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You can tell a fucktard by the fact that he looks fucktarded.
You can tell a fucktard by the fact that he looks fucktarded.
Only a fucktard could explain the purpose behind this mysterious artifact of fucktardation.
Only a fucktard could explain the purpose behind this mysterious artifact of fucktardation.
Thumbs up if you're a fucktard!
Thumbs up if you're a fucktard!
Gangsta as Fuck; simultaneously ranks among fucktards and douches.
Gangsta as Fuck; simultaneously ranks among fucktards and douches.
A true fucktard at home, preparing for cybersex.
A true fucktard at home, preparing for cybersex.

Invariably, first person detection of third person fucktardation is immediately followed by denial, often verbally expressed, especially in the form, "No one's THAT fucking stupid." This differs from the hypothetical scenario of first person fucktardation detection in that it occurs. Fucktards do not simply defy common sense, they are pathologically incapable of recognizing the obvious, so even mirrors fail them. Or, more correctly, they fail mirrors. Moar Basicly for the Fucktart in U: their so dum god h8s them even moar then swedan or fagz.

There is a great difference between an idiot and a fucktard. For example, an idiot might accidentally burn your stove with a grease fire. A fucktard will burn not only your stove, but your cat, your best doublet, and possibly even your face. Should you suffer the sympathetic misfortune of being at work when this happens, there is a high probability that he will burn that, too. Essentially, a fucktard will burn your life, and he will do so entirely by misadventure. He's that good. While this must seem a staggering blow, it is important to consider that as fucktardation is completely arbitrary in expression, a fucktard chef will almost certainly burn down your home and himself before getting to your job or your face.

The chief defining characteristic of the fucktard is absolute transparency of nature to all but the most shit of non-fucktards. A fucktard wears camo pants with that pattern they made for hiding in places made of fire. To a fucktard, this is a completely reasonable proposition. Consequently, a fucktard could typically make himself no more obviously fucktarded by wearing a spinning strobe light hat while singing Sailor Moon songs into a megaphone, naked. Fucktardation is at least one-hundred times more likely than faggotry to produce lose.

Often, fucktards mistake premises for conclusions, and vice versa, resulting in spectacular demonstrations of ultrafail, a condition whereby feats of epic failure are made possible. Assuming you speak Queef, a rare gaze into the mind of the fucktard is possible, but as this yields babblefuck shit-carnival, many prefer instead to upgrade the fucktard. An excellent method toward that end is to "prove" some outlandishly false proposition to the fucktard. This can be almost anything, but the more batshit, the more fucktard enriching.

One of the most fucktarded things about fucktards is that no matter what you tell them, they will never know, or believe, that they are fucktarded, because fucktards are also renowned not to know what fucktardation even is. This is conventionally attributed to genetic deprecation of An Heroism, unless the fucktard is also a fag, in which case he is a weapon of god against mundanes, and only by that grace permitted to live.

Fucktards do not have friends. Not even other fucktards. This is blatantly evident to most everyone else, but as fucktardation prevents fucktards from ever interpreting social cues non-fucktardedly, no amount of explicitly voiced contempt will ever register in a fucktard's mind as genuine disapproval. Rather, all seemingly disparaging commentary will be interpreted as veiled accolade, or, at worst, sarcastically rendered jocularity. The extent to which the latter interpretation describes reality, however marred by the fucktard's congenital inability to distinguish "with" from "at," will only confirm to the fucktard that his awesomeness remains unchallenged.

Without exception, fucktards require immersion in fucktarded subcultures in order to demonstrate group-derived personal originality (they're fucktards), often so fucktardedly as to chicken-and-egg paradox their own fucktardation. Wands, swords, or dragons are frequently involved, potentially in pot luck slurry with entirely unrelated camps of fucktardation, such as Limited An Heroism. Even though these groups helpfully enable high-accuracy associative diagnosis of fucktardation, it is important to note that some members may actually just be retards, hotards, or vegans.

Someone who has never met a fucktard will believe the above to be an exaggeration, but someone who has supposedly never met a fucktard is very likely a fucktard, so disbelief may also be considered diagnostic indication of shut up.


[edit] Biggest Fucktard Alive

And the winnar is..THIS GUY Except that it's a private profile.

Fortunately, as the purpose of this site is to settle dumbass personal scores, pallybud has served us all well, since a completely unremarkable asswipe of the fratfuck sort must clearly be the greatest of all fucktards.

[edit] Advice from a Myspace Fucktard

An evil fucktard plotting against an hero.
An evil fucktard plotting against an hero.
Typical fucktard trying to look cool or something...
Typical fucktard trying to look cool or something...
The usual 'I GET ALL THE PUSSY' fucktard pose
The usual 'I GET ALL THE PUSSY' fucktard pose

A sage fucktard muses wisely:

true love is hard to find if you are luckey enough to find it dont give it away for anything it could be all the hope you will ever have.im not just talking about boy/girlfriend true friend are wahat you really need to live. I know. it could be the difference between weather or not you try to kill your self or jut live unhappy or weather you are a happy and loveing person never forget these words. Listen to your true friends above all else. Go agenst them if you know thay are wrong. Dont let even true friends tell you not to follow your hearts desire even if thay give you a hard time dont listen follow your hearts desire its all that makes life worth living

[edit] Fucktards of the Century

A fucktard discovers bread.
A fucktard discovers bread.
3 gay wiggers aka 3 fucktards.
3 gay wiggers aka 3 fucktards.
loser+trying to be scary=fucktard.
loser+trying to be scary=fucktard.
Typical fucktard political statement.
Typical fucktard political statement.
Typical fucktard in cosplay.
Typical fucktard in cosplay.

For background drama about this list of fucktards, please see the talk page, or refer here and here. Fucktards are listed in order of fucktardation.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See Also

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