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A way of showing a juvenile excitment towards the subject matter. Originally a misspelling of 'the' but also adds a childish tone to the word, and puts across a more innocent feel to the subject. Has the ability to turn nearly any word into a noun.

Saying TEH, even ironically, is a horrible thing to do. It's like wearing a fursuit and yiffing a dog.

Teh is a corruption of the word "The", meaning "The". - Fox News

Exe. "OMG! You are teh WINNAR!!!11oneone"

Teh was also seen in "Spend an Evening with Saddle Creek". The Faint accidentally put it on the back of their album. Teh is good.

[edit] Teh used in its own context

lol check out this n00b he tinks he iz goin 4 teh win lololol

i iz teh leet king of your mother

my grammer is teh worstest

w0w 747 guy is t3h 1337357 guy evr

YOYOYO CoNrAd AnKeRs Is Teh son of teh HiTlEr

[edit] See Also

Teh is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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