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Fitness, Health and Nutrition with Tonya Roberts

photo of exercise with a friend

It's fun to exercise with a friend.

A range of health experts join us to answer your health and fitness questions.

Our rotating team of fitness and nutrition experts have something to suit everybody, and every lifestyle. Take this podcast with you when you next go jogging ...

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Saturday 8th December, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am

Today Dr Peter Brukner, Associate Professor in Sports Medicine at the University of Melbourne, Michael Clayton, Former Golf Professional and Golf Architect, and Kate Nolan, Teaching Golf Professional, joined us to talk about what is so special about golf?

Saturday 24th November, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Bubbly, turkey stuffing, Christmas pudding, more bubbly ... it’s that time of the year, and it’s easy to stack on a kilo or two in no time. Today we want results fast! We learnt how to Up the intensity to burn calories without having to slave away in a gym. And out of interest, do you know how many walks around the Tan will burn up a few fruit mince tarts or a prawn cocktail? Exercise scientist Craig Harper helped us out.

Saturday 24th November, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Dr Ian Gawler, founder & Therapeutic Director of the Gawler Foundation, and Dr William Howard, anaesthetist and Director of the Chronic Pain Unit at Austin Health, joined us to talk about effective pain management. If you’ve broken a leg, experienced childbirth, or endured a chronic illness, the reality is, it’s painful. And if you are feeling real pain, then it warrants attention. But are there ways we can manage pain more effectively, and with practice can we alter our perception of pain to the point that it becomes a sensation free of distress and hurt? We tackled this very issue.

Saturday 17th November, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Michael Murray, Director of Geriatric Medicine at St Vincent’s Hospital, and Judy Beizer, Social worker with the Aged Care Assessment Service, joined us today to talk about "moving out of home" ... and when the time is right to have "that chat" with your parents.

Saturday 10th November, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Nutritionist and weight loss expert Matt O’Neill jumped in to the hot seat today to tell us about the secrets of the successful losers, what really burns calories, and which foods give you five-star satisfaction whilst keeping the weight off. Put your knife and fork down and take a listen to this metabolic makeover.

Saturday 3rd November, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Guests Dr Roger Lavell, President of the Horse Riding Clubs Association of Victoria, and Caroline Coleby, full time coach and rider, joined Hilary Harper in the studio this morning. When you think of horses do you think about frocking up, having a glass of bubbly or three and placing a bet? For many people there’s more to the horse industry than just the Spring Carnival. Today we heard about people's connection with the industry and what’s so special about the gee gees.

Saturday 27th October, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Dr Andrew Brett, Gastroenterologist at the Royal Melbourne Hospital & Epworth Richmond, has co-authored the book Gut Instinct. Eating and drinking is one of the pleasures of life, but sometimes the body doesn’t cope as well as we would like – we can experience bloating, reflux, heart burn and even bad breath. What happens to our digestive system to make it so unhealthy and what are the things we can do to help ease these gut conditions? We asked Dr Brett to help us out.

Saturday 20th October, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Podiatrist Chris Wheeler, from the Brunswick Foot Clinic, and Sue Stanley, four-time World Fitness Champion, joined us to talk about walking. What’s not good about walking? It’s a manageable form of exercise: it’s cheap, sociable and reasonably easy on the knees … but just how beneficial is walking for your health? We know it can help keep your weight down, but what are the other benefits, and are there more efficient ways to walk properly to get the best results possible?

Saturday 13th October, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Loris & Lucy’s Later Life Guide (tackling later years with gusto, good health and guts) sheds some light on the postmenopausal years, a stage of life, which brings great heartache and rewards. From thinning hair, memory loss, and incontinence - Loris and Lucy, with a tonne of humour, help work on health and lifestyle strategies to cope and enjoy the later years – with GUSTO!

Saturday 22nd September, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
We all fancy a snack at times, but how can we choose one that's right for us?
This week, dietician Karen Inge spoke about those snacks which can be healthy fillers between meals, as well as those which qualify as an indulgent taste hit. Snacks can help you lose weight or, just as equally, help you gain a kilo or two. What's your more creative snack alternative and does it make the grade?

Saturday 15th September, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Craig Harper, Exercise Scientist, and Stephen Meek, Principal of Geelong Grammar, joined us to talk about happiness. Next year Geelong Grammar is undertaking some groundbreaking work in the area of positive psychology. The science of happiness is being incorporated into the curriculum in the hope that students will feel better about themselves, turning depressing thoughts into positive thoughts and outcomes. So not just to feel good, but to do good so as to live a more fulfilling life.

Saturday 8th September, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Professor David Ames, Director of the National Ageing Research Institute and Lynette Moore, Executive Director Alzheimer’s Australia (Vic) joined us to talk about keeping your brain trained. Do you long to be sharper mentally? Are you finding it increasingly more difficult to perform tasks simultaneously? Do you wish you could concentrate better in the presence of distractions? Would you benefit from faster physical reflexes on the tennis court or behind the wheel of your car? If you are nodding then this was a must listen to topic as we discussed ways to maintain a healthy brain for longer.

Saturday 1st September, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Hilary Harper filled the chair for the Saturday Breakfast component of the program, as Tonya was preparing for the Outside Broadcast later in the morning. Physiotherapist and fitness instructor Lisa Westlake was joined in the studio by freelance Flamenco teacher Laura Uhe and Mark Wilson, who is one of the judges on the "Dancing with the Stars" television program. Together, they debated whether taking up dancing and doing dance lessons could be the answer to a fitter self.

Saturday 25th August, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Dr Peter Brukner, Associate Professor of Sports Medicine at University of Melbourne. 8/12 is back! Earlier in the year we talked about lifesprints: a devised work-out that burns three times the amount of energy than more conventional work-outs. We looked at the results of a trial where a group of women engaged in short, high intensity, 8-second sprints (on a bike) followed by 12-second periods of lower intensity exercise over 20 minutes, three times a week over 15 weeks. The second group engaged in a steady pace of exercise for a period of 40 minutes 3 times a week. The sprinters lost significantly more fat - just under three kilos - than the controlled group. The trial is being repeated and is 6 months in. We thought we would touch base and we talk about the trial thus far.

Saturday 18th August, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
Craig Harper, Exercise Scientist, Trainer & Educator talked about engaging overweight kids in exercise. With 11 year olds weighing 130 kilos being admitted to the Royal Children’s Hospital obesity management clinic, it’s not surprising that parents are looking at every avenue to get help, and that now includes gym instructors in kids gyms.

Saturday 11th August, 2007
7:10am - 7:45am
The Federal President of the Australian Dental Association, Dr John Matthews, gave us the lowdown on teeth. We discovered the truth behind teeth whitening, whether an electric toothbrush is best, and how to eliminate bad breath. You might be surprised to learn just how unhealthy teeth and gums can affect your general wellbeing, with direct links being made between gum disease and your heart.

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Some of these links may be to sites outside the ABC and as such the ABC has no editorial control over such sites.

Lisa Westlake's website:


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