Otaku emoticons

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Japanese smileys are interesting in the way that Otaku regularly use them in an attempt to make their emoticons looks more anime-ish, thus deserving a punch in the fucking face. Unfortunately, one cannot punch an Otaku in the face across the internets, therefore we are resorted to trolling for the lulz.

Here is a list of Otaku emoticons:

^O^User is orgasming
^_^User is looking up at the sky, waiting for a pile of shit to land on their forehead.
-_-Person using this smiley is most likely taking it up the ass, which results in a grotesque face contortion similar to -_-
o_OParis Hilton. Beware of my fucked up eye; it's bigger than the other.
O_OSame as above, except having 2 fucked up eyes
^.^Looks almost like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but Otaku don't believe in Christmas so who the fuck knows
x_xOtaku just drank poison, hopefully
^_~Just recently got cum splattered in their eye so they're trying to wink out the burning sensation
;_;Supposed to resemble a crying emoticon but it looks more like a fuckin' four-eyed extraterrestrial.
>_<Victim of trolling lulz
n_nRainbows for eyes are supposed to represent an Otaku's pride in being a faggot
T_TTelephone poles got shoved in their eyesockets
^v^O RLY???!!!!
^o^Represents an Otaku's willingness to perform fellatio on you.
=^_^=Furry smiley, stay the fuck away

Deepthroat Giving head in this series of action

._.Represents a reaction to coming across a big cock ready to accepted in any orifice.
>.>Someone shifting their eyes, attempting to find a cock to suck. If used repeatedly, failing to find a suitable cock.
(``){0.0}(``)This piece of shit is a bear. Yes, it's a bear. Its got 2 claws and a big ugly anime motherfuckin face.

BTW, if you use any of these, you should be shot and your family should be raped.

Otaku emoticons is part of a series on Language & Communication.

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