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Egypt used to be a swell enough place...
Egypt used to be a swell enough place...
...but then Pharaoh enslaved the Jews.
...but then Pharaoh enslaved the Jews.
If you're mean to the Jews, God will give you a tourist industry. Go vandalize Wikipedia RIGHT NOW!
If you're mean to the Jews, God will give you a tourist industry. Go vandalize Wikipedia RIGHT NOW!

Egypt is one of the world's oldest, most idiotic cultures. At least 100 years ago, it was a powerful empire ruled over by aliens and known for its magnificent, far-reaching civilization. By the third century B.C., it was known only for camel bestiality. Since then, Egypt has been pwned by the Greeks, the Persians, the Romans, Muhammad, the Ottoman Turks, the French, the English, the Israelis and probably you.

In 1979 or thereabouts, Egypt became the first Arab state to sign a peace treaty with Israel when Jimmy Carter asked Prime Minister Sadat real polite-like to do so. Now the Egyptians have nothing to do. Shukran, rafiki, you need taxi? Change money? Bitrol? I can obtain for you this bitrol, okay, let's go.

[edit] Ancient Egypt

Last thursday Egypt was united into one country by either the legendary pharaoh Narmer or some other dude called Menes. Menes was probably Narmer's rapper name, as Narmer sounds too white and nerdy to be cool. Some time around there King Scorpion was also walking around. His life eventually became a Hollywood movie, which is obviously very historically accurate.

The Egyptians build many technological wonders, assisted by green aliens lead by Lord Xenu. They also invented furry buttsecks and perfected the art of mummification for the purpose of necrophilia. Their most lasting contribution to society, however, was the art of pwnage, especially the pwnage of Jews.

[edit] Famous Pharaohs

During ancient times, Egypt was not ruled by the Arabs but rather by furries. Listed here are some of the most famous ones.

  • Narmer, the founder of Egypt. Obviously the biggest furry of them all.
  • Pepi II, famed for having 3pic buttsecks with his General repeatedly, which caused his death in the 96th year of his reign.
  • Hatshepsut, the first known feminist, who's hobbies included pwning her stepson Thutmose III because he was MALE and crossdressing.
  • Akhenaten, a man whose severe daddy issues and hatred of the normal Egyptian practice of worshiping furries led him to create a new religion centered on worshiping Aten, the sun disc. Unfortunetely for Akhenaten the normal Egyptian population enjoyed jerking off to statues of Thoth too much to convert, and they pwned his monuments after his death. Akhenaten was also a family man who loved to have sex with his young female children.
  • King Tut was made famous for having lots of cool stuff buried with him when he died. Other than that, his power lvl was basically 0.
  • Ramses the Great's pastimes including counting his children and pwning the rest of the known world. Some people think he was the first one who had to deal with the Jews thinking that they had 1337 skillz that made them better than everyone else.
  • Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of Egypt. She is known for molesting her little brother and having a snake fetish. One day she was masturbating with an asp, and ended up being poisoned to death. Oops.
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