of art and art topics. She's even smarter than a professional animation book. If one cannot understand what the book actually meant it was this: Practice drawing off of a well known artist (such as a famous painter etc. like we all did in High school art class) in order to improve your skill, that person is an idiot. The way VK takes it, which is OBVIOUSLY the right way, is: "OMG ITS TELLING YOU TO STEAAAAAAL OMGOMGOMGOMG WRONGWRONG!!!11!" Since VK NEVER ONCE copied off of another artist, this makes her a saint. She doesn't realize that the art world doesn't revolve around anime, animals and Deviantart.

Did we mention her anatomy on dogs and other animals is horrendous? VK's right about one thing, she obviously doesn't use reference sheets in order to craft a correctly functioning animal. Actually, rather than admitting to bad anatomy she fights for it. She tells everyone her anatomy is only bad because they're not NORMAL animals, but a strange demon brand of animals that defy science. Unfortunately, this is a big fat cover-up. Sorry VK, artistic license only does so much. As you can see on the right, the chest has 10 tons of fluff on it which is impossible for dogs, and it also has HYOOMAN hair which dogs don't have. VK's characters all have unnatural colors, too.

The saddest thing about VK as well is that whenever someone attempts to show her the light of her ways, she will immaturely throw it aside like you're some sort of jealous prick. When in fact, all they as gentle people are trying to convey is that VK is a stuck up artist who would rather stick with bad anatomy than change it. She had been heard quoting "It's okay that they redlined my anthro images those are no good anyway" if they aren't so good why doesn't she improve? Simple, her ass fuck internet popularity has gone to her head and she no longer listens to reason. The day will come where she will enter the real world of art and fall flat on her face when no college wants to accept and anime drawing anatomy failing Disney rip-off artists. And that will be the day when EDiots will sit back and enjoy the many lulz that will ensue.

[edit] Rip-off? You Decide.

  • Her New and SEXTASTIC way of doing dynamic motion blurs:

VK's Motion Blurs vs. A style developed by Ann-Chovi years earlier:

Style: When VK was starting out her style was a complete rip-off of Chika's style. Chika actually confronted VK about this whereas VK had to find some other poor sap to mooch style off of since she can't come up with her own (enter Evana and Kuitsuku) .

VK's vs. Chika's : VK's vs. Evana's : VK's vs. Chika's (again): VK's vs. Sarafina's:

She even went as far to rip of Disney! When people started accusing her off ripping off she denied them all! But it is clearly obvious she completely ripped it off from The Lion King 1 1/2.

VK's vs. DISNEY : VK's vs. Kheleksul's : VK's vs. Samwich's : VK's vs. Chika's :
Vk's vs. Kuitsuku's : VK ripping off kuitsuku's style. A personal find. "I was browsing through DA one day and came across a webcam.. at first I thought the person had gotten a commission from the artist Kuitsuku on DA because it matched her coloring style and drawing style exactly but upon further investigation the person admitted to it being Vanillakitsune's work... I could only be left with a serious WTF"

She has also copied Kuitsuku several more times: here, here, and HERE. OHNOES. She's original :)

It appears she can't even come up with her own original character ideas. Other character designs she stole: Such as her 'dragonsona' which sported elemental quadruple horns was soon deleted out of her gallery when it was found out she completely ripped the design from Anuvia on Deviantart. Her character Genocide also bears a strong resemblance, similar attitude and strange 'eye' power to Kakashi from Naruto. She has also stolen swirls on her eyes/tail from Valixy on Deviantart and other distinguishable markings from popular artists such as Evana, Frisket and the like.

Actually anything VK has deleted from her gallery since this article was put up was stolen in one way or another (and she has taken down plenty of her art). Once someone points it out to her that it's stolen it will be DELETED instantly for if anyone caught a whiff of her stealing after she bitches so much about people 'stealing' such minuscule things from her it would be serious business. (though her fans have their 'muzzles' too far up her ass to really notice).

Her human anatomy is also similar to that of melting chocolate ice cream. She also rips off her coloring styles from much more established artists. If you see a good artist put up a coloring tutorial you only have to wait until VK's next picture where she will claim she's changing her coloring style to be original. Instead of being original she creates a sloppy substitute to another artist's otherwise awesome coloring style and claim full bragging and copyrights to it. One of her current dumped styles included putting shine dots (white specks) everywhere on a character's fur, while this was okay on some aspect it was NOT okay when sprayed all over and managed to make her dogs look like they had a terrible case of dandruff.

[edit] Defense.

If anyone states any of this to her she runs to her journal in a fraction of a second and makes a giant, and poorly written rant, on how she is super-original. Whenever someone opposes these whiny, she will usually reply with a one sentence answer which is always the same:

"You know...people like us only rant about it because it happens all the damn time. Like every DAY.

Its probably doesn't happen to you... so... you don't know what it feels like. 0_o;"

Vanilla Kitsune


  • TL;DR: I'm popular, you're not... so I don't have to listen to you. I’m always right.

The key problem here is VK assumes that everyone thinks she's God of the art world. Not only is she an artistic failure with a fan base of clit suckers that range from the ages of 8 – 14, but she has a strange inability to take critiques. Every time anyone is seen giving her a quality or even minor critique you can expect VK to either ignore them, hide behind excuses, or try and puff up her huge mane of fur and state obnoxiously that SHE KNOWS ANIMAL ANATOMY better than anyone else. This is strange since the statement coming from a girl that also boasts about her lack of reference use. TIME PARADOX???? Her huge clit-sucking fanbase always steps in and defends VK too. Her fanbase thinks she is god and her fanbase are her worshippers. "GO CLIT-SUCKING FANS, SMITE THEM!!!!!" If more than one person exposes her for the fake she is, she will write another journal throwing another whine fest about how wrong they are and how they can never understand her popularity and amazing art buttfuck.

She will delete these journals less than a week after making them, complaining about the problems it's been giving her. If you ever read any of these journals and their comments you will find nothing but ass kissing and doggybuttfuck since no one has the balls to tell VK she's wrong.

To further push her down the spiral of artistic failure, the only times she does acknowledge a critique and/or suggestion is when it comes from one of her SEXTASTIC idols (Huskie666, Evana, etc.) She doesn’t actually act on these suggestions, just agrees with them.


[edit] Kitsunes.

Now, for VK’s creations: The Yohkoan Kitsune, an obvious combination of the terms yokai (Japanese for demon), the term yohko (obviously something stolen from Yu Yu Hakusho) and Kitsune (a Japanese fox spirit), these creatures are VK’s pride and joy. She says she can copyright them since they have only up to 4 tails (kitsunes have 8) in fox form, 8 tails in dragon form, stripes on their tail, and have her whatever-the-fuck chimera manes. It’s so hard to take seriously that she believes she made up tail rings/stripes, you can't help but laugh. As quoted from a bitchy angry rant in her journal (even though every journal is more or less a bitchy angry rant):

"When I was on DA NO one else has stripes on their tails, I was the ONLY one, I have witnesses!"

Move over, raccoon, here comes VanillaKitsune. She defies science. As stated, VK was also the FIRST person ever to emerge onto the soils of DA, which is odd since she's only been a member for 3 years. She seemingly forgot about Dagger, whose character White Demon was both a fox-like animal with a striped tail AND horns (which she also claims) and whose artistic talent far surpassed VK's even before she learned to Draw(copy). She also claims that her "kitsoonays" consists of parts from a lot of animals, if that was true, they should at least look like it. But they look 100% dog. She says they have extremely long tails with 10 tons of fluff on it because under all that fur, is a reptile-like tail with a stinger on the end. Obviously that is just an excuse she uses for drawing impossibly long tails with 10 tons of fluff on it.


KITSUNE'S AREN'T MARY-SUES.. In fact they aren't Kitsunes According to this description found in an art community on LJ (which VK frequents in order to get people to give her free art):

"Trixy's a type of Kitsune demon who's ancestors trace back to the beginning of the Roman Ages, some the prehistoric era. They were created to guard Olympus’s gates, aid in holy wars and regulate the cycle of life, end and begin seasons, end the night and begin the day, regulate the solar system and SUCH things like that. The dark yohkos regulated things like purgatory and hell's gates and... just anything dark in general."

First off, she seems to ignore that the WORD Kitsune is a Japanese word... and the species is from JAPANESE folklore. But no, VK is so smart that she believes Kitsunes originated from the Roman times. Good Job honor's student :) A+. Ignoring that fact, her 'creations' also control the solar system, the seasons and everything that moves. OUT OF HER WAY MYTHOLOGY SHE'S REWRITING YOUR ASS WITH HER WAPANESE.

[edit] In My ED?

On November 25, 2007 Vanilla Kitsune discovered ED and began to BAWWW all over the place. Not smart enough to actually provide an alias she posted it under her weeaboo sockpuppet, Reversed Pocky. She first decided to write a TL;DR entry discussing copyright claims to her pathetic characters. Figuring (correctly) that noone would give a shit anyways, she then proceeded to delete fucking everything. This created about 2.72 seconds of e-drama until she learned the hard way that Vandalism is Pointless and she swiftly got B&.

"Removed this page-didn't agree with it at all. and it wasn't factual. you didn't have permission from any of the people to post there art or characters. It was dangorous for us if they one of our characters got stolen. You had no (c) on it or anything. And putting personal info on here isn't right.

any complaints from the person who wrote this please note me at my dA: reversed_pocky. "

Reversed Pocky aka Vanilla Kitsune

Note the absurd amounts of fail. Not only did she misspell dangerous, but she also made the mistake of thinking that ED would care about her stolen characters. Also note the change in tone from bitch to concerned sysop to offended victim. And on top of it all, she also failed to create an alias, using the exact same username for her Deviantart account and Oekaki account.

She could be seen Dividing by zero until the active sysop put her in her place.

Tits or GTFO


Butthurt, She crawled back to her hugbox to drown her sorrows in porn...no wait, It's NOT PORN, it's ART!!!!11one1!!

As requested make sure to tell her all of your complaints here, Reversed Pocky. One can only hope that afterwards she will soon become an hero.

[edit] Haterz from the DevianTART community.

On Christmas day, 2005 one of VK's biggest fans created a tribute for her [1] and proceeded to rip apart some of her deviations. Anatomy problems and duplicate poses between her pictures were pointed out to her. VK's best defense was "It's just a reference, it doesn't matter!" (yet whenever someone else 'references' her work it turns into a bitchfest in her journal... hmm... VK is a HYPOCRITE? nooooo she's God how can this be ) Thus, her Christmas was ruined! Unfortunately for the rest of the world, VK did not emo cut herself. There was also a time when some people made accounts and had the name "haterz" in it. Their dA pages had a shitload of VK bashing. The haterz raided VK's pages and her "furends"' pages too. It went on for several hours.

[edit] LiveJournal.

You cannot hide.
You cannot hide.

VK, under the username Vanikins, wrote a lengthy journal about this article on her LiveJournal. A bit of super sleuthing provided us with her LiveJournal link. When checked a day later, she had made the entry 'Ass KissersFriends Only'. But she insists she doesn't really care. She did it for the lulz. Luckily for you, it has been screen capped.

[edit] Ripping People off.

Since VK is too lazy to get a job at her age (she's a senior in high school, we all had jobs as freshmen) and wants expensive things, she can be seen whoring out her overly priced commissions. Not only that, but she'll even create character designs for you! Which you'll probably end up getting sued for since they're most likely stolen. She can be seen whining in her journals at Christmas that she didn't get the RIGHT COLOR iPod cover or she got some cheaper item rather than the 'super awesome' expensive one she so wanted very much. If she doesn't get what she wants for Christmas, she immediately posts a journal about how her family sucks and her parents 'beat' her (by beat her she means them waking her up at a NORMAL time to go to Church which she doesn't want to go to because she is a cheap 'atheist' and church doesn't respect her BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW). VK complains about her family constantly even when they are no problems at home. Her parents can be seen buying her expensive shit left and right (such as a brand new car as her first one long before she needed one and fancy clothes) VK has not had to pay a cent for anything in her life and is a spoiled brat. This complaining of course gets to the heart of her fans who will spend hundreds of dollars on her merchandise. They pay for postage as well. And yet not a single fan sees anything in return, not even so much as a thank you doodle. VK is too 'busy' to thank all her fans. Busy doing what? God knows.

Even when she has tons of commissions to focus on her DA account (about 50 commissions to do because she had to pay for her sextastic trip to whereeversville) she has no problem spending that money, saying she's suddenly in an art slump and then running to her LJ exchange community and drawing for them, for FREE. Not only this but instead of posting a simple character description she spams half the page with HUGE MONSTER descriptions of her Mary Sue Furries. She then requests you draw them with their internet fuck buddies:

"She's a MOMMMYYYY...and a wife. Here's her super nerdy homophobic asshole of a husband. 8| So if you want to make this super awesome ( yes I love that phrase ) and draw them together then, lol here's his refs. Double DOES have an anthro form...there’s just no reference. and Trixy also has a pet Cabbit, named Star-Ohki. (8 " "DESPITE HER LOVE FOR LYING TO GUYS TO GET WHAT...she wants. Yuna has a super awesome boyfriend, named JASU ...ok... Jason. She likes to call him Jasu because I don’t know, maybe it’s an Asian thing. So if you wanna draw her with him then that would be awesome." "Hi. She's taken. If you wanna make this SUPERAWESOME you can draw her with her um... boyfriend Reed. Here's his quad and werewolf forms."

Keep in mind this is a sketch community... She wants/expects people to bend their asses to draw her art, but is obviously not willing to do so in exchange. Since she is UBER POPULAR on the internets, people obviously love her and will draw her meaningless characters with their parents, boyfriends, pets and pets' pets.

[edit] Fuuuuurrrends...

Everyone has friends, right? WRONG. Though she claims to have bffs, all of her friends are actually the best of the clit suckers. The most frightening of these friends is Trixity. Trixity’s fursona was completely made by VK and her actual art usually contains eyes larger than the world. It’s quite the sight. She will defend VK to the last breath just to make sure she gets fan art from her noble defenses. There is also BK, or Bee Kay [2] who is usually first to VK's defense against folks who point out her weaknesses. BK is much less talented than VK and is only along for the ride to get her own terrible, anatomy-deprived artwork noticed.

VK is aware of how much these friends love her so she makes her characters date her friends’ fursonas and make ass-babies with them. She assumes that everyone loves these couples as well and will make a reference to them anytime she can. If you so wish to show your appreciation for her couples (and lick her butthole more), and own a sad excuse of a DA account she now even has a stamp that's obnoxiously large and shows both her and her friend's dog characters mouth fucking. Also, note the Disney text. But, you know, everyone knows that fantasy dog characters made up by some 16 year old slut are the greatest things ever. She also always gets her friends to do all the talking for her. Making her seem like a wuss. She NEVER says anything in arguments or topics about her. Vk always shuts out other people and always sticks close to her little circle of furends, she always comments on her friends "art". You have to draw Disney-style fluffy dogs to get a comment from her. You don’t draw like her... you're not worth her time.


VK takes pride in bitching about how much people love to steal her ideas/original style/etc. She was never original from the start. She loves complaining, making long journals and flaunting about how much she HATES when people steal her things. Of course all of these rants just blow to the wind when she finds and artist who's artistic skill rivals/is better than her own.

A small example would be the 'artist' Kaziczek- Wolf [3] on deviant art. One quick glimpse through her gallery revels that she is FOR ONCE the epitome of what VK bitches about, a complete and utter rip-off. Of course, ever since KW spewed a small piece of fanfart at VK of her two unoriginal characters [4] (that oddly reminds one of the two ferrets from ICE AGE 2 in personality and species) VK has watched her art like a hawk, commenting on every new image the girl posts up with a suck-up brown-nosing comment usually consisting of "I LOVE UR ART" isms. Completely ignoring that VK used to always bitch and complain about KW's thievery and style similarities behind her back. This is no surprise though, since VK believes she is god of art and loves herself so DARN much watching KW giving her fanfart is like... well fucking a mirror image of yourself. VK lives for this.

Supposedly though VK is only 'watching' this artist to 'keep tabs' on her, when in all seriousness we know that VK does not hold the mental capacity to conduct anything this intricate. She's in it for the art and the butt-fuck.

This is only one special case though, all of the people vk 'befriends' are people with the same style as her that have gone further with it than she could. Or someone with the same style who's art is only half par but gives her loads of fan art or is interested in having sex with her through online RP's. (We know this is a fancy term, for animal cyber sex since VK's 'characters' pump out loads of babies that completely ignore the power of genetics from this so called RP, delicious)

IT SHOULD BE NOTED that Kaziczek- Wolf evidently "DOES NOT CARE" about this part of the article. Thus proving that she is nothing more than a VK cock sucker. Normal common sense should usually tell a person that when their 'friend' is talking behind their back something is wrong but we must all remember in the world of DisneyAnimu nothing has to make sense this includes anatomy as well as common sense for your own wellbeing.

[edit] Trends/Moar Rape:

VK, whom seems to have forgotten Yu-Gi-Oh!, after being shown the abridged series by Littlekuriboh on Youtube.com, has since began to quote the series at every waking moment of her life, even in her tutorial on how to use oekaki. On a side note, this is a failure of a tutorial, just like everything else she does.

VK has stated many times of her goal in life: start an animation company with her friends. Before this, she wanted to work at Disney. With an artistic knowledge of oekaki and a shit education, I’m sure we can all look forward to her amazing motion pictures soon.

In order to look cool or, be one of the COOL kids, VK has begun naming the titles of her artistic creations after /b/'s memes such as "So i herd u liek mudkip". But since she rapes any trend, she instead mutilates the humor with phrases such as "so I herd u liek Yogurt".

[edit] Gallery

[edit] External Links

is part of a series on DevianTART

Lordly Assfaces:

Former Lordly Assfaces:

BFD VS DADA dAmn ExploitDeviantWiki RaidThe Great Sonic-cide of 2007DogmonglerGuatamala DayThe Great DA Troll of 2007Nyu's Art Meme

Complaints ForumMusic ForumdevArtex-DeviantWikiOrg InfinityThe Anti-ED-ClubTheFABNurseryThe League of Anti-Flamers

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