Thomas Stockmann

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The foremost fictional whistleblower in literature.

Literature's great statement on unwelcome truth telling is Ibsen's play An Enemy of the People.
— Time Magazine, describing its 2002 persons of the year, whistleblowers Cynthia Cooper of WorldCom, Coleen Rowley of the FBI, and Sherron Watkins of Enron

Dr. Thomas Stockmann is the main character in Henrik Ibsen's 1883 play An Enemy of the People (originally En Folkefiende). His character is the physician in a small town in southern Norway. Dr. Stockmann discovers that the town's famous and financially successful baths are contaminated, posing a severe health risk to residents and visitors -- and hence, to a highly profitable industry. He insists they be shut down for repairs, and for his courage in telling the truth, he is persecuted, ridiculed, and declared by the townsfolk, including his friends and neighbors, to be an "enemy of the people".

To our knowledge, Ibsen's character Stockmann is the first -- and certainly the most well known -- appearance in literature of the whistleblower. Indeed, Ibsen was an innovative dramatist, often considered the father of modern drama, and the play is one of Ibsen's most popular -- obviously relevant in many ways today.

Quotes from the play

  • "A community is like a ship. Everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm."
  • "The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone"
  • (On journalism) "It is a splendid vocation you have chosen -- to smooth the way for the march of unappreciated truths, and new and courageous lines of thought."
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