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For those who do not normally read or write like +H1$, automatic translators facilitate ciphering and deciphering Leet.
For those who do not normally read or write like +H1$, automatic translators facilitate ciphering and deciphering Leet.
Most H4XX0rz Worship t3h Son of G
Most H4XX0rz Worship t3h Son of G

Leetspeak (sometimes Leet or L33T or 1337 or |337 or |_££7 or OMG-|_33+ZORZ!!) is a form of written language divided into two similar forms. Both forms of the language are meant to vaguely resemble the English language, but fail miserably. The most common feature is the use of numbers to replace certain letters. (3=E, 4=A, 1=L, 5=S…) Most people stop doing that shit in second grade.

Leet, the first and more common form of the language, is used by skript kiddies, gamers and lamers. This should mean Leet is totally teh ghey. It is.

Often the internet-equivalent of hipsters will use leet speak ironically in order to be lulz. Using leet for irony is like trying to turn "would you like some coffee with your sugar?" into an ironic catchphrase. It's just not funny.

Uber-Leet was created when someone thought it a good idea to do unto leet as leet had done unto english. It is an advanced form of the language that defies standardization and can be extremely difficult to understand, due mostly to this non-standardization. Consider the phrase PHr3Ku3N7ly H4s|{3d K0o£St330nZ! It can either translate to "Frequently Asked Questions" or “Shit nobody cares about” depending on how you view the Uber-leet language.

If you also use this in real life, then you deserve to be shot. Mainly, people who use MySpace, see some acronyms, and think that it's okay to blurt out these seemingly clever phrases anywhere they please.

this article translated into 1337/leet
this article translated into 1337/leet


[edit] Origins

This man thinks he's 1337. He is so fucking wrong.
This man thinks he's 1337. He is so fucking wrong.

The word Leet comes from the Basque word "elite", meaning "savior." The first reference to it can be traced back to Sartre's "Everything has been figured out, except when to stop mangling English." where if you divide the sentence by 15, convert it to ASCII, which is then converted to binary, you'll get 666. This is then doubled because of the amount of capital e's in the text, and you add 5 for the amount of letters also found in Swedish.

More than a word or a language, "Leet," or "L33t," is a mode of existence as a computer hacker and anarcho-syndicalist. Sartre was the first to characterize this in his philosophical tract Being and Nothingness. He writes, "L33t must come before all else, not just as a choice, but as authenticity in the face of Death. One cannot choose to be L33t, L33t must choose the One."

In this sense, people who are "L33t" are existentialists analogous to the Nietzsche's Übermensch; those who have transcended standard modes of existence such as eating, sleeping, and masturbation. Those who are "L33t" generally have proficiency in the ancient tribal languages of C, ASM, MIPS, and SPARC, as well as have massive pr0n collections. Taught by village elders, these chosen ones learn at a young age, giving up old friends and family for c0nfs, pr0n, 0day, pws, and ac.kr boxes. Facepunch studios is renowned for it's ongoing genocide against the people of the L33t.

[edit] Leet

1337 is a way of life, as shown by this breakfast cereal
1337 is a way of life, as shown by this breakfast cereal

The 1337 Foundation, a not-for-profit 501c3 dedicated to protecting and teaching proper Leet language, skillz put out this handy-dandy guide for understanding Leet.

Teh Santa Cat noes waht joo want 4 xmas!!!1!
Teh Santa Cat noes waht joo want 4 xmas!!!1!

[edit] 31337

  • 31337 is leet for "elite". While it can be used to refer to the Leet language in general, it's often used in praise of someone's skillz. It is occasionally shortened to "leet" or 1337.

[edit] teh

  • Teh is a very commonly used word in leet. However, some in the Leet community question its status in the language. It was never used in the early days of Leet and many n00bs use teh word in everyday language. Nevertheless, "Teh" is a commonly used word in both Leet and Über-Leet, no matter its status. The 1337 Foundation sees it as necessary to be taught in all courses in Leet. Oh yeah, it means "the". More on other uses in other chapters.

[edit] afk

[edit] g2g

  • This means "got to go". Usually used in reference to leaving a channel for a while, rather than taking a crap. See: g2g i need sleep.

[edit] gbt or gb2

  • "go back to..." This is a taunt like GTFO but moar specific since it is always followed by a place the prima telling the recipient where to go. Example: "gb2gaiafgt!"

[edit] brb

  • "be right back" -also bbl: "be back later" and bbs: "be back soon" (not to be confused with BBS)- is a standard in IRC and can be employed in conjunction with a comma and noun to inform the room of your intent.

[edit] Examples

[edit] j00

  • j00 is the second person pronoun you. Leet status: Solid. Not to be confused with jew.

[edit] m4d sk1llz

  • The usage of "sk1llz" refers to talent of one sort or another; "m4d" itself is often used for emphasis. (such as in "m4d fragging")

[edit] m7

  • m7 is a deliberate misspelling of m8, or "mate".

[edit] n00b

  • N00b is a word used to describe the 1337-challenged, that is, someone who does not follow the ways of the Leet, or abuses it. It can also be used when talking about a newbie. Nub is a cut above N00b. (Note: this word can be offensive, use it often.)
Pwned dog macro
Pwned dog macro

[edit] owned, pwned or pwnt

  • Owned and pwned are two words which means completely dominated. They achieve their full leetness when used alone, as variations like "I pwned you!" and "You got pwned!" are considered less leet. However, these latter provide more lulz. other spelling: pwnt. A common description of pwned is a headshot. A step above that is a "no-scoped headshot."

[edit] 0 n0ez

  • A common phrase used in astonishment. Oh n0ez, 0noez, and 0 noz are other spellings.

[edit] Pen0r

  • Pen0r, a word commonly used in the phrase "Roxxor the pen0r in my boxxor", means penis. The previously mentioned phrase, however, has no meaning, but is merely for lulz.

[edit] ph34r

[edit] PN

  • Those who are of the ghey say PN instead of pwn.

[edit] pr0n

  • Porn.
Esteemed senator trying to become the grey version of the Incredible Hulk.
Esteemed senator trying to become the grey version of the Incredible Hulk.

[edit] J311y?!

(jelly) is a leetspeak meme used as an exclamation. Some alternate spellings Are: j3lly?! - j311`/?! - j311y?!111one - u|311`/?!111 - etc.

  1. Exclamation of indignant surprise, such as would precede "you don't know what it's like." "j311y?!11 in my day we spread gravel on our t0ast" - "j311y?!! i member when a 5MB HD was big as a t0aster and cost $1200"
  2. Exclamation of shock and confusion. "j3lly?!11 ur in my base killin my d00ds!"
  3. General greeting or exclamation. "j311'/?!11onebilbo ... y0 im back"

Pronunciation: as "jelly" but with an old negro accent and voice, and with a strongly accented and inflected high first syllable.

Often used by older netizens to regale their younger colleagues about the bad (and occasionally good, or any combination of ironic shades) old days. Using j311y?! as an expression of mere shock and confusion (without condescending indignance) is a later development and should be regarded as a simplification and bastardization.

[edit] w00t

  • W00t is a word to call out in celebration that is quickly losing its leetness, unfortunately. As in "w00t! |=r33 pr0n!" Variations include: "w00ti3 t00t!" and "I'm an idiot. :(".

[edit] XOR

1337 is all around us, as illustrated by this person who has just lost at Scrabble, and life.
1337 is all around us, as illustrated by this person who has just lost at Scrabble, and life.

XOR is a word used in programing language that has found it's way into Leet as a common suffix.

[edit] Haxor, Haxxor, Ha><or


[edit] Suxxorz, roxorz

Sucks, rocks.

[edit] Boxor

Box = Computer.

[edit] S0xx0rz


[edit] Common Letter Substitutions

The following is a table of letters and 1337 Foundation approved leet substitutes. Remember "Anything else, just isn't Leet enough."

A 4 or /\ or @ or /-\ or ^ G 9 or 6 or & or (_+ M //. or ^^ or |v| or [V] or {V} or |\/| or /\/\ or (u) S 5 or $ or z or § Y Y or '/ or `/ or V/ or \-/ or j also ¥ or %
B 8 or 6 or |3 or |> H # or [-] or {=} or <~> or |-| or ]~[ or }{ N // or ^/ or |\| or /\/ or [\] or ]\[ or <\> or {\} T 7 or + or -|- or 1 Z 2 or z or ~\_ or ~/_
C [ or ¢ or < or ( I 1 or ! or | or │ O 0 or () or ¤ U (_) or |_| or v
D |) or o| or [) J ,| or _| or ; P |^ or |* or |o or |> or |" or |? V \/ or <
E 3 or & or £ K |< or |{ or ]{ or }< Q 9 or (,) or <| or ¶ or 0. W \/\/ or '// or \^/ or (n) or \V/
F |= or ph or |# L 1 or | or |_ or # R |2 or 2 or P\ or lz or [z X ><
  • Note: The word "I" will sometimes be replaced with the word "eye" (3y3).

[edit] Frequent misspellings

T3h height of accomplishment for teh typical leet haxxor
T3h height of accomplishment for teh typical leet haxxor

Frequently, common typing errors are also absorbed into leet, such as

  • "aer" for "are"
  • "yuo" for "you"
  • "teh" or "t3h" for "the" (also sometimes used as an intensifier: "He is teh lame")
  • "smrt" for "smart" (This may also be an intentional reference to an episode of The Simpsons in which Homer misspells smart in song: "I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! ... I mean, S-M-A-R-T!")
  • "mcuh" for "much"
  • "waht" for "what"
  • "leik" or "liek" for "like", usually sarcastic—generally when making fun of a skript kiddie or AOL-er
  • German "ist" for "is", often used with word "death". e.g. "mp3 ist death." (Which may not be related to The Simpsons episode where Sideshowbob goes "No, it's THE Bart, THE")

[edit] Phrases

Coincidentally, this is actually Greek for "raging faggot".
Coincidentally, this is actually Greek for "raging faggot".
  • "WHeRE @Re J00" or "Wh3re aer j00?" for "where are you"
  • "wH4+'S uR nAME" for "what is your name"
  • "/\/\¡|<£'§ 1££+ §|<¡11§ þ|/\||\| _|¤¤", an example of especially obfuscated leet, it translates to "Mike's leet skills own you".
  • "g0s\/", meaning "pro", from Korean players of Starcraft

[edit] Leet as a spoken language

Not much thought is given to leet as a spoken language, for reasons relating to its origins as as a sort of evolved form of internet cipher. While Leet can be pronounced, it rarely occurs outside the mediums of multiplayer online gaming and IRC. It is not known whether this is because Leet, very uncommonly heard by the human ear outside of individual words which have made their way into the vernacular and slang of our time ("pwned", "roxxed," "haxxor", etc.), produces an unfamiliar and awkward sound for both the speaker and the listener, or whether it is because, for the same reason that abbreviations and ciphers are usually omitted from everyday speech, spoken Leet often takes more time to pronounce and articulate than the original sentence. Or, yet again, perhaps nobody cares.

[edit] Also

noun. A portion; a list, esp. a list of candidates for an office.

[edit] External links

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