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This man wants to do it in your butt.
This man wants to do it in your butt.

Samwell (IRL name Sam Norman) takes being gay to an entirely new level with his music. Where the Village People had only bad costumes and a frantic desire to use the camera's zoom function, Samwell creates a complete homosexual sound- and videoscape with orgasmic sighs and frantically colliding (thankfully censored) torsos, which equates to an utterly disturbing video of him telling you how much you want to fuck him in the ass.


[edit] Who is Samwell?

"Samwell is something of an enigma. He represents a cross-pollination that rouses complicated thoughts. To closed eyes, Samwell is an object of hate. To eyes open to beauty, he is a symbol of love and liberation. "A gay black man 'sugared' by a more 'effeminate' nature, Samwell is also possessed of a wholehearted spiritual sensibility. Samwell is not exclusive in his invention, yet similar characters are rarely as unconflicted. Samwell is unerringly comfortable with his would-be-judged-incompatible attributes. He seeks only to inspire the more exotic of birds to love themselves and others in the process. Samwell embodies the absurd, loving, and fun nature in all of us."

-- quoted directly from the official website.

[edit] Musical debut

Samwell's most notable video was the one where he announced that you want to fuck him in the ass. The video consists of him telling you to "make your move, if you dare." This shit is seriously fucked up and the fact he maintains eye contact through the majority of the video makes you feel very unclean after watching the video, and even more so if you were touching yourself during.

[edit] Video debut

Srsly, WTF.
Srsly, WTF.

This video for "What What (In the Butt)" was released last Thursday and has become a cult classic on YouTube and other gay interest websites. The video depicts rampant buttsex and alludes to threeway twincest.

A classic qoute from the description "(Oh, and it's not a burning cross, it's a flaming cross.)", which is like saying "Oh I'm not burning this cross, I just set it alight."

[edit] Interview with Samwell

While these interviews are quite possibly scripted, the mere fact that they might not be adds much lulz to the situation.

Part 1

Part 2

[edit] Movie "career"

Samwell is to feature in a (literally) retarded, animu version of Shakespeare's Hamlet as a "communications officer." Read moar about the epic fail that will be Hamlet ADD at the IMdb.

[edit] See also

[edit] Links

Samwell is part of a series on Music.

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