Mr. T

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Mr T loves his nutz!
Mr T loves his nutz!
Mr T is now a sell-out
Mr T is now a sell-out
"Quit Your Jibba Jabba"
"Quit Your Jibba Jabba"

[edit] The A-Team

Mr. T was a part of a vicious terror group called the A-Team at least 100 years ago. They did everything from littering to molesting 13 year old boys. They used to video tape their crimes and later sold them. This in turn was made into a popular TV show with a huge fanbase consisting of catholic priests, and ironically, 13 year old boys. After the 80s they disappeared. Some say they disbanded after Cannibal Smith, another member of the team, ate Murdock. A more popular thesis is that they became an old meme and had lost the lulz. The A-Team was pardoned by President Josiah Bartlet before he left office in 2006.

Members of the A-Team:

  • Lt. Templeton "Face" Peck
  • Col. John "Cannibal" Smith
  • Capt. H.M. Murdock
  • Mr. T
  • Mrs. Coffee

[edit] The Meme War

Mr T's fursona
Mr T's fursona

Unlike a lot of other black people, Mr. T does not hate The Man. He, infact, is The Man. The old meme with Chuck Norris was actually about Mr. T, but Chuck stole it and posted it on the internets first, signing his own name. This caused Mr. T to become depressed and resort to gay prostitution. Rumors state that the goatse man, mario and the singer of Rolling Stones have all received the Mr. T experience in one hole or another.

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