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Creator of Megatokyo, and his fat bitch. Whenever an IRL image of 4-Chan is submitted to Wookiepedia, they get their fanboys to quickly remove it.
Creator of Megatokyo, and his fat bitch. Whenever an IRL image of 4-Chan is submitted to Wookiepedia, they get their fanboys to quickly remove it.
Megatokyo in a nutshell.
Megatokyo in a nutshell.
You can guess what feelings Fred "expressed" after drawing this panel (clue: he sprained his wrist).
You can guess what feelings Fred "expressed" after drawing this panel (clue: he sprained his wrist).

Wish fulfillment fantasy webcomic for basement dwellers, hopeless otaku, and the ever-annoying Wapanese - like its creator Fred Gallagher. Megatokyo is a frankenstein-like creation that merges Fred's terrible Love Hina fanart, harem anime "comedy", and all the unfunny videogame referencing of Penny Arcade to create the most extreme example of nerd-wank in the history of mankind.

The story follows two losers who scrape up enough money to travel to a magical wonderland called "Japan", where geeks are treated as royalty, life is exactly like a dating sim, and underage Japanese school girls are so wet for basement dwellers that they will fight to the death over who gets to date an introverted whitey. 99.9% of the character's problems are the result of a misplaced cell phone, which noone can seem to keep on themselves to save their life.

The comic's motto is "Relax, we Understand j00". Many visitors to the site have breathed a sigh of relief knowing how how well they understand jews.

The crude anime fanart style art is sketchy and not inked, due to Gallagher furiously masturbating as he draws an idealized version of himself ("Piro") being fawned over by 16 year old Japanese schoolgirls. He also includes his wife in the strip, depicting her as a slim sexy fairy thing. IRL, of course, both her and her husband are complete fatties who have taken one too many blows with the ugly stick.

On July 10th, 2007, Fred announced that he knocked up his blob of fat. The demon spawn is expected to be squeezed out by next Thursday, at which point fast-food restaurants across the nation will lock their doors to save their inventory and souls.


[edit] The Forums

They're wondering what you taste like.
They're wondering what you taste like.

The MegaTokyo forums are where bad artists gather to worship Fred Gallagher, who has become something of a god of bad artistry. Threads range from "FRED-SAMA HOW CAN I DRAW LIKE A MANGA-KA LIKE YOU ;_;" and RP in which Gallagher insists on pretending to be an under-aged schoolgirl complete with a "kawaii" avatar. If anyone points out how his art style and character design is ripped off from Love hina, you will be banned.

[edit] The Break-Up

In mid 2002 Fred Gallagher decided that there could be only one writer in MT and sacked Rodney Caston and forced the comic to a whiny shojo-like manga which in online-comic terms means that you have to wait 3 weeks (or more since Fred has been known to sit on his fat ass a lot) to read a completed scene. It's in evidence that one of the reasons Caston was sacked had to do with Gallagher's greed, which is to say his wish to make more money off of MegaTokyo through not having to split it with anyone. This goes to say of course that since having Caston removed nothing funny has happened and the only person who can provide the lulz to the faithful readers is a guy who can't draw (Shirt Guy Dom).

[edit] Drama!

Before jumping the shark for good, Megatokyo predicted its own fate.
Before jumping the shark for good, Megatokyo predicted its own fate.
Enjoy the gayness.
Enjoy the gayness.

On the 15th of January 2005, professional asshole and fatty Scott Kurtz The Moon, Earth's only natural satellite and primary source of cheese trolled the crap out of Gallagher by mentioning how he'd stolen Megatokyo from his ex-lover Rodney Caston. Kurtz also managed to slip Gallagher even MOAR butthurt on the other side of the coin by pinning him like a captured butterfly, which is apt, since his ego is as delicate and fragile as one, by congratulating Caston on the birth of his newborn son, stating that it was "the one thing Piro couldn't steal from him" in the same timeframe. Since Gallagher has the self esteem of a wet tissue, he immediately threw a huge hissy fit. It is interesting to note that the ego of Gallagher is so fragile, that the least amount of self doubt, forced introspection or the concept of having fucked up royally in any capacity will reduce him to a feebly mumbling ball of angsty, self-questioning pain, often bringing his now-trademark "hiatuses" to bear on his hapless minions of fanboys and fawning catgirls, who will shit their pants without their MegaTokyo fix. Paralyzing Gallagher via this method is like the tactical MIRV warhead of the webcomic world, since it not only obliterates the target, but has a more than satisfactory collateral damage radius encompassing the fans, resulting maxi-lulz for the successful perpetrator.

"You have no idea how shocked, upset, and very... sad this comment has made me feel. Not only is it mean spirited, but by it is a lie. So much of a lie and a falsehood that i feel i have to set the record straight."

Legions of enraged Megatokyo fans sent hate mails to Kurtz, but instead of the pity and apologies Gallagher was expecting, Kurtz employed a classic "I did it for the lulz" manuever.

"Yes, I forgot the universal Internet code for 'I'm just kidding.' I know I forgot to end it with a :) or a :P so that everyone was 100 percent clear that I was just kidding. (...) This message was for all you 12-year-old-anime-cat-girls out there who want to scratch and hiss at me because I offended your God. Take a deep breath, eat some Pocky and put in the latest Ranma DVD into the player. Everything is going to be okay. Cool?"

Winner: Kurtz.

It's also worthy of note that Gallagher has a marked history of being catty towards other artists at anime conventions, probably due to insecurity or feeling otherwise threatened by these artists.

[edit] Megatokyo Hentai

Megatokyo lolikon.
Megatokyo lolikon.

When asked what would happen If Megatokyo Hentai ever sprung up on the Internets, Gallagher replied:

"well, like i said before, if i ever come across any 'megatokyo hentai' i will end the comic right then and there. I'll move on to other things."

Of course, what the Internets didn't know was, Fred had already drawn his own loli hentai, which he later persuaded Al Gore to systematically remove from the Interweb completely, threatening to sue Al and everyone else on the Internet if he didn't comply. To this day, his secret pedophilia... *is no longer a secret

On June 8, 2006 Fred-Chan finally released his loliporno to the world under the name of Blurred, claiming that it was "to be the content of Piro's sketchbook" "and was an experimental site that I toyed with to give somewhere i could post such work.". On this date, he also released another shitty megatokyo comic featuring Kimiko standing-up Piro, but seriously, who gives a fuck.

This will never happen as she's a fucking porker too
This will never happen as she's a fucking porker too

Winner: /b/

O MAI! MT Heneye. Use this resource as you will.
O MAI! MT Heneye. Use this resource as you will.

Since then, Megatokyo has gotten slightly more adult, now featuring panty shots and boobies.

[edit] External Links

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