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ED Government

From Encyclopedia Dramatica

The government of Encyclopedia Dramatica of Bantown, established by the ED Constitution, is an independent citystate. The lawls of Encyclopedia Dramatica are laid out in Acts of Pr0ngress, administrative regulations, and judicial cases interpreting the statutes and regulations. The federal government has six branches: the executive, legislative, monarchy, theocracy, military, and judicial. Through a system of separation of powers or "checks and balances", each of these branches has some authority to act on its own, some authority to regulate the other five branches, and has some of its own authority, in turn, regulated by the other branches.

ED Government
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ED Government

Executive Branch
Owner Joseph EversQueen SherrodPrince-Consort RubberducPoolboy AJTPrincess SheneequaSemi-Benevolent Dictator HepSecretary of Newb RAPE SPIDER

Theocratic Branch
Pope WeevFather Tfo, OOLand his Altar BoyAyatollah ODBDalai Lama Ribo

Judicial Branch
Honorary Ed LolingtonArbchatInternet Court

Founder Documents
Declawlation of IndependenceConstitutionBill of RightsOath of Service

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